
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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584 "d" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with D
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Dance of the Hours Kidd, Rob102
 Dark Matters #3: Shadow of Heaven Golden, Christie102
 Daughter of Storms Cooper, Louise102
 Deer in the Dark Baglio, Ben102
 Dragon and Slave Zahn, Timothy102
 DragonFire Paul, Donita K.102
 D.N. Angel bk.2 Sugisaki, Yukiru101
 D•N•Angel Vol. 1 Sugisaki, Yukiru101
 Dagger Magic Kurtz, Katherine & Harris, Deborah Turner101
 Dakota's Revenge Janette, Rallison101
 Dance of the Dead Golden, Christie101
 Dangerous Summer 2 Toresen, Eli101
 Daring Quests of Mystics Cheng, Shirley101
 Dark Celebration: A Carpathian Reunion Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Challenge Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Desire Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Fire Dorsey, Angela101
 Dark Genesis - the birth of Psi Corps Keyes, J. Gregory101
 Dark Gold Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Haven Martin, Gail Z.101
 Dark Hunger Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Legend Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Matters #1: Cloak and Dagger Golden, Christie101
 Dark Matters #2: Ghost Dance Golden, Christie101
 Dark Melody Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Mirror Duane, Diane101
 Dark Possession Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Prince Feehan, Christine101
 Dark Thane Cook, Jeff101
 Dark Whispers Coville, Bruce101
 Darkest Hour / Young Blood Cabot, Meg101
 Darkness Creeping Shusterman, Neal101
 Darkness, Be My Friend Marsden, John101
 DARKWIND Boyett-Compo, Charlotte101
 Daughter of Liberty Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris101
 Daughter of the Bright Moon Abbey, Lynn101
 Dauntless Campbell, Jack & Hemry, John G.101
 Dawn of Night Kemp, Paul101
 Dawn's Uncertain Light Barrett, Jr., Neal101
 Days of Bitter Strength Wingrove, David101
 Dead Wrong Gilmore, H.B. & Reisfeld, Randi101
 Deadly Relations - Bester Ascendant Keyes, J. Gregory101
 Death by Deep Dish Pie Short, Sharon101
 Death in the Cards Short, Sharon101
 Death In The Dark Horowitz, Anthony101
 Death of a Domestic Diva Short, Sharon101
 Death Troopers Schreiber, Joe101
 Death's Master Lee, Tanith101
 Deathstalker Prelude Green, Simon R.101
 Decoy Princess Cook, Dawn101
 Defeated McKee, S. D.101
 Defender of the Flame Engdahl, Sylvia101
 Degranon Simolke, Duane101
 Delirium's Mistress Lee, Tanith101
 Devil's Bargain Tarr, Judith101
 Dido and Pa Aiken, Joan101
 Dies the Fire Stirling, S. M.101
 Dios Sueno Maquina (God's Dream Machine) Hadnot, Victor Darnell101
 Djinn Rummy Holt, Tom101
 Doctor Dolittle in the Moon Lofting, Hugh101
 Doctor Dolittle Tales Lofting, Hugh101
 Doctor Dolittle's Circus Lofting, Hugh101
 Doctor Dolittle's Garden Lofting, Hugh101
 Doctor Dolittle's Post Office Lofting, Hugh101
 Doctor Dolittle's Return Lofting, Hugh101
 Doctor Dolittle's Zoo Lofting, Hugh101
 Dolores Claiborne King, Stephen101
 Don't Die, Dragonfly Singleton, Linda Joy101
 Doomwyte: A Tale from Redwall Jacques, Brian101
 Double Cross Patterson, James101
 Downshadow de Bie, Erik Scott101
 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis101
 Dracula the Undead Warrington, Freda101
 Dragon Grant, Alan101
 Dragon Companion Callander, Don101
 Dragon Death Baudino, Gael101
 Dragon Rescue Callander, Don101
 Dragon Tempest Callander, Don101
 Dragon Waking Gardner, Craig Shaw101
 DragonQuest Paul, Donita K.101
 Dragon's Bluff Herbert, Mary H.101
 Dragon's Milk Fletcher, Susan101
 Dragonsblood McCaffrey, Todd101
 Dragonsword Baudino, Gael101
 Dread Dominion: Judge Dredd Marley, Stephen101
 Dream a Little Dream Anthony, Piers101
 Dream Archipelago Priest, Christopher101
 Dream of Glass Gawron, Jean Mark101
 Dream-maker's Magic Shinn, Sharon101
 Dreams Made Flesh Bishop, Anne101
 Dreamweaver Lawrence, Louise101
 Drive-By Ewing, Lynne101
 Drowned Hopes Cole, Allan101
 Duchess of Aquitaine Ball, Margaret101
 Duel of Dragons Baudino, Gael101
 Duke Elric Moorcock, Michael101
 Duma Key: A Novel King, Stephen101
 Dune: The Battle of Corrin Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.101
 Dwellers in the Mirage Merritt, Abraham101
 Dying Good Cole, Allan101
 Dark River Hunter, Erin10256
 Dawn Hunter, Erin9199
 Daughter of the Blood Bishop, Anne950
 Decipher Pavlou, Stel949
 Daja's Book (Fire in the Forging) Pierce, Tamora933
 Dhampir Hendee, Barb & Hendee, JC928
 Daughter of The Forest Marillier, Juliet927
 Dragons of Spring Dawning Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy927
 Dragonology Drake, Ernest925
 Daughter of the Empire Feist, Raymond E. & Wurts, Janny924
 Drowned Wednesday Nix, Garth924
 Dragons of Winter Night Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy923
 Dragon and Phoenix Bertin, Joanne921
 Dragon Rider Funke, Cornelia921
 Domes of Fire Eddings, David920
 Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency Adams, Douglas919
 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Dick, Philip K.919
 Dark Force Rising Zahn, Timothy917
 Dragonology Handbook Drake, Ernest917
 Darkfall Carmody, Isobelle915
 Days of Magic, Nights of War Barker, Clive915
 Dragondoom McKiernan, Dennis L.913
 Deathstalker Destiny Green, Simon R.912
 Dr. Franklin's Island Halam, Ann912
 Day of the Dragon Knaak, Richard A.911
 Draconian Measures Weis, Margaret & Perrin, Don911
 Dragon Prince Rawn, Melanie911
 Deathstalker Rebellion Green, Simon R.910
 Deltora Book Of Monsters Rodda, Emily910
 Destination: Void Herbert, Frank910
 Down a Dark Hall Duncan, Lois910
 Dilvish, the Damned Zelazny, Roger99
 Dark Moon Gemmell, David98
 Dark of the Moon Hodgell, P.C.98
 Death Angel's Shadow Wagner, Karl Edward98
 Daemon Slayer King, William97
 Dead Man's Chest Trimble, Irene97
 Deathstalker War Green, Simon R.97
 Dime Store Magic Armstrong, Kelley97
 Doom of the Darksword Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy97
 Downbelow Station Cherryh, C.J.97
 Dark Crusade Wagner, Karl Edward96
 Darkwalker on Moonshae Niles, Douglas96
 Darwinia Wilson, Robert Charles96
 Deadly Quicksilver Lies Cook, Glen96
 Demons of Chitracut Banker, Ashok K.96
 Dragon and Thief Zahn, Timothy96
 Dark Lord of Derkholm Jones, Diana Wynne95
 Dark Magic Feehan, Christine95
 Dead Beat Butcher, Jim95
 Dragonsight Collins, Paul95
 Dragons' Onyx Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Drinking Midnight Wine Green, Simon R.94
 Darkwing Oppel, Kenneth93
 Dave At Night Carson Levine, Gail93
 Day Watch Lukyanenko, Sergei93
 Dead Witch Walking Harrison, Kim93
 Deathstalker Coda Green, Simon R.93
 Demon of Undoing Alton, Andrea103
 Demon Thief Shan, Darren103
 Demon Witch Huntington, Geoffrey93
 Deryni Checkmate Kurtz, Katherine93
 Descent into the Depths of the Earth Kidd, Paul93
 Diggers Pratchett, Terry103
 Dracula Stoker, Bram93
 Dragon Cussler, Clive93
 Dragon Outcast Knight, E. E.93
 Dragonfly in Amber Gabaldon, Diana93
 Dread Mountain Rodda, Emily93
 Drenai Tales 1 Gemmell, David93
 Daemonomania Crowley, John92
 Dance with a Vampire Schreiber, Ellen102
 Dance with the Devil Kenyon, Sherrilyn92
 Dark Homecoming Van Lustbader, Eric102
 Dark Rivers of the Heart Koontz, Dean92
 Dark Warning Watson, Jude92
 Darwin's Children Bear, Greg92
 Daughter of Witches Wrede, Patricia C.102
 Dead Zone King, Stephen92
 Decision at Thunder Rift Keith, JR., William H.92
 Diplomatic Act Jurasic, Peter & Keith, Jr., William H.92
 Disappearing Nightly Resnick, Laura92
 Divine One Ewing, Lynne92
 Double Star Heinlein, Robert A.92
 Down Among the Dead Men Green, Simon R.92
 Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom Doctorow, Cory92
 Drabon and Soldier Zahn, Timothy102
 Dragon Knight Dickson, Gordon R.92
 Dragon Slayer King, William92
 Dragonne's Eg Brown, Mary92
 Dream Stone McReynolds, Glenna92
 Dream Weaver WYLIE, JONATHAN102
 Dreamsnake McIntyre, Vonda N.92
 Drift Forward, Simon A.92
 Daemon Suarez, Daniel91
 Daemonic Laws, Stephen91
 Dark Fire D'lacey, Chris91
 Dark Moon Defender Shinn, Sharon91
 Daughter of Ancients Berg, Carol91
 Daughter of the Desert Brennan, Noel-Anne91
 Daughters of Eve Duncan, Lois91
 Dead Peculiar Jakubowski, Stefan91
 Dear Olly Morphurgo, Micheal91
 Death Dream Bova, Ben91
 Death Star Reaves, Michael & Perry, Steve91
 Deepwood Roberson, Jennifer91
 Delusion's Master Lee, Tanith91
 Demogorgon Lumley, Brian91
 Demon Slayer Merriweather, Kimberly91
 Denner's Wreck Watt-Evans, Lawrence91
 Destiny's Way Williams, Walter Jon91
 Devil Take the Hindmost Green, Simon R.91
 Did You hear About Amber? Bennett, Cherie91
 Did You Say Chicks?!, editor Friesner, Esther91
 Dirty Work McGirt, Dan91
 Disappearance Watson, Jude & Watson, Jude91
 Doc Sidhe Allston, Aaron91
 Dracula in London Elrod, P. N.91
 Dradin, In Love & Other Stories VanderMeer, Jeff91
 Dragon Sleeping Gardner, Craig Shaw91
 Dragonkin Bailey, Robin Wayne91
 Dragonwings Yep, Laurence91
 Dreddlocked: Judge Dredd Marley, Stephen91
 Dwellers in the Crucible Bonanno, Margaret Wander91
 Dynasty of Evil Karpyshyn, Drew91
 Dune Herbert, Frank9202
 Deadhouse Gates Erikson, Steven8201
 Demon in My View Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia8156
 Dragons of Autumn Twilight Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy944
 Dune Messiah Herbert, Frank831
 Dragonflight McCaffrey, Anne829
 Demon Lord of Karanda Eddings, David925
 Dragon Wing Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy924
 Dragonsong McCaffrey, Anne824
 Dawnthief Barclay, James919
 Deathstalker Green, Simon R.819
 Destiny: Child of the Sky Haydon, Elizabeth919
 Dragondrums McCaffrey, Anne819
 Dreams - The Gateway Poessel, Louis819
 Darksong Carmody, Isobelle918
 Dragons of a Fallen Sun Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy918
 Dark Heart Weis, Margaret & Baldwin, David916
 Debt of Bones Goodkind, Terry816
 Demons of the Trenches Cary, Kate916
 Dragonsinger McCaffrey, Anne816
 Deep Wizardry Duane, Diane915
 Dragons of a Vanished Moon Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy914
 Doomsday Book Willis, Connie913
 Dragon's Breath Baker, E.D.813
 Destiny of the Light Cusack, Louise912
 Dragons of Summer Flame Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy912
 Dragonsdawn McCaffrey, Anne812
 Dreams of Steel Cook, Glen912
 Don't Tell Chandler, Elizabeth911
 Dragonquest McCaffrey, Anne911
 Dragons of a Lost Star Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy911
 Dalamar the Dark Berberick, Nancy Varian910
 Damia McCaffrey, Anne810
 Dark Is the Moon Irvine, Ian910
 Dealing With Dragons Wrede, Patricia C.910
 Diplomatic Immunity Bujold, Lois McMaster910
 Dragon Brust, Steven910
 Dead Brass Shadows Cook, Glen99
 Deathstalker Legacy Green, Simon R.99
 Declare Powers, Tim99
 Dragon on a Pedestal Anthony, Piers89
 Dreamcrusher Kaye, Marilyn89
 Darkness Weaves With Many Shades Wagner, Karl Edward88
 Demons Don't Dream Anthony, Piers88
 Dial-a-Ghost Ibbotson, Eva & Hawkes, Kevin88
 Disney no Céu Entre os Dumbos Barreiros, João88
 Dr. Franklin's Island Halem, Ann88
 Dragon in the Sea (a.k.a. Under Pressure or Twentieth Century Sub) Herbert, Frank88
 Dreamcatcher King, Stephen88
 Deathgift Tonsor Zeddies, Ann97
 Deathstalker Honour Green, Simon R.97
 Dimension of Miracles Sheckley, Robert97
 Doorways in the Sand Zelazny, Roger87
 Dragonsbane Hambly, Barbara97
 Dark of the Gods Hodgell, P.C.96
 Darkness Siciliano, Sam86
 Deceptions Watson, Jude86
 Dr. Bloodmoney Dick, Philip K.86
 dragon stone, jeff86
 Dragon Weather Watt-Evans, Lawrence86
 Dragon's Blood Yolen, Jane86
 Dumarest saga Tubb, E.C.86
 Dying of the Light Martin, George R.R.86
 Daggerspell (revised edition) Kerr, Katharine85
 Dai-San Van Lustbader, Eric85
 Dancer at the End of Time Moorcock, Michael85
 Dangerous : Savannah's Story Watson, Jude85
 Death Masks Butcher, Jim95
 Death's Law Scott, Michael95
 Deerskin McKinley, Robin95
 Demon Blues Friesner, Esther85
 Destiny's Shield Flint, Eric & Drake, David85
 Diamond Mask May, Julian95
 Dragon Champion Knight, E. E.85
 Dragon Tears Koontz, Dean95
 Dragonlinks Collins, Paul85
 Dream Thief Lawhead, Stephen85
 Drowning Into Darkness Lozon, Scott95
 Dwarven Ruby Tuttle, Richard S.85
 D. R. T. Long, Jim84
 Dark Cathedral Warrington, Freda84
 Dark Moon Pierce, Meredith Ann84
 Dark Quest Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Darkness Descending Turtledove, Harry84
 Darknesses Modesitt Jnr., L.E.94
 Daughter of the Drow Cunningham, Elaine84
 daughters of the moon Curtin, Joseph84
 Dead Until Dark Harris, Charlaine84
 Deadspawn Lumley, Brian94
 Death on Naboo Watson, Jude84
 Defender Cherryh, C.J.84
 Demon's Law Scott, Michael84
 Dogsbody Jones, Diana Wynne84
 Donnerjack Zelazny, Roger & Lindskold, Jane84
 Down to the Sea Forstchen, William R.84
 DragonSpell Paul, Donita K.84
 Dzur Brust, Steven84
 Dancing Bears Saberhagen, Fred83
 Dark Sleeper Barlough, Jeffrey83
 Darkest Hour Chadbourn, Mark83
 Darkwell Niles, Douglas83
 Darth Maul Watson, Jude83
 Dawn Andrews, Virginia Cleo93
 Death note Ohba, Tsugumi83
 Death of the Necromancer Wells, Martha83
 Deathbird Stories Ellison, Harlan83
 Deathstalker Return Green, Simon R.83
 Demons of the Dancing Gods Chalker, Jack L.83
 Derik's Bane Davidson, Mary Janice83
 Desperation King, Stephen93
 Devoted Borchardt, Alice83
 Diplomacy of Wolves Lisle, Holly83
 Dirge Foster, Alan Dean93
 Don't Mess With Earth Ball, Cliff93
 Door Number Three O'Leary, Patrick93
 Down the Bright Way Reed, Robert83
 Dragon Tome Knaak, Richard A.83
 Dragonfang Collins, Paul83
 DragonLight Paul, Donita K.83
 Dream Park Niven, Larry & Barnes, Steven83
 Druids Llywelyn, Morgan93
 Dark Dance Lee, Tanith82
 Dayworld Farmer, Philip Jose82
 Dead Air Banks, Iain M.82
 Dead on My Feet Simmons, William Mark & Simmons, Wm Mark82
 Death-Bringer Tilley, Patrick82
 Deception Point Brown, Dan82
 Deepsix McDevitt, Jack82
 Demonkin Tuttle, Richard S.82
 Design for Great-Day Foster, Alan Dean & Russell, Eric Frank82
 Devil May Cry Kenyon, Sherrilyn82
 Dinotopia Lost Foster, Alan Dean82
 Divine Hammer Pierson, Chris82
 Doctor's Orders Duane, Diane82
 DON'T FORGET ME Stine, R. L.82
 Dooon Mode Anthony, Piers82
 Dragonlord of Mystara GUNNARSSON, THORARINN82
 Dragon's winter Lynn, Elizabeth A.82
 Dreams Underfoot de Lint, Charles82
 Daemons Are Forever Green, Simon R.81
 Damiano MacAvoy, R.A.81
 Dancing Jack Marks, Laurie J.81
 Danse Macabre King, Stephen81
 Dark Inheritance Gear, W. Michael & Gear, Kathleen O'Neal81
 Dark Skies Nicholls, Stan81
 Darkthunder's Way Deitz, Tom81
 Dawnspell - The Bristling Wood Kerr, Katharine81
 Dead History: A Zombie Anthology Breaux, Kevin James81
 Dead Man Rising Saintcrow, Lilith81
 Dead Sky, Black Sun McNeill, Graham81
 Deathworld Harrison, Harry81
 Deep Six Cussler, Clive81
 Deep Water Freeman, Pamela81
 Demon Night Straczynski, J. Michael81
 Devlin's Luck Bray, Patricia81
 Die Trying Child, Lee81
 Disclosure Crichton, Michael81
 Divide Wilson, Robert Charles81
 dog at the door baglio, ben81
 Don't Think Twice Reisfield, Randi & Gilmore, H.B.81
 Doomsday World Carter, Carmen & Greenberger, Bob81
 Dorsai Dickson, Gordon R.81
 double trouble dale, jenny81
 Downfall Farshtey, Greg81
 Dragon of Lost Sea Yep, Laurence81
 Dragon Sword Soesbee, Ree81
 Dragon Venom watt-evans, lawrence81
 Dragons of Light Card, Orson Scott81
 Dragon's treasure Lynn, Elizabeth A.81
 Dragonspell - The Southern Sea Kerr, Katharine81
 Dreamseeker's Road Deitz, Tom81
 Drifter Dietz, William C.81
 Drifter's Run Dietz, William C.81
 Drifter's War Dietz, William C.81
 Drink Down the Moon de Lint, Charles81
 Drood Simmons, Dan81
 Dune: The Butlerian Jihad Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.81
 Darkbane Carmody, Isobelle853
 Don't Look Behind You Duncan, Lois817
 Damia's Children McCaffrey, Anne812
 Dragonseye (aka Red Star Rising in the UK) McCaffrey, Anne711
 Darwin's Blade Simmons, Dan89
 Darwins Radio Bear, Greg89
 Deryni Rising Kurtz, Katherine89
 Dhalgren Delany, Samuel R.89
 Dreamfall Vinge, Joan D.79
 Damnation Alley Zelazny, Roger88
 Dark Prince Gemmell, David86
 Dark Visions: An Illustrated Guide to the Amtrak Wars Tilley, Patrick86
 Darkover Landfall Bradley, Marion Zimmer76
 Destiny's Road Niven, Larry86
 Deus Irae Dick, Philip K. & Zelazny, Roger76
 Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader Luceno, James85
 Daughter of Regals and Other Tales Donaldson, Stephen85
 Deadspeak Lumley, Brian85
 Defilers Lumley, Brian85
 Diahmarra Furey, Maggie85
 Dream Finder Taylor, Roger85
 Drowned Ammet Jones, Diana Wynne85
 Dance of Demons Gygax, Gary74
 Dark Nadir Norman, Lisanne84
 Darkfall/Darkness Comes Koontz, Dean84
 Darkwitch Rising Douglass, Sara84
 Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Reaves, Michael84
 Days of Atonement Williams, Walter Jon74
 Diaspora Egan, Greg84
 Distress Egan, Greg74
 Downsiders Shusterman, Neal74
 Dragon Token Rawn, Melanie84
 Dragon's Nest Rodda, Emily84
 Dreams of the Desert Wind Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.84
 Dry Water Nylund, Eric S.74
 Dungeons & Dragons: The Movie Barrett, Jr., Neal84
 Dance of the Assassins Jubert, Hervé73
 Dancing Through Fire Lasky, Kathryn73
 Dark Lover Ward, J. R.73
 Dark Symphony Feehan, Christine73
 Dark Victory Shatner, William & Reeves-Stevens, Judith and Garfield73
 Darkfall Laws, Stephen73
 Darkspell (revised edition) Kerr, Katharine73
 Dead Girls, Dead Boys, Dead Things Calder, Richard73
 Deathday Dietz, William C.83
 Deep Secret Jones, Diana Wynne73
 Demon Varley, John73
 Demonstorm Barclay, James83
 DINOSAUR PLANET McCaffrey, Anne83
 Diuturnity's Dawn Foster, Alan Dean73
 Draglologist Manual Drake, Ernest83
 Dragon Bones Briggs, Patricia73
 Daggerspell Kerr, Katharine82
 Danger on Midnight River Paulsen, Gary82
 Dangerous Visions Ellison, Harlan82
 Dark Light MacLeod, Ken72
 Darksong Rising Modesitt Jnr., L.E.72
 Darkspell Kerr, Katharine82
 Darkstar Foster, Alan Dean82
 Daughter of The Dark Cusack, Louise72
 Daughters of the Moon (Final Eclipse) Ewing, Lynne72
 Dawn of a Dark Age Welch, Jane82
 Dead Air Koke, Jak82
 Dear Miffy Marsden, John82
 Digital Fortress Brown, Dan82
 Dinner At Deviant's Palace Powers, Tim82
 Dinosaur Beach Laumer, Keith82
 Dogs of War Drake, David72
 Domain Alten, Steve72
 Dominion Saberhagen, Fred82
 Dragon Avenger Knight, E. E.82
 Dragonking of Mystara GUNNARSSON, THORARINN82
 Dream Walker Stanford, Skye82
 Dreams of Stone WYLIE, JONATHAN82
 Dune: The Machine Crusade Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.72
 Dagger Drake, David71
 Dark As Day Sheffield, Charles71
 Dark Hunter Reeves-Stevens, Garfield & Reeves-Stevens, Judith71
 Day of Honour 1 - Ancient Blood Carey, Diane71
 Days of Air and Darkness Kerr, Katharine71
 Days of Blood and Fire Kerr, Katharine71
 Dayworld Breakup Farmer, Philip Jose71
 Dayworld Rebel Farmer, Philip Jose71
 Deadeye Dick Vonnegut, Kurt71
 Dealing in Futures Haldeman, Joe71
 Deathworld 2 Harrison, Harry71
 Deception Dietz, William C.71
 Dementia Stackpole, Michael A.71
 Distraction Sterling, Bruce71
 Double Contact White, James71
 Double Jeopardy Gilmore, H.B. & Reisfeld, Randi71
 Down & Dirty Martin, George R.R.71
 Dragon Hill Hawksville, Alexander71
 Dragonfly Koontz, Dean71
 Dragonrank Master Reichert, Mickey Zucker71
 Dragon's Game Dennis, Carol L71
 Dreadnought Carey, Diane71
 Dreambuilder Deitz, Tom71
 Dreaming Metal Scott, Melissa71
 Dreams of the Raven Carter, Carmen71
 D'shai Rosenberg, Joel71
 Dandelion Wine Bradbury, Ray710
 Dradin, In Love VanderMeer, Jeff76
 Danse Macabre Hamilton, Laurell K.75
 Dragon's Gold Anthony, Piers65
 Dawn Of Amber Betancourt, John Gregory64
 Doomstalker Cook, Glen64
 Death is a Lonely Business Bradbury, Ray73
 Decision at Doona McCaffrey, Anne & Nye, Jody Lynne73
 Destroyer Cherryh, C.J.73
 Dinosaur Summer Bear, Greg63
 Dissolution Byers, Richard Lee63
 Doomsday Peel, John73
 Dragon Blood Briggs, Patricia63
 Dragonstar Hambly, Barbara63
 Dreaming the Eagle Scott, Manda73
 Dulcinea - Wizardry A-Flute Collins, Shalanna73
 D.N. Angel Sugisaki, Yukiru62
 Day of the Starwind Hill, Douglas62
 Dead Earth: The Green Dawn Justice, Mark & Wilbanks, David T.62
 Doctor Dolittle's Caravan Lofting, Hugh62
 Dark Debts Durgin, Doranna61
 Darker Angels Hanover, M. L. N.61
 Darkness & Light Thompson, Paul B. & Carter, Tonya R.61
 Daughter of the Lion Roberson, Jennifer61
 Days Of Infamy Turtledove, Harry61
 DEAR DIARY, I'M DEAD Stine, R. L.61
 Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz Baum, L. Frank61
 Double Full Moon Night Lee, Gentry61
 Doctor Sleep: A Novel King, Stephen610
 Dead Mans Hand Martin, George R.R. & Miller, John J.65
 Demon Knight Duncan, Dave & Hood, Ken65
 Dogsong Paulsen, Gary54
 Double Trouble Squared Lasky, Kathryn53
 Dragon Moon Troop, Alan F.53
 DragonKnight Paul, Donita K.63
 Dragonshadow Hambly, Barbara63
 Dreams of the Compass Rose Nazarian, Vera53
 Dark Apprentice Anderson, Kevin J.52
 Dark Guardian Feehan, Christine62
 Darkvision Cordell, Bruce R.62
 Dawn Of Fear Cooper, Susan62
 Demon Rider Duncan, Dave & Hood, Ken62
 Different Seasons King, Stephen62
 Dracula, Prince of Many Faces Florescu, Radu R. & McNally, Raymond T.62
 Dragon Bones Beagle, Peter S.52
 Dragon Sun Ely, Michael62
 Dragonstorm Edwards, Graham52
 Daughter of Exile Glass, Isabel51
 Deadman Switch Zahn, Timothy51
 Deep As The Marrow Wilson, F. Paul51
 Deep Time Benford, Gregory51
 Demon Seed Koontz, Dean51
 Descent Carey, Diane51
 Doom's Break Rowley, Christopher51
 Double Helix #2: Vectors Smith, Dean Wesley & Rusch, Kristine Kathryn51
 Double, Double Friedman, Michael Jan51
 Dreamfever Moning, Karen Marie51
 Dark Moonshine McGregor, Keeley41
 Dark Prophecy Fleming, Gherbod41
 Dead and Gone Harris, Charlaine41
 Down Time Abbey, Lynn41
 Deep Domain Weinstein, Howard42
 Disaster Hubbard, L. Ron42
 Driving Blind Bradbury, Ray42
 Divergent Roth, Veronica31
 Dramocles: An Intergalactic Soap Opera Sheckley, Robert31
 Death of a Darklord Hamilton, Laurell K.22
 Dark Furies Ackley-McPhail, Danielle21
 Doctor Dolittle's Birthday Book Lofting, Hugh21
 Dragon War Yep, Laurence21
 Days of Blood & Starlight Taylor, Laini11
 Dead Ground Amies, Chris11
 Death on the Nile: A Hercule Poirot Mystery Christie, Agatha11
 Death Quest Hubbard, L. Ron11
 Dervish Is Digital Cadigan, Pat11
 Destiny McIntosh, Fiona11
 Deuces Down Martin, George R.R. & Snodgrass, Melinda M.11
 Dinosaurs before Dark Osborne, Mary Pope11

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