Home Stephen Lawhead The Silver Hand

The Silver Hand (Song of Albion)
Series: Song of Albion
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0310218225
Pages: 399 pages
Publisher: Zondervan Publishing House
Price: 12.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 6
The Silver Hand by Stephen Lawhead

Description: Picture a world intricately entwined with our own yet separate, pulsing with the raw energy and vivid color of Celtic myth come to life. Picture Albion. And enter Lewis Gillies, an Oxford student whose search for a missing friend leads him through a door to another reality -- and unimagined discoveries about life, good and evil, and his own identity and destiny. “Before Albion is one, the Hero Feat must be performed and Silver Hand must reign.” The words of a prophetess foretell a coming king. But Lewis, as Albion's renowned champion Llew, has a more immediate concern: retrieving the treacherous Siawn-Hy, who has eluded him in the doorway between worlds -- and who now, lusting for power, has allied himself with the usurper Meldron. Forced to flee for their lives, Llew and the bard Tegid, both horribly wounded, find refuge deep in Albion’s heartland. Under their leadership, a wilderness citadel arises . . . and in the heat of battle, the miraculous reign of Silver Hand begins.

Also in this series are The Paradise War, The Endless Knot Return to the Stephen Lawhead page.

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