 Home  Authors Stephen King

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Author of a zillion best selling horror novels.

Stephen King is the bestselling author of more than thirty books of which the most recent are, EVERYTHING'S EVENTUAL, FROM A BUICK 8 and his non-fiction book ON WRITING.

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Books (Sort by Title)[61 books listed]
 Misc VolumeYearRating
 The Shiningn/an/a9/10
 Dead Zonen/a19839/10
 Different Seasonsn/a19836/10
 Pet Semataryn/a19839/10
 Cycle of the Werewolfn/a1985n/a
 Skeleton Crewn/a19868/10
 The Tommyknockersn/a19888/10
 The Standn/a19919/10
 Night Shiftn/a19948/10
 The Dark Halfn/a19947/10
 Rose Maddern/a1996n/a
 The Green Milen/a19968/10
 Nightmares & Dreamscapesn/a19977/10
 Apt Pupil : A Novella in Different Seasonsn/a1998n/a
 The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordonn/a199810/10
 Bag of Bonesn/a19998/10
 Storm of the Centuryn/a199910/10
 The Long Walkn/a199910/10
 Hearts in Atlantisn/a20008/10
 Black House with Peter Straubn/a20018/10
 Four Past Midnightn/a200110/10
 Gerald's Gamen/a20013/10
 The Eyes of the Dragonn/a20018/10
 The Talisman with Peter Straubn/a20017/10
 Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Talesn/a20028/10
 The Regulators with Richard Bachmann/a20028/10
 From A Buick 8n/a20038/10
 Dolores Claibornen/a200410/10
 Needful Thingsn/a2004n/a
 Salems Lotn/a20048/10
 Cell : A Noveln/a20059/10
 Lisey's Storyn/a200610/10
 Blaze: A Noveln/a20088/10
 Duma Key: A Noveln/a200810/10
 Under the Domen/a2009n/a
 Blockade Billyn/a2010n/a
 Full Dark, No Starsn/a2010n/a
 In the Tall Grass with Joe Hilln/a2012n/a
 Doctor Sleep: A Noveln/a20136/10
 The Secretary of Dreams120063/10

 Non- fiction VolumeYearRating
 On Writingn/a2002n/a

 Nonfiction VolumeYearRating
 Danse Macabren/a19818/10

 The Dark Tower VolumeYearRating
 The Dark Tower Seriesn/a20019/10
 The Gunslinger119829/10
 The Drawing of the Three219879/10
 The Waste Lands319919/10
 Wizard and Glass419978/10
 Wolves of the Calla520038/10
 Song of Susannah620049/10
 The Dark Tower720048/10

 The Talisman VolumeYearRating
 The Road of Trials with Peter Straub32010n/a
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