
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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2762 "t" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with T
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 The Code Lerangis, Peter109
 The Crystal Mask Roberts, Katherine104
 The 5th Horseman Patterson, James & Paetro, Maxine103
 The Catch Trap Bradley, Marion Zimmer103
 The Riddle Croggon, Alison103
 The Tail of Emily Windsnap Kessler, Liz103
 tug of love dale, jenny103
 The Age of Bronze Kidd, Rob102
 The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury Bradbury, Ray102
 The Darkest Day McKiernan, Dennis L.102
 The Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath Lovecraft, Howard Phillips102
 The Drums of Autumn Gabaldon, Diana102
 The Fairy's Mistake Carson Levine, Gail102
 The field guide DiTerlizzi, Tony & black, holly102
 The Fiery Cross Gabaldon, Diana102
 The Heartless Burbank, L.G.102
 The Last of the Renshai Reichert, Mickey Zucker102
 The Sword of Cortes Kidd, Rob102
 The Western Wizard Reichert, Mickey Zucker102
 The Winter Gate Carmody, Isobelle102
 There Will Be Time Anderson, Poul102
 Touch Not the Cat Stewart, Mary102
 Tactics of Duty Keith, Jr., William H.101
 Taken Bloor, Edward101
 Tales of the Slayer Whedon, Joss101
 Tales Out of Innsmouth Price, Robert M.101
 Tantras Ciencin, Scott101
 Tapestry Of Dark Souls Bergstrom, Elaine101
 Tears of the Night Sky Berberick, Nancy Varian & Baker, Linda P.101
 Teen titans Comic Book Series DC Comics, Teen Titans Comics & , Teen titans Comic Books101
 Teenage Mermaid Schreiber, Ellen101
 Temeraire Novik, Naomi101
 Tempest's Vow Soesbee, Ree101
 Terraforming Earth Williamson, Jack101
 Test of Vengeance Nystul, Bryan101
 The 34th Rule Shimmerman, Armin & George III, David R.101
 The Accidental Vampire Sands, Lynsay101
 The Adventures of Jecosan Tarres, Book 1: The Journey Lond, Laura101
 The Adventures of Jecosan Tarres, Book 2: The Palace Lond, Laura101
 The Affirmation Priest, Christopher101
 The Alpha Treaty Marshall, DJ101
 The Annals of the Heechee Pohl, Frederik101
 The Answer Applegate, K.A.101
 The Antipope Rankin, Robert101
 The Archons of the Stars Baird, Alison101
 The Arkadians Alexander, Lloyd101
 The Art of Ruin Mist: Heroes and Villains Stanek, Robert101
 The Assassins of Tamurin Tower, S. D.101
 The Awakening Armstrong, Kelley101
 The Beacon at Alexandria Bradshaw, Gillian101
 The bear and the dragon Clancy, Tom101
 The Becoming Stein, Jeanne C.101
 The Best Australian Science Fiction Writing Gerrand, Rob101
 The Best Australian Science Fiction Writing: a Fif Gerrand, Rob101
 The Best of H P Lovecraft Lovecraft, Howard Phillips101
 The Better Part of Valor Huff, Tanya101
 The Bewitchments of Love and Hate Constantine, Storm101
 The Black Tattoo Enthoven, Sam101
 The Blood King Martin, Gail Z.101
 The Bloody Chamber Carter, Angela101
 The Bond, A Paranormal Love Story Magill, Karen101
 The Borrible Trilogy de Larrabeiti, Michael101
 The Boy Next Door Cabot, Meg101
 The Broken Kingdoms Jemisin, N.K.101
 The Bronze King Charnas, Suzy KcKee101
 The Business of Heaven Lewis, C.S.101
 The Caller of the Black Lumley, Brian101
 The Castle of the Winds Scott Rohan, Michael101
 The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern Braun, Lilian Jackson101
 The Cavern of Screaming Skulls Windham, Ryder101
 The Chamber Grisham, John101
 The Chosen of Azar Kluz, Carol101
 The Christian Way Lewis, C.S.101
 The Circle and the Cross Mor, Caiseal101
 The Claddagh Mission Leary, John101
 The Collector: Book 1 Russell, Daniel I.101
 The Compleat Khash: Volume Two - Sorcery In Shad Lumley, Brian101
 The Complete Amber Sourcebook Krulik, Theodore101
 The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Poe, Edgar Allan101
 The Covenant of the Forge Parkinson, Dan101
 The Crab Brown, Stan101
 The Crusading Wizard Stasheff, Christopher101
 The Crystal City Card, Orson Scott101
 The Cthulhu Cycle Price, Robert M.101
 The Cure Marais, Anthony101
 The Curious Quests of Brigadier Ffellowes Lanier, Sterling101
 The Curse of the Black Pearl Trimble, Irene101
 The Curse on the Chosen Irvine, Ian101
 The Damned Banks, L. A.101
 The Dark Blood of Poppies Warrington, Freda101
 The Dark Caller Cooper, Louise101
 The Dark Elf Trilogy salvatore, r.a.101
 The Dark Remains Anthony, Mark101
 The Dark River Hawks, John Twelve101
 The Dark Sleep Elrod, P. N.101
 The Dark Tower Lewis, C.S.101
 The Day the Sea Rolled Back Spillane, Mickey101
 The Dead of Night Lerangis, Peter101
 The Death Ray Lain, T. H.101
 The Deceived Myers, Bill101
 The Delta Anomaly Barba, Rick101
 The Demon Soul Knaak, Richard A.101
 The Demons in the Green Deitz, Tom101
 The Departure Applegate, K.A.101
 The Devil in Green Chadbourn, Mark101
 The Devil's Arithmetic Yolen, Jane101
 The Disinherited Lawrence, Louise101
 The Dog from Hell Bunch, Chris101
 The Doomsday Virus Silverstein, Barry101
 The Door to December Koontz, Dean101
 The Dragon Heir Chima, Cinda101
 The Dragon Lord Drake, David101
 The Dragon's Son Weis, Margaret101
 The Drowned Sword Baldry, Cherith101
 The Ebon Mask Byers, Richard Lee101
 The Endlight Event Cater, John P.101
 The Etched City Bishop, K. J.101
 The Eternal Barker, Clive101
 The Extremes Priest, Christopher101
 The Eye of the Queen Mann, Philip101
 The Face of Apollo Saberhagen, Fred101
 The Farthest Seeking Greeno, Gayle101
 The Feline Wizard Stasheff, Christopher101
 The Fight to Survive Bisson, Terry & Hand, Elizabeth101
 The First Stone Anthony, Mark101
 The Fog Herbert, James101
 The Forbidden Banks, L. A.101
 The Foreshadowing sedgwick, marcus101
 The Forge Drake, David & Stirling, S. M.101
 The Fourth Bear Fforde, Jasper101
 The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire Constantine, Storm101
 The Gathering Dark Golden, Christopher101
 The ghost of Ravenhill Rodda, Emily101
 The Gift O'Leary, Patrick101
 The Girl on the Dock Lippert, George Norman101
 The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon King, Stephen101
 The Global Wolf Pack Gollwitzer, Gabriel101
 The Godmother's Apprentice Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann101
 The Godmother's Web Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann101
 The Gods Awaken Cole, Allan101
 The Gods of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice101
 The Golden Queen Wolverton, Dave101
 The Gorn Crisis Anderson, Kevin J.101
 The Grail Doherty, Robert101
 The Grand Crusade Stackpole, Michael A.101
 the great escape dale, jenny101
 The Great Gatenby Marsden, John101
 The Great Redwall Feast Jacques, Brian101
 The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Tine, Robert101
 The Harsh Cry of the Heron Hearn, Lian101
 The Healers War Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann101
 The Hidden Life of Otto Frank Lee, Carol Ann101
 The Highwayman Salvatore, R.A.101
 The Hologram's Handbook Picardo, Robert101
 The Hounds of the Morrigan O'Shea, Pat101
 The House of Cthulhu Lumley, Brian101
 The House of Storms MacLeod, Ian R.101
 the house on fallimng star hill Molloy, Michael101
 The Houses of the Kzinti Ing, Dean101
 The Hunter's Moon Melling, O. R.101
 The Huntsman HILL, DOUGLAS101
 The Initiation and The Captive Part 1 Smith, L.J.101
 The Innkeeper's Song Beagle, Peter S.101
 The Iron Dragon's Daughter Swanwick, Michael101
 The Iron Grail Holdstock, Robert101
 The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories Wolfe, Gene101
 The Key to Midnight Koontz, Dean101
 The Killing Fields Coleman, Loren L.101
 The Killing Joke Horowitz, Anthony101
 The Kingdom Keepers Pearson, Ridley101
 The Knight of the Sacred Lake Miles, Rosalind101
 The Lake Of Souls Shan, Darren101
 The Land Of Laughs Carroll, Jonathan101
 The Land of the Silver Apples Farmer, Nancy101
 The Last Action Hero Tine, Robert101
 The Last Battlemage Radford, Irene101
 The Last Book of Swords: Shieldbreaker's Story Saberhagen, Fred101
 The Last Legion Bunch, Chris101
 The Last Planet Norton, Andre101
 The Last Thane Niles, Douglas101
 The Last Wizard Huff, Tanya101
 The Lion of Farside Dalmas, John101
 The Lion Throne Roberson, Jennifer101
 The Living Dead Lain, T. H.101
 The Lodge of the Lynx Kurtz, Katherine & Harris, Deborah Turner101
 The Loneliest Magician Radford, Irene101
 The Long Run Moran, Daniel101
 The Long Walk King, Stephen101
 The Lost World Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur101
 The Magic Faraway Tree Blyton, Enid101
 The Magician's Apprentice Canavan, Trudi101
 The Magicians of Night Hambly, Barbara101
 The Maiden #1: Out of the Ashes Koehler, Karen101
 The Man in the Tree Knight, Damon101
 The Man with the Iron Heart Turtledove, Harry101
 The Maquisarde Marley, Louise101
 The Mark of Ran Kearney, Paul101
 The Marked Man Ingrid, Charles101
 The Martian: A Novel Weir, Andy101
 The Mask and the Sorceress Jones, Dennis101
 The Meeting of the Waters Mor, Caiseal101
 The Memory of Whiteness Robinson, Kim Stanley101
 The Metaconcert May, Julian101
 The Mind Thing Brown, Fredric101
 the monkeys paw Bradbury, Ray101
 The Monsters of Morley Manor Coville, Bruce101
 The Moon-Spinners Stewart, Mary101
 The Mystery of Lord Sha L'Homme, Erik101
 The Nightmare Lands Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy101
 The Ninth Circle Bell, Alex101
 the north side of the tree Prince, Maggie101
 The Oaken Throne Jarvis, Robin101
 The Obsidian Key Thompson, Eldon101
 The Occult Detectives of C J Henderson Henderson, C. J.101
 The Olympic Conspiracy Roberts, Katherine101
 The Orb of Xoriat Bolme, Edward101
 The Perseids and Other Stories Wilson, Robert Charles101
 The Players of Gilean Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy101
 The Poison Belt Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur101
 The Power of Two Reisfeld, Randi & Gilmour, HB101
 The Prestige Priest, Christopher101
 The Princess and the Goblin MacDonald, George101
 The Prophecy Applegate, K.A.101
 The Punisher Stern, D. A.101
 the pushcart war merrill, jean101
 The Pyramid Robbery Roberts, Katherine101
 The Qliphoth Green, Paul A.101
 The Quest of the Fair Unknown Morris, Gerald101
 The Radiant Seas Asaro, Catherine101
 The Ragged Astronauts Shaw, Bob101
 The Reconciliation Barker, Clive101
 The Red Glacier Gray, Julia101
 the redwall cookbook Jacques, Brian101
 The Reliquary Ring Baldry, Cherith101
 The Renegade Dragon Radford, Irene101
 The Return of Nathan Brazil Chalker, Jack L.101
 The Riddle (Hardcover Version) Croggon, Alison101
 The Riddled Night Leith, Valery101
 The Ring of Fire Murphy, Shirley Rousseau101
 The Road to Ehvenor Rosenberg, Joel101
 The Rock Rats Bova, Ben101
 The Rose and the Skull Crook, Jeff101
 The Royal Pain Davidson, Mary Janice101
 The Ruin Byers, Richard Lee101
 The Scent of Shadows Pettersson, Vicki101
 The Seadragon's Daughter Troop, Alan F.101
 The Seagull Drovers Cockayne, Steve101
 The Second Coming Dalmas, John101
 The Second Milagro Rainwater, Linda101
 The Secret Princess Diaries Cabot, Meg101
 The Sellsword Banks, Cam101
 The Separation Priest, Christopher101
 The Serpent Gift Kaaberbol, Lene101
 The Serpent's Egg Stevermer, Caroline101
 The Shadow of His Wings Fergusson, Bruce Chandler101
 The Shadow of the Wind Zafon, Carlos Ruiz101
 The Shadow Seer Jacobs, Fran101
 The Shift Cook, Hugh101
 The Shroud of Torrington Messenger, Jeffrey101
 The Singing Croggon, Alison101
 The Singing Sword Whyte, Jack101
 The Skein of Lament Wooding, Chris101
 The Society Myers, Bill101
 The Song of the Earth Mor, Caiseal101
 The Space Merchants Pohl, Frederik & Kornbluth, C.M.101
 The Spell Myers, Bill101
 The Star Beast Heinlein, Robert A.101
 The Star of Kazan Ibbotson, Eva101
 The Starfollowers of Coramonde Daley, Brian101
 The Stars at War Vol. 1 and 2 Weber, David & White, Steve101
 The Status Civilization Sheckley, Robert101
 The Step Sister Stine, R. L.101
 The Stone Key Carmody, Isobelle101
 The Story of Doctor Dolittle Lofting, Hugh101
 The Stranger Applegate, K.A.101
 The Swarm War Denning, Troy101
 The Sword of the Dawn Moorcock, Michael101
 The Sword of the Land Brennan, Noel-Anne101
 The Sword Thief Lerangis, Peter101
 The Thieves Guild Crook, Jeff101
 The Things That Are Not There Henderson, C. J.101
 The Thran King, J. Robert101
 the tiger rising dicamillo, kate101
 The Time Thief Dorsey, Angela101
 The Time Traveler's Wife Niffenegger, Audrey101
 The Timekeeper Kidd, Rob101
 The Toyminator Rankin, Robert101
 The Transall Saga Paulsen, Gary101
 The Twits Dahl, Roald101
 The Uncrowned King West, Michelle101
 The Undead Myers, Bill101
 The Unincorporated Man Kollin, Dani & Kollin, Eytan101
 The Unlikely Ones Brown, Mary101
 The Vacant Throne Palmatier, Joshua101
 The Vanishings Jenkins, Jerry B. & Lahaye, Tim101
 The View from Serendip Clarke, Arthur C.101
 The Viper's Nest Lerangis, Peter101
 The Wallet of Kai Lung Bramah, Ernest101
 The Warlock Enraged Stasheff, Christopher101
 The Warlock Unlocked Stasheff, Christopher101
 The Warrior Returns Cole, Allan101
 The Weirdstone of Brisingamen Garner, Alan101
 The Well of Many Blessings Mor, Caiseal101
 The Well of the Goddess Mor, Caiseal101
 The Wiccan Myers, Bill101
 The Willowmere Chronicles Baird, Alison101
 The Wind in the Willows Grahame, Kenneth101
 The Winter Soldiers Kilworth, Garry101
 The Wishing Chair Again Blyton, Enid101
 The Witches of Chiswick Rankin, Robert101
 The Wizard Heir Chima, Cinda101
 The Wizard's Treasure Radford, Irene101
 The Wizardwar Cunningham, Elaine101
 The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit & Other Plays Bradbury, Ray101
 The Wrath of Leviathan Weber, Ted101
 Thirteenth Child Wrede, Patricia C.101
 This Scepter'd Isle Lackey, Mercedes & Gellis, Roberta101
 Those Who Hunt the Night Hambly, Barbara101
 Thraxas at War Scott, Martin101
 Thraxas Under Siege Scott, Martin101
 Three Against Time Cole, Allan & Perumov, Nick101
 Threshold - Volume 1: The Collected Stories of Rog Zelazny, Roger101
 Thunder from the Sea Harlow, Joan Hiatta101
 Thunder Oak Kilworth, Garry101
 Tides Of Light Benford, Gregory101
 Tiger Hunt Abbey, Lynn & Asprin, Robert101
 Tik-Tok Sladek, John101
 Time Enough For Drums Rinaldi, Ann101
 Time For The Stars Heinlein, Robert A.101
 To Catch a Pirate Parker, Jade101
 To Ride A Rathorn Hodgell, P.C.101
 To the Gates of Palanthas Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy101
 To the Stars Hubbard, L. Ron101
 Too Many Magicians Garrett, Randall101
 Tooth and Nail Silke, James101
 Total Destruction Windham, Ryder101
 Tower of Glass Silverberg, Robert101
 Traitor to the Blood Hendee, Barb & Hendee, JC101
 Traitors Rusch, Kristine Kathryn101
 Traveling With the Dead Hambly, Barbara101
 Treason in Eswy Johansen, K.V.101
 Trial by Fire Bauer, Sabine C.101
 Tribes of Redwall: Otters Jacques, Brian101
 Troy: The Shield of Thunder Gemmell, David101
 Twilight George III, David R.101
 Twilight at the Well of Souls: The Legacy of Nathan Brazil Chalker, Jack L.101
 Twilight of the Mind Ely, Michael101
 Twilight Rising, Serpent's Dream Marcellas, Diana101
 Two-Eyes Gordon, Stuart101
 The Darkest Hour Hunter, Erin9441
 The Lord of the Rings Tolkien, J.R.R.9350
 The Sight Hunter, Erin9314
 Twilight Hunter, Erin9281
 The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches Stanek, Robert9263
 The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches II Stanek, Robert9189
 The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches IV Stanek, Robert9180
 The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches III Stanek, Robert9168
 The Sight Clement-Davies, David9122
 The Silmarillion Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher989
 The Realm of the Gods Pierce, Tamora980
 The Necromancer Scott, Michael975
 Trickster's Queen Pierce, Tamora972
 The Return of the King Tolkien, J.R.R.971
 The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Adams, Douglas966
 The Sending Carmody, Isobelle955
 Taggerung Jacques, Brian944
 Trickster's Choice Pierce, Tamora943
 The Elder Gods Eddings, David & Eddings, Leigh940
 The Two Princesses of Bamarre Carson Levine, Gail940
 To Green Angel Tower Williams, Tad938
 The Amulet of Samarkand Stroud, Jonathan937
 Tailchaser's Song Williams, Tad936
 The Illearth War Donaldson, Stephen936
 The White Fox Chronicles Paulsen, Gary936
 The Fourth Apprentice Hunter, Erin1033
 The Legend of Huma Knaak, Richard A.933
 Tris's Book (Power in the Storm) Pierce, Tamora933
 The Shades of Another World:: When Evil Rises Wingate, Christian1032
 The Thief Turner, Megan Whalen932
 The Ruins of Gorlan Flanagan, John931
 The Elvenbane Norton, Andre & Lackey, Mercedes930
 The Lions of Al-Rassan Kay, Guy Gavriel929
 The Power That Preserves Donaldson, Stephen929
 The Shadow of the Torturer Wolfe, Gene929
 The Stars My Destination Bester, Alfred928
 The Opal Deception Colfer, Eoin927
 The Supernaturalist Colfer, Eoin927
 The Vor Game Bujold, Lois McMaster925
 The Elf Queen & The King III Stanek, Robert924
 The Grim Grotto Snicket, Lemony924
 The Keeping Place Carmody, Isobelle & yujktu, the924
 The Seventh Gate Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy924
 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Adams, Douglas923
 The Warrior's Apprentice Bujold, Lois McMaster923
 Talion : Revenant Stackpole, Michael A.922
 The Capture Lasky, Kathryn922
 The Cross-Time Engineer Frankowski, Leo922
 The Elf Queen & The King IV Stanek, Robert922
 The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress Heinlein, Robert A.922
 The Third Eye Duncan, Lois922
 The Burning Bridge Flanagan, John920
 The Curse of Chalion Bujold, Lois McMaster920
 The Frog Princess Baker, E.D.920
 The Last Dragonlord Bertin, Joanne920
 The Reptile Room Snicket, Lemony920
 The Sacrifice Ewing, Lynne920
 The Sword of the Lictor Wolfe, Gene920
 The Umbrella Conspiracy Perry, S. D.920
 The War Gods Own Weber, David920
 The Wishsong of Shannara Brooks, Terry920
 Time of the Twins Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy920
 The Becoming Ewing, Lynne919
 The Fire Within D'lacey, Chris919
 The Golem's Eye Stroud, Jonathan919
 The Hatchling Lasky, Kathryn919
 The Seven Songs of Merlin Barron, T.A.919
 The Wish List Colfer, Eoin919
 Test of the Twins Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy918
 The Burning Lasky, Kathryn918
 The Gap into Madness: Chaos and Order Donaldson, Stephen918
 The Hand of Chaos Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy918
 The Lightning Thief Riordan, Rick918
 The Sorceress Scott, Michael918
 The Violet Keystone Nix, Garth918
 Thief of Time Pratchett, Terry918
 The Gathering Storm Elliot, Kate917
 The Host Meyer, Stephenie917
 The Outcast Lasky, Kathryn917
 The Queen of Attolia Turner, Megan Whalen917
 The Reality Dysfunction Hamilton, Peter F.917
 The Warlock Scott, Michael917
 The Wizards and the Warriors Cook, Hugh917
 Terrier Pierce, Tamora916
 The Burning Stone Elliot, Kate916
 The Faded Sun Trilogy Cherryh, C.J.916
 The Fall Nix, Garth916
 The Gap into Power: A Dark and Hungry God Arises Donaldson, Stephen916
 The Gap into Ruin: This Day All Gods Die Donaldson, Stephen916
 The Hidden City Eddings, David916
 The One Tree Donaldson, Stephen916
 The Shining Ones Eddings, David916
 The Will of the Empress Pierce, Tamora916
 Taltos Brust, Steven915
 The Coming Storm Kidd, Rob915
 The Elven Star Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy915
 The Gap into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge Donaldson, Stephen915
 The Lays of Beleriand Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher915
 The Man Who never Missed Perry, Steve915
 The Siege Lasky, Kathryn915
 The Slippery Slope Snicket, Lemony915
 The Wounded Land Donaldson, Stephen915
 The Citadel of the Autarch Wolfe, Gene914
 The Farseekers Carmody, Isobelle914
 The Hunger Games Collins, Suzanne914
 The Kings of Clonmel Flanagan, John914
 The Last Command Zahn, Timothy914
 The Lord of Emperors Kay, Guy Gavriel914
 The Pearls of Lutra Jacques, Brian914
 The Riddle Master of Hed McKillip, Patricia A.914
 The War of the Worlds Wells, H. G.914
 Twilight/Heaven Sent Cabot, Meg914
 Taran Wanderer Alexander, Lloyd913
 The Dark Angel Pierce, Meredith Ann913
 The Fifth Elephant Pratchett, Terry913
 The Iron Tower McKiernan, Dennis L.913
 The Secret Scroll Ewing, Lynne913
 The Time Machine Wells, H. G.913
 The Diamond Age Stephenson, Neal912
 The Heart of a Warrior Hunter, Erin1012
 The Scions of Shannara Brooks, Terry912
 The Wings of Merlin Barron, T.A.912
 To Be A King Lasky, Kathryn912
 That Hideous Strength Lewis, C.S.911
 The Coming of Hoole Lasky, Kathryn911
 The Dark Rival Watson, Jude911
 The Heretic Kings Kearney, Paul911
 The Journey Lasky, Kathryn911
 The Morgoth's Ring Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher911
 The Story of the Stone Hughart, Barry911
 The Wee Free Men Pratchett, Terry911
 The Coffin Quilt Rinaldi, Ann910
 The Dark Tower Series King, Stephen910
 The Descent Long, Jeff910
 The Lost Colony Colfer, Eoin910
 The Stand King, Stephen910
 This Immortal Zelazny, Roger910
 Treason Keep Fallon, Jennifer910
 The Barbed Coil Jones, J.V.99
 The Castle of Llyr Alexander, Lloyd99
 The Crown of Dalemark Jones, Diana Wynne99
 The Drawing of the Three King, Stephen99
 The Fire Eternal D'lacey, Chris99
 The Forest House Bradley, Marion Zimmer99
 The Hand of Oberon Zelazny, Roger99
 The Iron Wars Kearney, Paul99
 The Lone Drow Salvatore, R.A.99
 The Once and Future King White, T. H.99
 The Phoenix Guards Brust, Steven99
 The Rescue Lasky, Kathryn99
 The Ring of Five Dragons Van Lustbader, Eric99
 The Seer and the Sword Hanley, Victoria99
 The Titan's Curse Riordan, Rick99
 The Warlock In Spite Of Himself Stasheff, Christopher99
 The Wide Window Snicket, Lemony99
 The Wordsmiths and the Warguild Cook, Hugh99
 To Reign in Hell Brust, Steven99
 The Adversary May, Julian98
 The Divide Kay, Elizabeth98
 The Dragons of Heorot Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry98
 The Gunslinger King, Stephen98
 The Horse Lord Morwood, Peter98
 The Invisible Man Wells, H. G.98
 The Lazarus Effect Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill98
 The Line of Polity Asher, Neal L.98
 The Lion of Senet Fallon, Jennifer98
 The Lost One Ewing, Lynne98
 The Name of the Wind Rothfuss, Patrick98
 The Princess Bride Goldman, William & Morgenstern, Simon98
 The Prophecy Unfolds Kluz, Carol98
 The Puppet Masters Heinlein, Robert A.98
 The Rising Force Wolverton, Dave98
 The Soddit Roberts, Adam98
 The Soldiers of Halla MacHale, D.J.98
 The Sweet Far Thing Bray, Libba98
 The Talismans of Shannara Brooks, Terry98
 The Women and the Warlords Cook, Hugh98
 To Sail Beyond the Sunset Heinlein, Robert A.98
 The Abolition of Man Lewis, C.S.97
 The Armageddon Rag Martin, George R.R.97
 The Armegeddon Inheritance Weber, David97
 The Artemis Fowl Files Colfer, Eoin97
 The Banished God: Avatars Hughes, Chris97
 The Blackcollar Zahn, Timothy97
 The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher97
 The Deeper Meaning of Liff Adams, Douglas & Lloyd, John97
 The Divided Allegiance Moon, Elizabeth97
 The Gift Croggon, Alison107
 The Guns of the South Turtledove, Harry97
 The I Inside Foster, Alan Dean97
 The Ninja Van Lustbader, Eric97
 The Quest for Magic Anthony, Piers97
 The Ring Chester, Deborah97
 The Secret of Dragonhome Peel, John97
 The Seer King Bunch, Chris97
 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Dick, Philip K.97
 The Vampire Armand Rice, Anne97
 Till We Have Faces Lewis, C.S.97
 Tomorrow, When the War Began Marsden, John97
 The Angel Experiment Patterson, James96
 The Dark Quetzal Roberts, Katherine106
 The Delphinus Chronicles Roane, RG96
 The Dragon of Despair Lindskold, Jane96
 The Elves and the Otterskin Boyer, Elizabeth H.96
 The Excalibur Alternative Weber, David96
 The Far Side of Evil Engdahl, Sylvia96
 The First Swords Saberhagen, Fred96
 The Forgotten Warrior Hunter, Erin96
 The Golden Torc May, Julian96
 The Lives of Christopher Chant Jones, Diana Wynne96
 The Master Cooper, Louise96
 The Return of the Shadow Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher96
 The Tar-Aiym Krang Foster, Alan Dean96
 The Vile Village Snicket, Lemony106
 The Waste Lands King, Stephen96
 The Way of the Apprentice Watson, Jude96
 The Worthing Saga Card, Orson Scott96
 This Alien Shore Friedman, C. S.96
 teachers pet dale, jenny95
 The Apocalypse Troll Weber, David95
 The Bad Place Koontz, Dean95
 The Binding Stone Bassingthwaite, Don95
 The Brother's War Grubb, Jeff95
 The Demon Princes: The Face the Book of Dream Vance, Jack95
 The Drawing of the Dark Powers, Tim95
 The Eyre Affair Fforde, Jasper95
 The Forever Hero Modesitt Jnr., L.E.95
 The Forgotten Myth Gupta, Sukrat95
 The Four Loves Lewis, C.S.95
 The Hidden Past Watson, Jude95
 The Last Defender of Camelot Zelazny, Roger95
 The Lost King Weis, Margaret95
 The Nonborn King May, Julian95
 The Odyssey Homer, -95
 The Pandora Principle Clowes, Carolyn95
 The Riddle of the Wren de Lint, Charles95
 The Scenic Route Lozon, Scott95
 The Telling Pool Clement-Davies, David95
 The Wicked and the Witless Cook, Hugh95
 The Wolf King Borchardt, Alice95
 The Year the Cloud Fell Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.95
 Time Cat Alexander, Lloyd105
 Twilight Falling Kemp, Paul95
 The Anvil of Ice Scott Rohan, Michael94
 The Backlash Mission Zahn, Timothy104
 The Book of Jhereg Brust, Steven94
 The Crow Croggon, Alison94
 The Curse of Slagfid Boyer, Elizabeth H.94
 The Demon Awakens Salvatore, R.A.94
 The Demon Spirit Salvatore, R.A.94
 The Diamond of Darkhold Duprau, Jeanne94
 The Dragon and the George Dickson, Gordon R.94
 The Dragons Eye Drake, Ernest94
 The Ear, The Eye, And The Arm Farmer, Nancy94
 The Enchantress Scott, Michael104
 The Enemies Of Jupiter Lawrence, Caroline94
 The Fall of Fyorlund Taylor, Roger94
 The Fall of Lautun Herniman, Marcus94
 The Fallen Thomson, Celia94
 The Fan Man Kotzwinkle, William94
 The Fever Kaye, Marilyn94
 The Last Light of the Sun Kay, Guy Gavriel94
 The Last Unicorn Beagle, Peter S.94
 The Maker of Universes Farmer, Philip Jose94
 The Merlin Effect Barron, T.A.94
 The Miko Van Lustbader, Eric104
 The Oathbound Wizard Stasheff, Christopher94
 The Peshawar Lancers Stirling, S. M.94
 The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King Abbey, Lynn94
 The Road To Underfall Jefferies, Mike94
 The Shining City Forsyth, Kate94
 The Star Scroll Rawn, Melanie94
 The Sword in the Stone White, T. H.94
 The Time Witches Molloy, Michael94
 The Warrior Heir Chima, Cinda94
 The Witches of Eilanan Forsyth, Kate94
 This Rough Magic Stewart, Mary94
 Tiger! Tiger! Bester, Alfred94
 Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale Black, Holly94
 To Ride Pegasus McCaffrey, Anne94
 Traitor Stover, Matthew Woodring94
 Tripoint Cherryh, C.J.94
 TrollSlayer King, William94
 Tunnels of Blood Shan, Darren94
 Twilight of the Empire Green, Simon R.104
 The Andromeda Strain Crichton, Michael93
 The Attack Applegate, K.A.93
 The BFG Dahl, Roald93
 The Big Adventure Dickson, Sarah93
 The Bloody Crown of Conan Howard, Robert E.93
 The Bloody Eye Lain, T. H.93
 The Blue Girl de Lint, Charles93
 The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Lovecraft, Howard Phillips93
 The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump Turtledove, Harry93
 The Chaos Curse Salvatore, R.A.93
 The Chessman of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice93
 The Children of Hurin Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher93
 The Complete Paratime Piper, H. Beam93
 The Confederation Handbook Hamilton, Peter F.93
 The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre93
 The Cursed Towers Forsyth, Kate93
 The Darksteel Eye Lebow, Jess93
 The Darkwood Mask LaSala, Jeff93
 The Deluge Drivers Foster, Alan Dean93
 The Difference Engine Gibson, William & Sterling, Bruce93
 The Doomfarers of Coramonde Daley, Brian93
 The Dragon Chronicles Saunders, Malcolm93
 The Dragon Mage 1: The Red Wyvern Kerr, Katharine93
 The Dream Spheres Cunningham, Elaine93
 The Encounter Applegate, K.A.93
 The False Peace Watson, Jude93
 The Family Tree Tepper, Sheri S.103
 The Fifth Dawn Herndon, Cory93
 The Fight for Truth Watson, Jude93
 The Forging of the Sword Robson, Mark93
 The Fortress City Childs, K.G.93
 The Fuller Memorandum Stross, Charles93
 The Gates of Creation Farmer, Philip Jose93
 The Gentle Giants of Ganymede Hogan, James P.93
 The Goblin Reservation Simak, Clifford D.93
 The Hawk Eternal Gemmell, David93
 The Hero of Ages Sanderson, Brandon93
 The House of Power Carman, Patrick93
 The Ivy Tree Stewart, Mary93
 The King of Sleep Mor, Caiseal103
 The Last Silk Dress Rinaldi, Ann93
 The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton (collection) Niven, Larry93
 The Mageborn Traitor Rawn, Melanie93
 The Man With the Golden Torc Green, Simon R.93
 The Mark LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B.93
 The Past Through Tomorrow Heinlein, Robert A.93
 The Pool of Two Moons Forsyth, Kate93
 The Power and the Prophet Hughes, Robert Don93
 The Power of Two Gilmore, H.B. & Reisfeld, Randi93
 The Purple Emperor Brennan, Herbie93
 The Raging Quiet Jordon, Sherryl103
 The Raven Ring Wrede, Patricia C.93
 The Reply Doherty, Robert93
 The rise and fall of darth vader Windham, Ryder93
 The Rise of The Phoenix Baker, Dawn Rivers93
 The Ruthless Burbank, L.G.103
 The Screwtape Letters Lewis, C.S.93
 The Shades of Time and Memory Constantine, Storm93
 The Shattered Land Baker, Keith93
 The Skull Of The World Forsyth, Kate93
 The Tale of Despereaux Dicamillo, Kate93
 The Templar Treasure Kurtz, Katherine & Harris, Deborah Turner93
 The Uplift War Brin, David93
 The Vampire Prince Shan, Darren93
 The Way of Kings Sanderson, Brandon93
 The Wazir and the Witch Cook, Hugh93
 The Wooden Sea Carroll, Jonathan93
 Three Hearts and Three Lions Anderson, Poul93
 To Rule in Amber Betancourt, John Gregory93
 Travels Crichton, Michael93
 Tenebrea's Hope Dawson, Roxann & Graham, Daniel102
 The Amazing Dr. Darwin Sheffield, Charles92
 The Ancient One Barron, T.A.92
 The Anvil Amulet Cladingboel, Neil Charles92
 The Battle of Evernight Dart-Thornton, Cecilia92
 The Belly of the Bow Parker, K. J.92
 The Black Tatoo Enthoven, Sam92
 The Boggart Cooper, Susan92
 The Boyfriend Stine, R. L.102
 The Burn Journals Runyon, Brent92
 The Cage of Nine Banestones Van Lustbader, Eric102
 The Call of Cthulhu Lovecraft, Howard Phillips102
 The Call to Vengeance Watson, Jude92
 The Capture Applegate, K.A.102
 The Children Of Wrath Reichert, Mickey Zucker102
 The Covenant Rising Nicholls, Stan102
 The Crippled God Erikson, Steven102
 The Dead Of The Night Marsden, John92
 The Demons at Rainbow Bridge Chalker, Jack L.92
 The Devils in the Details Blaylock, James P. & Powers, Tim102
 The Door Into Fire Duane, Diane92
 The Dragons of the Cuyahoga Swann, S. Andrew92
 The Dragon's Touchstone Radford, Irene92
 The Element of Fire Wells, Martha92
 The Eyes of God: A Novel of the Pinch Kreighbaum, Mark92
 The Fairy's Return Carson Levine, Gail92
 The Fata Morgana Frankowski, Leo92
 The Floating Island Haydon, Elizabeth92
 The Golden Key Rawn, Melanie & Roberson, Jennifer92
 The Harlequin's Dance Arden, Tom92
 The Heart of Myrial Furey, Maggie92
 The Innsmouth Cycle Price, Robert M.92
 The Jungle Drake, David92
 The Lair of Bones Farland, David92
 The Last Hope Hunter, Erin102
 The Light of the Oracle Hanley, Victoria92
 The Lion of Commare & Against the Fall of Night Clarke, Arthur C.92
 The Magic Labyrinth Farmer, Philip Jose92
 The Magickers Drake, Emily92
 The Man-Kzin Wars Niven, Larry & Anderson, Poul92
 The Master Mind of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice102
 The Merchant Prince Shimmerman, Armin & Scott, Michael92
 The Merovingen Novels Cherryh, C.J.102
 The Mission Doherty, Robert102
 The Musashi Flex Perry, Steve92
 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket Poe, Edgar Allan102
 The Oxbow Report Purington, Mike92
 The Peace War Vinge, Vernor92
 The Precipice Bova, Ben92
 The Predator Applegate, K.A.92
 The Price of Glory Keith, Jr., William H.92
 The Pride of Chanur Cherryh, C.J.92
 The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight Morris, Gerald92
 The Prophet of Lamath Hughes, Robert Don102
 The Prophet of Yonwood Duprau, Jeanne92
 The Rainbow Gate Warrington, Freda92
 The Raven Game Mor, Caiseal102
 The Reaver Road Duncan, Dave92
 The Reign of the Brown Magician Watt-Evans, Lawrence92
 The Ring of Solomon Stroud, Jonathan92
 The Royal Treatment Davidson, Mary Janice92
 The Shamers Daughter Kaaberbol, Lene92
 The Shattered Peace Watson, Jude92
 The Soulless Burbank, L.G.92
 The Staircase Rinaldi, Ann92
 The Standing Dead Pinto, Ricardo92
 The Stardust Voyages Tall, Stephen92
 The Stormcaller Lloyd, Tom92
 The Sunset Warrior Van Lustbader, Eric102
 The Switch Horowitz, Anthony102
 The Terminal Experiment Sawyer, Robert J.92
 The Twilight Watch Lukyanenko, Sergei92
 The Two Towers Visual Companion Fisher, Jude102
 The Unicorn Lassieur, Allison92
 The Unicorn Hunt Cunningham, Elaine92
 The Warrior-Prophet Bakker, R. Scott92
 The Well of Ascension Sanderson, Brandon102
 The Wolf of Winter Volsky, Paula102
 The Wounded Sky Duane, Diane92
 Thraxas Scott, Martin92
 Throne of Jade Novik, Naomi92
 Tong Lashing David, Peter92
 Tribulation Force LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B.92
 true teamwork de'villers, julia92
 Tales of the Vulgar Unicorn Asprin, Robert91
 Terminator Gene Irvine, Ian91
 terrier in the tinsel baglio, ben91
 The Andalite's Gift Applegate, K.A.91
 The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl Lyga, Barry91
 The Awakeners: Northshore & Southshore Tepper, Sheri S.91
 The Babylon Game Roberts, Katherine91
 The Bastard King Chernenko, Dan91
 The Battle of the Hammer Worlds Paul, Graham Sharp91
 The Beasts of Clawstone Castle Ibbotson, Eva & Hawkes, Kevin91
 The Bitten Banks, L. A.91
 The Black Magician Omnibus Canavan, Trudi91
 The Black Throne Zelazny, Roger & Saberhagen, Fred91
 The Blood of the Land Brennan, Noel-Anne91
 The Branch Resnick, Mike91
 The Butcher's Bill Drake, David91
 The Camelot Spell Gilman, Laura Anne91
 The Candy Shop War Mull, Brandon91
 The Case of the Tom Cat Reich, Cherie91
 The Centauri Device Harrison, M. John91
 The Centurion's Empire McMullen, Sean91
 The Chalk Giants Roberts, Keith91
 The Change Applegate, K.A.91
 The Children of Willow Farm Blyton, Enid91
 The Claus Effect Schroeder, Karl91
 The Clock of Dreams Lumley, Brian91
 The Cobra King of Kathmandu kerr, p.b.91
 The Compass of the Soul Russell, Sean91
 The Courtship of Princess Leia Wolverton, Dave91
 The Cracked Throne Palmatier, Joshua91
 The Crane Soesbee, Ree91
 The Crimson Sword Thompson, Eldon91
 The Crown of Silence Constantine, Storm91
 The Dark Beneath Gibbons, Alan91
 The Dark Light Years Aldiss, Brian91
 the day my butt went psyco Griffiths, andy91
 The Depths of Time Allen, Roger MacBride91
 The Disciples of Cthulhu Berglund, Edward P.91
 The Discovery Applegate, K.A.91
 The Door in the Lake Butts, Nancy91
 The Dragon at War Dickson, Gordon R.91
 The Dragon Circle Radford, Irene91
 The Dragon Lord Morwood, Peter91
 The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll Dickson, Gordon R.91
 The Dunwich Cycle Price, Robert M.91
 The Dwarves of Whiskey Island Swann, S. Andrew91
 The Eagle's Brood Whyte, Jack91
 The Early History of Ambergris by Duncan Shriek VanderMeer, Jeff91
 The Elves of Cintra Brooks, Terry91
 The Emperor of Dreams Smith, Clark Ashton91
 The Empire of the Stars Baird, Alison91
 The Empire Stone Bunch, Chris91
 The Engine's Child Phillips, Holly91
 The Escape Applegate, K.A.91
 The Ethos Effect Modesitt Jnr., L.E.91
 The Exposed Applegate, K.A.91
 The Fantasies of Robert A. Heinlein Heinlein, Robert A.91
 The Fellowship of the Talisman Simak, Clifford D.91
 The Foundling: And Other Tales of Prydain Alexander, Lloyd91
 The Friar's Lantern: Mission: Le Miroir sans Visage -The Faceless Mirror- Will, Daniel91
 The Fugitive Worlds Shaw, Bob91
 The Galactic Seven Wilson, M H91
 The Generals President Dalmas, John91
 The Ghost of Grania O'Malley Morphurgo, Micheal91
 The Glamour Priest, Christopher91
 The Gold Coast Robinson, Kim Stanley91
 The Golden Thread Charnas, Suzy KcKee91
 The Great Tree of Avalon Barron, T.A.91
 The Harlequin Hamilton, Laurell K.91
 The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope Bradbury, Ray91
 The Haunted Wizard Stasheff, Christopher91
 The Haunting Ewing, Lynne91
 The Hidden Stars Howard, Madeline91
 The High Crusade Anderson, Poul91
 The High House Stoddard, James91
 The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse Rankin, Robert91
 The Hollow Earth Rucker, Rudy91
 The Hork-Baijr Chronicles Applegate, K.A.91
 The Horse Goddess Llywelyn, Morgan91
 The Hutt Gambit Crispin, A.C.91
 The Illustrated Roger Zelazny Zelazny, Roger & Priess, Byron91
 The Irda Baker, Linda P.91
 The Key of the Keplian Norton, Andre & McConchie, Lyn91
 The Kindly Ones Scott, Melissa91
 The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon Allende, Isabel91
 The Lake House Patterson, James91
 The Lake of Tears Rodda, Emily91
 The Lantern of God Dalmas, John91
 The Last Days Westerfeld, Scott91
 The Last Dog on Earth Ehrenhaft, Daniel91
 The Last Hawk Asaro, Catherine91
 The Last Watch Lukyanenko, Sergei91
 The Legacy of Merlin Flood, Eloise & Burge, Constance M.91
 The Light of Burning Shadows Evans, Chris91
 The Lizard War Dalmas, John91
 The Lord of Castle Black Brust, Steven91
 The Lurking Fear and Other Stories Lovecraft, Howard Phillips91
 The Magic Toyshop Carter, Angela91
 The Malacia Tapestry Aldiss, Brian91
 The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy Ashley, Mike91
 The Man-Kzin Wars II Niven, Larry91
 The Message Applegate, K.A.91
 The Modular Man Allen, Roger MacBride91
 The Nameless Day Douglass, Sara91
 The Nyarlathotep Cycle Price, Robert M.91
 The Only Thing to Fear Henderson, C. J.91
 The Painted Man Brett, Peter91
 The Persistence of Vision Varley, John91
 The Pinhoe Egg Jones, Diana Wynne91
 The power of love Chandler, Elizabeth91
 The Pretender Applegate, K.A.91
 The Princess of Flames Emerson, Ru91
 The Protector's War Stirling, S. M.91
 The Puppet King Niles, Douglas91
 the puppy project dale, jenny91
 The Qualinesti Thompson, Paul B. & Cook, Tonya C.91
 The Radiant Dragon Cunningham, Elaine91
 The Rain Song Grove, Janice91
 The Regiment Dalmas, John91
 The Regiment - A Trilogy Dalmas, John91
 The Regiment’s War Dalmas, John91
 The Rest of the Robots Asimov, Isaac91
 The Revelation Applegate, K.A.91
 The River of the Dancing Gods Chalker, Jack L.91
 The Run to Chaos Keep Chalker, Jack L.91
 The Runes of the Earth Donaldson, Stephen91
 The Scarab Fisher, Catherine91
 The Sea of Mist Odom, Mel91
 The Secret Applegate, K.A.91
 The Secret Countess Ibbotson, Eva91
 The Serpent Bride Douglass, Sara91
 The Seven Towers Wrede, Patricia C.91
 The Shadow Club Shusterman, Neal91
 The Sheep Look Up Brunner, John91
 The Shield Ring Sutcliff, Rosemary91
 The Shores of Tomorrow Allen, Roger MacBride91
 The Silver Glove Charnas, Suzy KcKee91
 The Simoqin Prophecies Basu, Samit91
 The Six Book of Lost Swords: Mindsword's Story Saberhagen, Fred91
 The Song of the Orphans Price, Daniel91
 The Sorcerer’s Gun Garrison, Peter91
 The Sprouts of Wrath Rankin, Robert91
 The Spy Who Haunted Me Green, Simon R.91
 The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World Harrison, Harry91
 The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge Harrison, Harry91
 The Stone Within Wingrove, David91
 The Sum of All Men Farland, David91
 The Summoning Armstrong, Kelley91
 The System of the World Stephenson, Neal91
 The Tank Lords Drake, David91
 The Threat Applegate, K.A.91
 The Truth-teller's Tale Shinn, Sharon91
 The United States of Atlantis Turtledove, Harry91
 The Unknown Applegate, K.A.91
 The Usurper Daniells, Rowena Cory91
 The Voyage of the Sable Keech Asher, Neal L.91
 The Walled Orchard Holt, Tom91
 The War Against the Rull Van Vogt, A. E.91
 The Warning Applegate, K.A.91
 The Warrior Drake, David91
 The Wee Time Traveller Hawksville, Alexander91
 The Weird of the White Wolf Moorcock, Michael91
 The Whims of Creation Hawke, Simon91
 The White Regiment Dalmas, John91
 The Wild Hunt: Vengeance Moon Foxe, Jocelin91
 The Wisdom of War Golden, Christopher91
 The Witches of Karres Schmitz, James H.91
 The Witch's Daughter Salvatore, R.A.91
 The Wizard Wolfe, Gene91
 The Wizard Test Bell, Hilari91
 The Wizard's Fate Thompson, Paul B. & Cook, Tonya C.91
 The Woman Who Loved Wild Reindeer Pierce, Meredith Ann91
 The Wooden Spaceships Shaw, Bob91
 The X-Files: I Want to Believe Collins, Max Allan91
 Theories of Flight Morden, Simon91
 They Also Serve Moscoe, Mike91
 They Walked Like Men Simak, Clifford D.91
 Thieves World Asprin, Robert91
 Thieve's World Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn91
 Thirteen Orphans Lindskold, Jane91
 Thraxas and the Ice Dragon Scott, Martin91
 Thraxas and the Warrior Monks Scott, Martin91
 Tiger's Realm Grubbe, Kevin91
 Tilting the Balance Turtledove, Harry91
 Time Spiral McGough, Scott91
 To Catch a Thief Lackey, Mercedes91
 Top Ten Moore, Alan91
 Tor SF Doubles No. 12 Zelazny, Roger & Wilhelm, Kate91
 Touch the Dark Chance, Karen91
 Trailer Park Fairy Tales Dinniman, Matt91
 Treasure at the Heart of the Tanglewood Pierce, Meredith Ann91
 Triangulation: End of Time Thorne, Geoffrey91
 Tribes of Redwall: Badgers Jacques, Brian91
 Tribes of Redwall: Mice Jacques, Brian91
 Triple Zero Traviss, Karen91
 Tunnels Gordon, Roderick & Williams, Brian91
 Turn Coat Butcher, Jim91
 Twelve Stories and a Dream Wells, H. G.91
 The Eye of the World Jordan, Robert8139
 The Lost Warrior Hunter, Erin9127
 The Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien, J.R.R.9110
 The Hobbit Tolkien, J.R.R.9104
 Twilight Meyer, Stephenie982
 The Woman Who Rides Like A Man Pierce, Tamora871
 The Dragonbone Chair Williams, Tad959
 The Great Hunt Jordan, Robert959
 The Redemption of Althalus Eddings, David & Eddings, Leigh857
 The Two Towers Tolkien, J.R.R.956
 The Shadow Rising Jordan, Robert851
 The Black Company Cook, Glen949
 The Amber Spyglass Pullman, Philip947
 The Dragon Reborn Jordan, Robert947
 The Eternity Code Colfer, Eoin943
 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lewis, C.S.943
 The Mists of Avalon Bradley, Marion Zimmer941
 The Deed of Paksenarrion Moon, Elizabeth940
 The Fires of Heaven Jordan, Robert840
 The Elfstones of Shannara Brooks, Terry939
 The Sword of Shannara Brooks, Terry839
 The Bad Beginning Snicket, Lemony838
 The Golden Compass Pullman, Philip837
 Tigana Kay, Guy Gavriel937
 The First Chronicles of Amber Zelazny, Roger834
 The Subtle Knife Pullman, Philip832
 The Forever War Haldeman, Joe930
 The Arctic Incident Colfer, Eoin829
 The Diamond Throne Eddings, David829
 The Dark Hills Divide Carman, Patrick928
 The Mad Ship Hobb, Robin828
 The Magic of Recluce Modesitt Jnr., L.E.828
 The Wish Carson Levine, Gail928
 The Treasured One Eddings, David & Eddings, Leigh927
 The Emperor Of Nihon-Jin Flanagan, John926
 The Sapphire Rose Eddings, David926
 The Seventh Dwarf Colfer, Eoin926
 The Man of Gold Barker, M. A. R.825
 The Ruby Knight Eddings, David925
 The Summer Tree Kay, Guy Gavriel925
 The Last Battle Lewis, C.S.824
 The Penultimate Peril Snicket, Lemony924
 The Dosadi Experiment Herbert, Frank923
 Triss Jacques, Brian823
 Talon of the Silver Hawk Feist, Raymond E.822
 The Chronicles of Narnia Lewis, C.S.922
 The Honor of the Queen Weber, David822
 The Scar Mieville, China822
 The Horse and His Boy Lewis, C.S.820
 The Player of Games Banks, Iain M.920
 The Anubis Gate Powers, Tim919
 The Eye of the Hunter McKiernan, Dennis L.919
 The Shadow of a Dark Queen Feist, Raymond E.819
 The Warus and the Warwolf Cook, Hugh919
 The Book of Lost Tales, Part One Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher818
 The Claw of The Conciliator Wolfe, Gene918
 The Creature in the Case Nix, Garth918
 The Darkest Road Kay, Guy Gavriel918
 The Hero and the Crown McKinley, Robin818
 The Left Hand of Darkness Le Guin, Ursula K.818
 The Legend of Luke Jacques, Brian818
 The Prophecy of the Stones Bujor, Flavia918
 The Rowan McCaffrey, Anne818
 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Lewis, C.S.818
 The Wasp Factory Banks, Iain M.818
 The White Rose Cook, Glen918
 Tuf Voyaging Martin, George R.R.818
 Tenth Kingdom Wesley, Kathryn817
 The Colour of Magic Pratchett, Terry917
 The Farthest Shore Le Guin, Ursula K.817
 The Mirror of Her Dreams Donaldson, Stephen917
 The Ragwitch Nix, Garth917
 The Thief Lord Funke, Cornelia917
 The Tombs of Atuan Le Guin, Ursula K.817
 The Witchlord and the Weaponmaster Cook, Hugh817
 The Crystal Shard Salvatore, R.A.916
 The Dark Glory War Stackpole, Michael A.816
 The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend Gemmell, David916
 The Invisible Ring Bishop, Anne816
 The Pillars of the World Bishop, Anne816
 The Rivan Codex Eddings, David916
 The Wandering Fire Kay, Guy Gavriel916
 Terrarium: Um Romance em Mosaicos Barreiros, João & Silva, Luís Filipe915
 The Bakers Boy Jones, J.V.815
 The Black Gryphon Lackey, Mercedes & Dixon, Larry815
 The Bonehunters Erikson, Steven915
 The Doom Brigade Weis, Margaret & Perrin, Don915
 The Gathering Storm Jordan, Robert & Sanderson, Brandon915
 The Many-coloured Land May, Julian815
 The Silver Chair Lewis, C.S.815
 The War of the Flowers Williams, Tad915
 Time Enough for Love Heinlein, Robert A.915
 To Your Scattered Bodies Go Farmer, Philip Jose815
 The Dispossessed Le Guin, Ursula K.814
 The Ersatz Elevator Snicket, Lemony914
 The Forest of Silence Rodda, Emily914
 The Giver Lowry, Lois914
 The Knight of the Word Brooks, Terry814
 The Masterharper of Pern McCaffrey, Anne814
 To Light A Candle Lackey, Mercedes & Mallory, James914
 Transformation Berg, Carol814
 Tanequil Brooks, Terry813
 The Great Book of Amber Zelazny, Roger813
 The House of the Scorpion Farmer, Nancy813
 The Jesus Incident Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill913
 The Mirror of Merlin Barron, T.A.913
 The Queen of the Damned Rice, Anne813
 The Second Empire Kearney, Paul913
 The Veil of a Thousand Tears Van Lustbader, Eric913
 Tree and Leaf Tolkien, J.R.R.913
 The Bellmaker Jacques, Brian912
 The City of Ember Duprau, Jeanne912
 The Crystal Gorge Eddings, David & Eddings, Leigh812
 The Curse of the Mistwraith Wurts, Janny912
 The Dragonstone McKiernan, Dennis L.912
 The Icebound Land Flanagan, John912
 The Jackal of Nar Marco, John912
 The Losers Eddings, David912
 The Man in the High Castle Dick, Philip K.912
 The Mote in God's Eye Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry912
 The Siege of Mackindaw Flanagan, John812
 The Silent Blade Salvatore, R.A.812
 The Tales of the Dying Earth Vance, Jack912
 Timeline Crichton, Michael912
 The Alchemyst Scott, Michael911
 The Cat Who Walks Through Walls Heinlein, Robert A.911
 The Druid of Shannara Brooks, Terry811
 The Elf Queen of Shannara Brooks, Terry811
 The Forgotten Beasts of Eld McKillip, Patricia A.911
 The Goose Girl Hale, Shannon911
 The Hedge Knight Martin, George R.R.911
 The Killing Dance Hamilton, Laurell K.811
 The Light Fantastic Pratchett, Terry811
 The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul Adams, Douglas811
 The Long Patrol Jacques, Brian911
 The Moat Around Murcheson's Eye Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry811
 The Named Curley, Marianne911
 The Never War MacHale, D.J.911
 The Princess Diaries Cabot, Meg911
 The Prophecy Ewing, Lynne811
 The Reality Dysfunction : Emergence Hamilton, Peter F.811
 The Shiva Option Weber, David & White, Steve811
 The Short Victorious War Weber, David911
 The Truth Pratchett, Terry811
 The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide Meyer, Stephenie811
 The Vampire Lestat Rice, Anne811
 Talking to Dragons Wrede, Patricia C.910
 The Austere Academy Snicket, Lemony910
 The Blue Sword McKinley, Robin910
 The Car Paulsen, Gary810
 The Crow Road Banks, Iain M.810
 The Darkness That Comes Before Bakker, R. Scott910
 The First King of Shannara Brooks, Terry910
 The Grand Design Marco, John810
 The Guns of Avalon Zelazny, Roger910
 The Halfing's Gem Salvatore, R.A.810
 The Icarus Hunt Zahn, Timothy910
 The King Beyond The Gate Gemmell, David810
 The Laughing Corpse Hamilton, Laurell K.910
 The Legacy of Heorot Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry910
 The Lost City of Faar MacHale, D.J.910
 The Lunatic Cafe Hamilton, Laurell K.910
 The Naked God Hamilton, Peter F.910
 The Oathbound Lackey, Mercedes810
 The Paradise War Lawhead, Stephen810
 The Pearl from the Soul of the World Pierce, Meredith Ann810
 The Prince of Shadow Benjamin, Curt810
 The Reality Bug MacHale, D.J.910
 The Secret of the Unicorn Roberts, Rachel910
 The Shattering Lasky, Kathryn910
 The Ship who Searched McCaffrey, Anne & Lackey, Mercedes810
 The Skies of Pern McCaffrey, Anne810
 The Source Lumley, Brian810
 The Sword Chester, Deborah810
 The Sword of Shannara Trilogy Brooks, Terry910
 The Tangle Box Brooks, Terry910
 The Two Swords Salvatore, R.A.910
 The Way Between the Worlds Irvine, Ian910
 The White Dragon (the 1st two chapters) McCaffrey, Anne910
 The Wild Machines Gentle, Mary910
 Trial by Fire Roberts, Rachel810
 Triumph of the Darksword Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy910
 Taliesin Lawhead, Stephen89
 The Bacta War Stackpole, Michael A.99
 The Carnivorous Carnival Snicket, Lemony99
 The China Garden Berry, Liz99
 The Courts of Chaos Zelazny, Roger89
 The Fall of Hyperion Simmons, Dan89
 The First Collier Lasky, Kathryn99
 The Lost Years of Merlin Barron, T.A.99
 The Miserable Mill Snicket, Lemony99
 The Outstretched Shadow Lackey, Mercedes & Mallory, James99
 The Radiant Warrior Frankowski, Leo89
 The Savage Caves Lain, T. H.99
 The Second Generation Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy89
 The Stainless Steel Rat Harrison, Harry99
 The Tenth City Carman, Patrick89
 The Tower on the Rift Irvine, Ian99
 The Trail of the Jedi Watson, Jude99
 The Valley of the Horses Auel, Jean M.89
 The White Dragon (the rest of the book) McCaffrey, Anne89
 The Wizard's Dilemma Duane, Diane89
 Thief of Lives Hendee, Barb & Hendee, JC99
 To Say Nothing of the Dog Willis, Connie89
 Turning Point Norman, Lisanne89
 The Briar King Keyes, J. Gregory98
 The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall McCaffrey, Anne98
 The Dark Curley, Marianne88
 The Dastard Anthony, Piers88
 The Deep End of Fear Chandler, Elizabeth98
 The Demolished Man Bester, Alfred88
 The Door into Summer Heinlein, Robert A.88
 The Fifth Head of Cerberus Wolfe, Gene88
 The Final Empire Sanderson, Brandon88
 The Fires of Merlin Barron, T.A.98
 The First Name Schmidt, Dennis88
 The Golden Tree Lasky, Kathryn