
Series: Misc
Genre: SF
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 3
The Hollow Man by Dan SimmonsDescription: This SF/Horror novel is the first book of Dan Simmons I've read since finishing with the Hyperion and Endymion books. This book though completely different then Hyperion and Endymion is one great, fast, and enjoyable read.
I found the charcters very interesting and well written. Miz Fayette Morgan from the book was just simply shocking.
I found the book fast paced and very enjoyable. This book has got me exiceted for other Simmons books. Namely 'Carrion Comfort' which recieved the Horror Writers of Americas highest honor, 'Song of Kali' wihich won the World Fanatasy Award and 'Phases of Gravity' Hugo and Nebula award finalists.
Well here is the description from the back.
'Jeremy Bremen has a secret. All his life he's been cursed with the ability to read minds. He knows the secret thoughts, fears, and desires of others as if they were his own. For years, his wife, Gail, has served as a shield between Jeremy and the burden of this terrible knowledge. But Gail is dying, her mind ebbing slowly away, leaving him vulnerable to the chaotic flood of thoughts that threatens to sweep away his sanity.
Now Jeremy is on the run-from his mind, from his past, from himself-hoping to find peace in isolation. Instead he witnesses an act of brutality that propels him on a treacherous trek across a dark dangerous America. From fantrasy theme park to the lair of a killer to a sterile hospital room in St. Louis, he follows a voice that is calling him to witness the stuning mystery at the heart of mortality.'
I'd recommend this book to anyone. If you've only read the Hyperion and Endymion books give some of Simmons other books a stab.
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