
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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172 "g" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with G
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Gregor and the Code of Claw Collins, Suzanne102
 Grey Hunter King, William102
 Galactic Corps Douglas, Ian101
 Galaxy in Flames Counter, Ben101
 Geomancer Callander, Don101
 Ghost Ringo, John101
 Ghost In The Machine Carman, Patrick101
 Ghost Roads Golden, Christopher & Holder, Nancy101
 Ghost Story Straub, Peter101
 Girl at Sea Johnson, Maureen101
 Girl in a Swing Adams, Richard101
 Going Bovine Bray, Libba101
 Gold Fever Dorsey, Angela101
 Gone Grant, Michael101
 Good Dog Balban, Bob101
 Goomi's Unspeakable Vault of Doom Launet, Francois101
 Gormglaith Wyss, Heidi101
 Graceling Cashore, Kristin101
 Great Sky River Benford, Gregory101
 Grumbles From The Grave Heinlein, Robert A.101
 Guardian Of The Balance Radford, Irene101
 Guardian: Saviors of Kamigawa McGough, Scott101
 Guenevere : Queen of the Summer Country : A Novel Miles, Rosalind101
 Guide to the Territories of Halla MacHale, D.J.101
 Guardians of the West Eddings, David946
 Grim Tuesday Nix, Garth930
 Goddess of the Night Ewing, Lynne924
 Geomancer Irvine, Ian921
 Ghost Wolf Roberts, Rachel1016
 Gust Front Ringo, John913
 Gateway Pohl, Frederik99
 Glory Lane Foster, Alan Dean96
 Golem in the Gears Anthony, Piers96
 Grave Peril Butcher, Jim96
 Gil's All Fright Diner Martinez, A. Lee95
 Glimmer in the Maelstrom Cusack, Louise94
 Gibbon's Decline and Fall Tepper, Sheri S.93
 Give Me Five Cabot, Meg93
 goat in the garden baglio, ben93
 Green Horse Summer Pullum, Isolde93
 Green Horse winter Pullum, Isolde93
 Ghostworld Green, Simon R.92
 Glenraven Lisle, Holly & Bradley, Marion Zimmer92
 Groa's Other Eye Schmidt, Dennis92
 Groosham Grange Horowitz, Anthony92
 Guards of Haven Green, Simon R.92
 Galactic North Reynolds, Alastair91
 Game-players of Titan Dick, Philip K.91
 Ghost Story Butcher, Jim91
 Gilded Latten Bones Cook, Glen91
 Glass Hopkins, Ellen91
 Glasshouse Stross, Charles91
 Godslayer Carey, Jacqueline91
 Golden Fleece Sawyer, Robert J.91
 Grailblazers Holt, Tom91
 Grave Covenant Stackpole, Michael A.91
 Gravity Dreams Modesitt Jnr., L.E.91
 Gardens of the Moon Erikson, Steven8270
 Good Omens Pratchett, Terry & Gaiman, Neil953
 Golden Fool Hobb, Robin935
 God Emperor of Dune Herbert, Frank933
 Guards! Guards! Pratchett, Terry926
 Green Rider Britain, Kristen822
 Gallows Hill Duncan, Lois821
 Grass for His Pillow Hearn, Lian915
 Guilty Pleasures Hamilton, Laurell K.915
 God Stalk Hodgell, P.C.913
 Gene Pavlou, Stel911
 Glory Road Heinlein, Robert A.811
 Gridlinked Asher, Neal L.811
 Ghosts of Onyx Nylund, Eric S.910
 Golden Witchbreed Gentle, Mary99
 Gregor the Overlander Collins, Suzanne99
 Guardians of the Lost Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy89
 Ghost King Gemmell, David88
 Green Angel Hoffman, Alice98
 Gathering Blue Lowry, Lois97
 God in the Dock Lewis, C.S.97
 Grass Tepper, Sheri S.97
 Gregor and the Marks of Secret Collins, Suzanne97
 Grey Lensman Smith, E.E. 'Doc'86
 Galapagos Vonnegut, Kurt85
 Giantslayer King, William85
 Glory Season Brin, David85
 God's Concubine Douglass, Sara95
 Goddess of the Ice Realm Drake, David84
 Greylands Carmody, Isobelle94
 Gypsy Brust, Steven84
 Gaea: Beyond the Son Gilson, P. D.83
 Galen Beknighted Williams, Michael83
 Garan the Eternal Norton, Andre83
 Ghost Boy Lawrence, Iain93
 Ghost Legion Weis, Margaret83
 Giants' Star Hogan, James P.83
 Gossamer Lowry, Lois83
 Ground Zero Anderson, Kevin J.83
 Guardian of the Trust Radford, Irene83
 Galactic Patrol Smith, E.E. 'Doc'82
 Generation Warriors McCaffrey, Anne & Moon, Elizabeth82
 Gifts Le Guin, Ursula K.82
 Glitterspike Hall Jefferies, Mike82
 Going Postal Pratchett, Terry82
 Granny Horowitz, Anthony82
 Guard Against Dishonour Green, Simon R.82
 Guardians of the Keep Berg, Carol82
 Gaining Mind of Peace Mac Nair, Rachel81
 Galilee Barker, Clive81
 Gatherer of Clouds Russell, Sean81
 Genetopia Brooke, Keith81
 Ghostcountry's Wrath Deitz, Tom81
 Ghosts in the Snow Jones, Tamara Siler81
 Ghostwood de Lint, Charles81
 Give Me Back My Legions! Turtledove, Harry81
 Glass Houses Caine, Rachel81
 Glory In Death Robb, J. D.81
 Golgotha Run Stone, Dave81
 Good Old-fashioned Future Sterling, Bruce81
 Greystone Merriweather, Kimberly81
 Garden of Rama Clarke, Arthur C. & Lee, Gentry77
 Green Mars Robinson, Kim Stanley86
 Geis of the Gargoyle Anthony, Piers85
 Gate of Ivrel Cherryh, C.J.84
 Gold Asimov, Isaac84
 Gormenghast Peake, Mervyn74
 Gossamer Axe Baudino, Gael84
 Green Monkey Dreams Carmody, Isobelle84
 Guardian Knights of the Round Table Dorsey, Derik84
 Gods of Riverworld Farmer, Philip Jose73
 Great Good Thing, The Townley, Roderick73
 Great Kings' War Carr, John & Green, Roland73
 Green Horse Hotel Pullum, Isolde73
 Gregor And The Curse Of The Warmbloods Collins, Suzanne83
 Guardians of Ga'Hoole: A Guide Book to the Great T Lasky, Kathryn73
 Got Fangs?: Confessions of a Vampire's Girlfriend Maxwell, Katie72
 Grainne Roberts, Keith82
 Guardian of the Vision Radford, Irene82
 Genghis: Birth of an Empire: A Novel Iggulden, Conn71
 Ghost Train Laws, Stephen71
 Gideon Laws, Stephen71
 Goddesses Nagata, Linda71
 goose on the loose baglio, ben71
 Greenthieves Foster, Alan Dean71
 Gremlins Gipe, George71
 Gunpowder Empire Turtledove, Harry71
 Gilden Fire Donaldson, Stephen66
 Grunts! : A Fantasy With Attitude Gentle, Mary66
 Gate to the Women's Country Tepper, Sheri S.65
 Galaxy Primes Smith, E.E. 'Doc'64
 Goblin Tower de Camp, Sprague64
 Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane Collins, Suzanne63
 Greylady Morwood, Peter73
 Galactic Derelict Norton, Andre62
 Giovanni Achilli, Justin62
 Ghost Ship Carey, Diane61
 God of the Golden Fleece Saberhagen, Fred61
 Grail Lawhead, Stephen64
 Gambler's Fortune McKenna, Juliet E.63
 God Bless You Dr Kevorkian Vonnegut, Kurt53
 Ghost of the White Nights Modesitt Jnr., L.E.62
 Gloriana Moorcock, Michael62
 Genesis Anderson, Poul51
 Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale Niven, Larry & Byrne, John51
 Going Potty Colfer, Eoin48
 Godslayer Reichert, Mickey Zucker53
 George R. R. Martin: A Retrospective Martin, George R.R.42
 Goddess McIntosh, Fiona41
 God Bless You, Mr Rosewater Vonnegut, Kurt42
 Gabriel's Ghost Sinclair, Linnea31
 Gerald's Game King, Stephen31
 Gilgamesh Grundy, Stephan11

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