 Home  Authors Robert Holdstock

About Author
Robert Holdstock shared his childhood years between the bleak Romney Marsh and the dense woods of the Kentish heartlands. After several years of research in the field of medical zoology, he became a full-time writer of science fiction and fantasy in 1975. He lives in London, but escapes to the forests whenever possible.

Awarded The British Fantasy Society Special Award: the Karl Edward Wagner Award in 2010.

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Books (Sort by Title)[11 books listed]
 Merlin Codex VolumeYearRating
 The Iron Grail2200210/10
 The Broken Kings32006n/a

 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Ancient Echoesn/an/an/a
 John Boorman's the Emerald Forest with John Boormann/a1985n/a
 Unknown Regionsn/a1996n/a

 Mythago VolumeYearRating
 Mythago Woodn/a19849/10
 The Bone Forestn/a19926/10
 The Hollowingn/a1994n/a
 Gate of Ivory, Gate of Hornn/a2003n/a
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