
Series: Guardians Of Ga'hoole
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0439405572
Pages: 144 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Price: $4.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 22
The Capture by Kathryn LaskyDescription: Deep in the forest of Tyto, nestled into the arms of the fir trees, the Barn Owls dwell. Soren is born into their tranquil kingdom. But evil lurks in the owl world, evil that threatens to shatter Tyto's peace and change the course of Soren's life forever.
First eggs begin to mysteriously disappear from their nests, then Soren himself is captured by a part of strange yellow-eyed owls. He finds himself in a dark and forbidding canyon. It's called an orphanage, the St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls, but Soren knows it's something far worse. Within his gizzard, the hope for escape remains alive, no matter how many rules, punishments, and sleepless days he faces at St. Aggie's. He and his best friend, Gylfie, know the only way out of this place is up, so they will need to do something they have never done before - fly.
Also in this series are Guardians of Ga'Hoole: A Guide Book to the Great T, The Journey, The Rescue, The Siege, The Shattering, The Burning, The Hatchling, The Outcast, The First Collier, The Coming of Hoole, To Be A King, The Golden Tree, River of Wind, Exile, The War of the Ember
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