
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

475 "a" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with A
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Among the Enemy Haddix, Margaret103
 Aurora Tiedemann, Mark W.103
 A Phule and His Money Asprin, Robert & Heck, Peter J.102
 A Whisper of Wings Kidd, Paul102
 a winters tale dale, jenny102
 Among the Barons Haddix, Margaret102
 Among the Imposters Haddix, Margaret102
 A Christmas Carol Dickens, Charles101
 A Clockwork Orange Burgess, Anthony101
 A Coldness in the Blood Saberhagen, Fred101
 A Coming of Age Zahn, Timothy101
 A Cop's Life Cole, Allan & Grubb, Thomas M.101
 A Dance in Blood Velvet Warrington, Freda101
 A Dog's Life martin, ann m.101
 A Fine and Private Place Beagle, Peter S.101
 A Grief Observed Lewis, C.S.101
 A Heroine Of The World Lee, Tanith101
 A Little Magic Roberts, Nora101
 A Painted House Grisham, John101
 A Red Heart of Memories Hoffman, Nina Kiriki101
 A Sailor on the Seas of Fate Moorcock, Michael101
 A Secret Atlas Stackpole, Michael A.101
 A Stitch in Time Rinaldi, Ann101
 A Sword for a Dragon Rowley, Christopher101
 A Taste of Blood Wine Warrington, Freda101
 A Time to Kill Mack, David101
 A Verdadeira Invasão dos Marcianos Barreiros, João101
 A Wind in Cairo Tarr, Judith101
 A Wrongful Death Wilhelm, Kate101
 A.N.T.I.D.O.T.E. Blackman, Malorie101
 Abandoned Dorsey, Angela101
 Above the Lower Sky Deitz, Tom101
 Across The Sea Of Suns Benford, Gregory101
 After the Dark Collins, Max Allan101
 Afterlife Gray, Claudia101
 Against the Empire Watson, Jude101
 Airman Colfer, Eoin101
 Airs Above the Ground Stewart, Mary101
 Alchemy Mahy, Margaret101
 All My Road Before Me Lewis, C.S.101
 Alosha Pike, Christopher101
 Alysa of the Fields Howe, Tina Field101
 Amber and Ashes Weis, Margaret101
 Amber and Iron Weis, Margaret101
 Ambrov Keon LORRAH, JEAN101
 American Gothic Bloch, Robert101
 Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret101
 Amy on Her Own Kaye, Marilyn101
 An Acquaintance With Darkness Rinaldi, Ann101
 An Alien Dies Applegate, K.A.101
 Ancestors of Avalon Bradley, Marion Zimmer & Paxson, Diana101
 Ancient of Days Mcauley, Paul J.101
 Angel Souls and Devil Hearts Golden, Christopher101
 Anno Dracula Newman, Kim101
 Apocalypse King, J. Robert101
 Ark Baxter, Stephen101
 Armageddons Dann, Jack & Dozois, Gardner101
 Army of the Fantastic Marco, John & Helfers, John101
 Art in the Blood Elrod, P. N.101
 Assassins' Treaty Grubbe, Kevin101
 Assault on Yavin Four Windham, Ryder101
 Assignment In Eternity Heinlein, Robert A.101
 Attack of the Killer Potatoes Lerangis, Peter101
 Autumn Moody, David101
 AVP - Alien vs. Predator: The Movie Cerasini, Marc101
 A Dangerous Path Hunter, Erin10240
 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin961
 Abhorsen Nix, Garth944
 Arianna Kelt and the Renegades of Time King, J.R.940
 A Civil Campaign Bujold, Lois McMaster933
 Arianna Kelt and the Wizards of Skyhall King, J.R.932
 A Deepness in the Sky Vinge, Vernor926
 A Spell for Chameleon Anthony, Piers925
 Ashling Carmody, Isobelle920
 Aenir Nix, Garth919
 Another Fine Myth Asprin, Robert917
 Across the Wall Nix, Garth915
 A Game of Universe Nylund, Eric S.914
 A Shadow on the Glass Irvine, Ian914
 A Confusion of Princes Nix, Garth913
 Above The Veil Nix, Garth912
 At the Crossing-Places Crossley-Holland, Kevin912
 A Night in Lonesome October Zelazny, Roger911
 A Scanner Darkly Dick, Philip K.911
 Archangel Shinn, Sharon911
 Arianna Kelt #3 King, J.R.911
 Armor Steakley, John911
 A Clan in Need Hunter, Erin1010
 A Great and Terrible Beauty Bray, Libba910
 Antarctica - Escape from Disaster Lerangis, Peter1010
 An Oblique Approach Flint, Eric & Drake, David99
 A Different Kingdom Kearney, Paul98
 A Rumor of Dragons Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy97
 Alliance of Light IV: Traitor's Knot Wurts, Janny97
 A Sword from Red Ice Jones, J.V.96
 Across Realtime Vinge, Vernor96
 Ash: A Secret History Gentle, Mary96
 Absolute Midnight Barker, Clive95
 Agent of Change Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve95
 An Earthly Crown Elliot, Kate95
 Area 51 Doherty, Robert95
 A Gathering of Shadows Nicholls, Stan94
 Absolutes and Other Stories Stanek, Robert94
 Abuud: the One-Eyed God Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Academ's Fury Butcher, Jim94
 Agents of Light and Darkness Green, Simon R.94
 Allies of the Night Shan, Darren104
 Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents Pratchett, Terry94
 American Empire: The Victorious Opposition Turtledove, Harry94
 Amethyst of the Gods Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Ancient Prophecy Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Apollyon LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B.94
 A Different Light Lynn, Elizabeth A.93
 A Forest of Stars Anderson, Kevin J.93
 Agent of Byzantium Turtledove, Harry93
 American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold Turtledove, Harry93
 Armies of Hanuman Banker, Ashok K.93
 Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears Hertling, William103
 A Brothers Price Spencer, Wen92
 A Forest Apart Denning, Troy92
 A Gathering Evil Stackpole, Michael A.92
 A Gift Of Magic Duncan, Lois92
 A Reckoning For Kings Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris102
 A Wind in the Door L'Engle, Madeleine92
 Airframe Crichton, Michael92
 Angel Eyes Van Lustbader, Eric102
 Archangel Protocol Morehouse, Lyda92
 Ascian in Rose de Lint, Charles92
 A Confederacy of DUNCES Toole, John & Percy, Walker91
 A Day for Damnation Gerrold, David91
 A Dirty Job Moore, Christopher91
 A Dog Called Demolition Rankin, Robert91
 A Legacy of Stars Ackley-McPhail, Danielle91
 A Lick of Frost Hamilton, Laurell K.91
 A Midsummer Nights Gene Harman, Andrew91
 A Miracle of Rare Design Resnick, Mike91
 A Place Among the Fallen Cole, Adrian91
 A Red Dark Night Fuchs, A.P.91
 A Scattering of Jades Irvine, Alexander C.91
 A Scholar of Magics Stevermer, Caroline91
 A Shadow in Summer Abraham, Daniel91
 A Silence in the Heavens Delrio, Martin91
 A Time to Harvest Dilmore, Kevin & Ward, Dayton91
 A Trio for Lute MacAvoy, R.A.91
 A Voice for Princess Morressy, John91
 A Walk in Wolf Wood Stewart, Mary91
 A Wizard and a Warlord Stasheff, Christopher91
 A Year Without Autumn Kessler, Liz91
 Accidental Creatures Harris, Anne91
 Acheron Kenyon, Sherrilyn91
 After Long Silence Tepper, Sheri S.91
 Alastor Vance, Jack91
 Alector's Choice Modesitt Jnr., L.E.91
 Alliance of Light V: Stormed Fortress Wurts, Janny91
 Along Came a Spider Patterson, James91
 Alphabet of Thorn McKillip, Patricia A.91
 An Armory of Swords Saberhagen, Fred91
 An Excess of Enchantments Gardner, Craig Shaw91
 Angelfire Zicree, Marc Scott & Bohnhoff, Maya Kaathryn91
 Arcady Williams, Michael91
 Artifact Benford, Gregory91
 As on a darkling plain Bova, Ben91
 Ascendant Sun Asaro, Catherine91
 Ascension Dalkey, Kara91
 ASCENSION Grace, Sable91
 At Any Price Drake, David91
 At the City Limits of Fate Bishop, Michael91
 Avalon Seton, Anya91
 A Game of Thrones Martin, George R.R.8174
 A Storm of Swords Martin, George R.R.8147
 A Clash of Kings Martin, George R.R.8130
 Alanna: The First Adventure Pierce, Tamora8130
 Assassins Apprentice Hobb, Robin8108
 A Feast for Crows Martin, George R.R.888
 Assasins Quest Hobb, Robin859
 A Darkness at Sethanon Feist, Raymond E.834
 A Fire Upon the Deep Vinge, Vernor933
 Amy, Number Seven Kaye, Marilyn826
 Abarat Barker, Clive923
 A Dance with Dragons Martin, George R.R.820
 A Hymn Before Battle Ringo, John818
 Across the Nightingale Floor Hearn, Lian918
 American Gods Gaiman, Neil818
 A Cavern of Black Ice Jones, J.V.817
 A Fortress of Grey Ice Jones, J.V.817
 A Man Rides Through Donaldson, Stephen915
 A Secret History Gentle, Mary915
 Adventures of Tom Bombadil Tolkien, J.R.R.815
 Arrow's Flight Lackey, Mercedes815
 Angry Lead Skies Cook, Glen914
 Arrows of the Queen Lackey, Mercedes814
 A Rose for Ecclesiastes Zelazny, Roger813
 A Song for Arbonne Kay, Guy Gavriel813
 Alas, Babylon Frank, Pat813
 Ark Angel Horowitz, Anthony913
 All the Weyrs of Pern McCaffrey, Anne811
 Angel Fire East Brooks, Terry911
 Arrow's Fall Lackey, Mercedes811
 Ashes of Victory Weber, David811
 Alliance of Light III: Peril's Gate Wurts, Janny910
 Aurian Furey, Maggie810
 Absolution Gap Reynolds, Alastair89
 Alta Lackey, Mercedes99
 A Caress of Twilight Hamilton, Laurell K.98
 A Gathering of Gargoyles Pierce, Meredith Ann88
 Among the Hidden Haddix, Margaret88
 Antarctica: Journey to the Pole Lerangis, Peter98
 A Canticle for Leibowitz Miller, Walter M.87
 A Wizard Abroad Duane, Diane97
 Acceleration McNamee, Graham97
 All American girl/ Ready or not Cabot, Meg97
 A Familiar Dragon Hood, Daniel86
 A Man Betrayed Jones, J.V.86
 A Signal Shattered Nylund, Eric S.96
 Adiamante Modesitt Jnr., L.E.96
 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis86
 Alyzon Whitestarr Carmody, Isobelle96
 Angels and Demons Brown, Dan86
 Athyra Brust, Steven96
 A Company of Stars Stasheff, Christopher85
 A Gift from Earth Niven, Larry85
 A Quantum Murder Hamilton, Peter F.85
 A Talent for War McDevitt, Jack95
 A Thousand Words for Stranger Czerneda, Julie85
 A Wizard Alone Duane, Diane95
 Alleluia Files Shinn, Sharon85
 Alliance of Light II: Grand Conspiracy Wurts, Janny85
 Assumption of Risk Stackpole, Michael A.85
 A Horse called Freedom Dorsey, Angela94
 A Princess of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice94
 A Spiritual Christian Journey Markey, Janet84
 A Stainless Steel Rat is Born Harrison, Harry84
 A Stroke of Midnight Hamilton, Laurell K.84
 Aisling Cooper, Louise94
 All Darkness Met Cook, Glen84
 All Flesh Is Grass Simak, Clifford D.84
 Alliance of Light I: Fugitive Prince Wurts, Janny84
 Angelglass Barnett, David94
 Animal Farm Orwell, George84
 Ascending Gardner, James Alan84
 A Darkness Forged in Fire Evans, Chris83
 A Difficulty with Dwarves Gardner, Craig Shaw93
 A Storm of Wings Harrison, M. John83
 A Tapestry of Lions Roberson, Jennifer83
 Against All Enemies Hemry, John G.83
 Agent of Vega Schmitz, James H.83
 All of an Instant Garfinkle, Richard83
 All Tomorrow's Parties Gibson, William83
 American Front Turtledove, Harry83
 Anubis Murders Gygax, Gary83
 Archer's Goon Jones, Diana Wynne83
 Ascendance Salvatore, R.A.83
 Assassin's Blade McGough, Scott83
 Assassins of Rome Lawrence, Caroline83
 Autumn: The City Moody, David83
 Avengers Lumley, Brian83
 A Call to Arms Foster, Alan Dean82
 A Checklist of Roger Zelazny Stephens, Christopher P. & Zelazny, Roger82
 A Death of Kings Barker, M. A. R.82
 A Fish Dinner in Memison Eddison, E. R.82
 A Passage of Stars Elliot, Kate82
 A Sorcerer's Treason Zettel, Sarah82
 A Spell of Empire Scott Rohan, Michael & Scott, Allan82
 AEgypt Crowley, John82
 Against the Tide of Years Stirling, S. M.82
 Agents of Artifice Marmell, Ari82
 Alchymist Irvine, Ian82
 All My Sins Remembered Haldeman, Joe82
 Alternate Realities Cherryh, C.J.82
 Alyssa's Ring Gray, Julia82
 American Assassin: A Thriller Flynn, Vince82
 An Emperor for the Legion Turtledove, Harry82
 Ancient Shores McDevitt, Jack82
 Arash-Felloren Taylor, Roger82
 Area 7 Reilly, Matthew82
 Army of the Dead Tuttle, Richard S.82
 A Dark Traveling Zelazny, Roger81
 A Different Flesh Turtledove, Harry81
 A Fall of Princes Tarr, Judith81
 A Fistful of Charms Harrison, Kim81
 A Graveyard for Lunatics Bradbury, Ray81
 A King Beneath the Mountain Charrette, Robert N.81
 A Knight Among Knaves Charrette, Robert N.81
 A Matter for Men Gerrold, David81
 A Matter of Profit Bell, Hilari81
 A New Start Merriweather, Kimberly81
 A Prince Among Men Charrette, Robert N.81
 A Princess of Roumania Park, Paul81
 A Recordação Imóvel Silva, Luís Filipe81
 A Rhapsody in Amber Zelazny, Roger81
 A Short, Sharp Shock Robinson, Kim Stanley81
 A Stirring of Shadows Catapano, Jim81
 A Tangled Web Watson, Jude81
 A Time to Be Born Vornholt, John81
 A Well-Timed Enchantment Vande Velde, Vivian81
 A Wizard in a Feud Stasheff, Christopher81
 After the Downfall Turtledove, Harry81
 Again, Dangerous Visions Ellison, Harlan81
 Against the Tide Ringo, John81
 Ambassador of Progress Williams, Walter Jon81
 Among the Free Haddix, Margaret81
 An Accidental Goddess Baker, Megan Sybil81
 An Accidental Goddess Sinclair, Linnea81
 An Epitaph in Rust Powers, Tim81
 And the Devil Will Drag You Under Chalker, Jack L.81
 Angel-Seeker Shinn, Sharon81
 Animist Forward, Eve81
 Apocalypse Array Morehouse, Lyda81
 Apocalypso Rankin, Robert81
 Archform: Beauty Modesitt Jnr., L.E.81
 Aristoi Williams, Walter Jon81
 Assassins LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B.81
 Assignment: Eternity Cox, Greg81
 At the Earth's Core Burroughs, Edgar Rice81
 Atlantis Gibbins, David81
 Atlantis Found Cussler, Clive81
 Axolotl Double A-1 Blaylock, James P. & Powers, Tim81
 A Wizard of Earthsea Le Guin, Ursula K.829
 Altered Carbon Morgan, Richard826
 All That Glitters Roberts, Rachel818
 Against a Dark Background Banks, Iain M.813
 Acorna McCaffrey, Anne & Ball, Margaret711
 Airborn Oppel, Kenneth710
 Antrax Brooks, Terry79
 Anvil of Stars Bear, Greg89
 A Hero Born Stackpole, Michael A.88
 All's Fairy in Love & War Roberts, Rachel88
 And Eternity Anthony, Piers88
 A Song for Lya Martin, George R.R.87
 Around the world in 80 days Verne, Jules87
 A Fall of Moondust Clarke, Arthur C.76
 Agyar Brust, Steven86
 Alien Foster, Alan Dean86
 A Second Chance at Eden Hamilton, Peter F.75
 A Song of Stone Banks, Iain M.75
 A Stitch in Time Robinson, Andrew85
 Acorna's Quest McCaffrey, Anne & Ball, Margaret75
 Aeyrie Lackey, Mercedes85
 Amelia's War Rinaldi, Ann75
 Ancient Light Gentle, Mary85
 Andra Lawrence, Louise85
 Another Amy Kaye, Marilyn75
 Atlas Shrugged Rand, Ayn85
 Axiomatic Egan, Greg75
 A Dragon's Ascension Greenwood, Ed84
 A Farce to Be Reckoned With Zelazny, Roger & Sheckley, Robert74
 A Just Determination Hemry, John G.74
 A Kings Quest Wedhorn, AV84
 A Shadow of All Night Falling Cook, Glen84
 A Time to Heal Mack, David84
 A Warrior's Journey Thompson, Paul B. & Cook, Tonya C.74
 ABANDONED! dale, jenny84
 Against the Fall of Night Clarke, Arthur C.74
 Against the Odds Moon, Elizabeth84
 All the Rage Wilson, F. Paul84
 Angelica Shinn, Sharon84
 A Breath of Snow and Ashes Gabaldon, Diana73
 A Call to Arms Coleman, Loren L.73
 A DIVERSITY OF DRAGONS McCaffrey, Anne & Woods, Richard73
 A Fisherman of the Inland Sea Le Guin, Ursula K.73
 A Hole In Space (collection) Niven, Larry73
 A Private Cosmos Farmer, Philip Jose73
 A Slight Detour Stasheff, Christopher73
 Agent to the Stars Scalzi, John73
 Always Forever Chadbourn, Mark83
 Angelmass Zahn, Timothy83
 Armageddon's Children Brooks, Terry83
 At All Costs Weber, David73
 Avalon High Cabot, Meg83
 A Choice of Gods Simak, Clifford D.82
 A Dream of Spring Martin, George R.R.82
 A Girl Named Disaster Farmer, Nancy72
 A Matter of Time Cook, Glen72
 A Nomad of the Time Streams Moorcock, Michael82
 A Pliocene Companion May, Julian72
 A Riddle of Roses Mullin, Caryl Cude72
 A Sharpness on the Neck Saberhagen, Fred82
 A Time When McCaffrey, Anne82
 A Wizard in Absentia Stasheff, Christopher72
 A.D. 999 Golden, Christie82
 Aakuta: the Dark Mage Tuttle, Richard S.82
 Aces High Martin, George R.R.72
 Alchemy & Academe McCaffrey, Anne82
 Alien 3 Foster, Alan Dean82
 Alien Among Us Lytle, Casey82
 Alien Encounter Lytle, Casey82
 Almuric Howard, Robert E.82
 An Old Friend of the Family Saberhagen, Fred82
 Avalon Lawhead, Stephen82
 A Case of Conscience Blish, James71
 A Dark Imbalance Williams, Sean & Dix, Shane71
 A Fistful of Sky Hoffman, Nina Kiriki71
 A Hidden Magic Vande Velde, Vivian71
 A house called Awful End: The Eddy Dickens Trilogy Ardagh, Philip71
 A Memory of Light Jordan, Robert & Sanderson, Brandon71
 A Pride of Princes Roberson, Jennifer71
 Aestival Tide Hand, Elizabeth71
 Aftermath Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn71
 Air Apparent Anthony, Piers71
 Alien in the Mirror Lytle, Casey71
 All the Traps of Earth and Other Stories Simak, Clifford D.71
 All the Way to the Gallows Drake, David71
 Allies & Aliens Allen, Roger MacBride71
 American Empire: Blood and Iron Turtledove, Harry71
 Anakin Skywalker Strasser, Todd71
 Ancillary Mercy Leckie, Ann71
 Angel Station Williams, Walter Jon71
 Armageddon: The Musical Rankin, Robert71
 Armaggedon Summer Yolen, Jane & Coville, Bruce71
 At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror Lovecraft, Howard Phillips71
 A Crown of Swords Jordan, Robert743
 A Rumor of Angels Kellogg, Marjorie Bradley77
 A Boy and His Tank Frankowski, Leo76
 An Exchange of Gifts McCaffrey, Anne66
 A Sending of Dragons Yolen, Jane75
 An Enemy Reborn Stackpole, Michael A. & Wu, William F.75
 Arthur Lawhead, Stephen65
 A Gift of Dragons McCaffrey, Anne74
 A Trace of Memory Laumer, Keith74
 A Hat Full of Sky Pratchett, Terry73
 A New Threat Hand, Elizabeth73
 A Plague of Demons & Other Stories Laumer, Keith73
 A Swiftly Tilting Planet L'Engle, Madeleine73
 A Wrinkle in Time L'Engle, Madeleine73
 Acorna's Search McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann63
 Aliens Foster, Alan Dean73
 Among the Betrayed Haddix, Margaret73
 A Martian Poet in Siberia Hunter, Duncan62
 A Time to Sow Dilmore, Kevin & Ward, Dayton62
 Amber Dreams: A Roger Zelazny Bibliography Levack, Daniel J H & Zelazny, Roger62
 American Vampire Lytle, C. Alan62
 Anthem Rand, Ayn62
 At the Gates of Darkness Feist, Raymond E.62
 A Circus of Hells Anderson, Poul61
 A Dozen Dreadfuls Holley, Charlotte61
 A Fighting Man of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice61
 A Heritage of Stars Simak, Clifford D.61
 After the King Greenberg, Martin H.61
 Alalorn Briggs, Patricia61
 Acorna's People McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Anne57
 Arlyn and the Purloin Bane Nourie, Dana55
 A Cast of Corbies Lackey, Mercedes & Sherman, Josepha64
 Acorna's World McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann64
 Age of Swords Sullivan, Michael J.64
 Alpha Centauri Barton, William & Copobianco, Michael53
 Alvin Journeyman Card, Orson Scott53
 A College of Magics Stevermer, Caroline52
 A Flame In Hali Ross, Deborah J. & Bradley, Marion Zimmer62
 A Redwall Winter's Tale Jacques, Brian62
 Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene62
 Alien Taste Spencer, Wen62
 A Blackbird in Amber Warrington, Freda51
 A Practical Guide to Faeries Morris, Susan J.51
 A Rock and a Hard Place David, Peter51
 Across the Face of the World Kirkpatrick, Russell51
 Adventures Resnick, Mike51
 Alien Nation Foster, Alan Dean51
 An affair of state Frank, Pat51
 Ancrene Wisse Tree and Leaf Tolkien, J.R.R.51
 Avatar Passarella, John51
 An Ill Fate Marshalling Cook, Glen43
 A Case of Need Crichton, Michael42
 Aikido: More Than a Martial Art Taylor, Roger42
 An Evil Guest Wolfe, Gene42
 A Branch of Thorns Bladow, Kyle311
 A Memory of Muder Bradbury, Ray31
 A Troubling Along the Border Aamodt, Donald31
 Arrival Authors, Various31
 After On: A Novel of Silicon Valley Reid, Rob33
 Arthor Attanasio, A. A.21
 A Night in the Netherhells Gardner, Craig Shaw11
 A Tourist Guide to Lancre Pratchett, Terry11
 ALIEN BEACH Yngve, A.R.11
 An Alien Affair Hubbard, L. Ron11

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