Home Margaret Weis, Don Perrin The Knights of the Black Earth

The Knights of the Black Earth (Mag Force)
Series: Mag Force
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0451454251
Pages: 420 pages
Publisher: Penguin Group , The
Price: 18.95
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 3
The Knights of the Black Earth by Margaret Weis & Don Perrin

Description: They are the finest mercenary squad in the known universe, agents who carry out missions too hot for anyone else to handle. No one can stand against them and nothing can divide them - except their leader, Xris, who is on a mission of vengeance against the comrade who betrayed him years before and left him to be transformed into a cyborg. Now at last the traitor is within his reach. yet before Xris can claim his revenge, he and his menare recruited for a job they cannot turn down. For th knights of the Black Earth have obtained the one weapon which can strike at the very heart of the galactic government. And Xris's only hope of stopping them lies in joining forces with an old enemy...

Set in the same universe as The Star of the Guardian series.

Also in this series are Robot Blues, Hung Out Return to the Margaret Weis page, Don Perrin page.

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