
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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244 "p" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with P
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Phule's Paradise Asprin, Robert102
 Paint Your Dragon Holt, Tom101
 Paradox Meaney, John101
 Parsival or a Knight's Tale Monaco, Richard101
 Path of the Hero Wolverton, Dave101
 Pawn: A Chronicle of the Sibyl''s War Zahn, Timothy101
 Peace And Memory Tiedemann, Mark W.101
 People of Sparks Duprau, Jeanne101
 Perfect Chemistry Elkeles, Simone101
 Perimeter Reizer, John101
 Pet Peeve Anthony, Piers101
 Peter and the Starcatchers Barry, Dave & Pearson, Ridley101
 Peter Pan Barrie, J. M.101
 Peter Raven Under Fire Molloy, Michael101
 Pharoh's Daughter Lester, Julius101
 Phoenix Harbinson, W. A.101
 Phoenix Ashes Carter, Aimee101
 Pieces of Puzzle Stanek, Robert101
 piglet in a playpen baglio, ben101
 Piratica II Return to Parrot Island Lee, Tanith101
 Plague of Ice Lain, T. H.101
 Plague of Knives Silke, James101
 Playing the Jack Brown, Mary101
 Polar Bears past Bedtime Osborne, Mary Pope101
 ponies at the point baglio, ben101
 Poppy Avi, Avi101
 Power & Light - Volume 2: The Collected Stories of Zelazny, Roger101
 Practical Magic Hoffman, Alice101
 Prey: A Novel Crichton, Michael101
 Preying for Keeps Odom, Mel101
 Primary Inversion Asaro, Catherine101
 Prince of Demons Reichert, Mickey Zucker101
 Princess and Curdie MacDonald, George101
 Princess in Waiting/ Sixational Cabot, Meg101
 Prisoner of the Horned Helm Silke, James101
 Promise of the Wolves: A Novel Hearst, Dorothy101
 puppy party! dale, jenny101
 Puppy Tales Balban, Bob101
 Pursuit Hand, Elizabeth101
 Prophecy: Child of Earth Haydon, Elizabeth929
 Ptolmey's Gate Stroud, Jonathan923
 Pandora's Star Hamilton, Peter F.919
 Prince of Dogs Elliot, Kate918
 Paraworld Zero Peterson, Matthew913
 Path of the Fury Weber, David912
 Pegasus in Flight McCaffrey, Anne912
 Passage to Dawn Salvatore, R.A.910
 Point Blank Horowitz, anthony910
 Prince of Ayodhya Banker, Ashok K.910
 Phoenix Brust, Steven99
 Pawn's Dream Nylund, Eric S.98
 Pretties Westerfeld, Scott98
 Planet of Adventure Vance, Jack97
 Power of Three Jones, Diana Wynne97
 Paladin of Souls Bujold, Lois McMaster96
 Phantasmagoric Kaleidoscope Lozon, Scott106
 Pillage Skye, Obert96
 Pattern Parker, K. J.95
 Preserver Shatner, William & Reeves-Stevens, Judith and Garfield95
 Punktown Thomas, Jeffrey95
 Present Tense Duncan, Dave94
 Princess in Waiting/ Mia Goes Forth Cabot, Meg94
 Princess Nevermore Regan, Dian Curtis94
 Pony on the Porch baglio, ben93
 Prisoner's Hope Feintuch, David93
 Prophecy Moore, Vance93
 Pyramid Scheme Freer, Dave & Flint, Eric93
 Palace Of Kings Jefferies, Mike92
 Pashazade Grimwood, Jon Courtenay92
 Patriarch's Hope Feintuch, David92
 Permutation City Egan, Greg92
 Ploughman King Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.92
 Ploughman's Son Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.92
 Port Eternity Cherryh, C.J.92
 Prince of Lies Lowder, James92
 Prince of Time McReynolds, Glenna92
 Princess at Sea Cook, Dawn92
 Prisoner of the Iron Tower Ash, Sarah92
 Probability Space Kress, Nancy92
 Probability Sun Kress, Nancy92
 puppy power dale, jenny92
 Pages of Pain Denning, Troy91
 Path of Fate Francis, Diana Pharaoh91
 Pawn to Infinity Saberhagen, Fred & Saberhagen, Joan91
 Pellucidar Burroughs, Edgar Rice91
 Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel Morris, Tee & Ballantine, Pip91
 Piece of Mind Carry, Beverly91
 Pilot's Choice Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve91
 Pirates of the Carribbean Dead Man's Chest Trimble, Irene91
 Pirates of Venus Burroughs, Edgar Rice91
 Point of Dreams Scott, Melissa & Barnett, Lisa A.91
 Politician Anthony, Piers91
 Portent Herbert, James91
 Power Play Farshtey, Greg91
 Precipice Miller, John Jackson91
 Preternatural Bonanno, Margaret Wander91
 Preternatural Too: Gyre Bonanno, Margaret Wander91
 Prey Perry, Steve91
 Promises Richardson, Nancy91
 Psalms of Herod Friesner, Esther91
 Psychlone Bear, Greg91
 Psychohistorical Crisis Kingsbury, Donald91
 Psychomech Lumley, Brian91
 Putting Up Roots Sheffield, Charles91
 Pawn of Prophecy Eddings, David973
 Perdido Street Station Mieville, China870
 Page Pierce, Tamora948
 Polgara the Sorceress Eddings, David & Eddings, Leigh829
 Prince Caspian Lewis, C.S.920
 Perelandra Lewis, C.S.914
 premonitions Watson, Jude914
 Pegasus in Space McCaffrey, Anne813
 Possession Ewing, Lynne911
 Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus Card, Orson Scott810
 Pursuing Amy Kaye, Marilyn910
 Poison Study Snyder, Maria V.99
 Prince of Chaos Zelazny, Roger89
 Phule's Company Asprin, Robert98
 Physik Sage, Angie88
 Prelude to Foundation Asimov, Isaac88
 Pagan Moon Warrington, Freda96
 Palace Kerr, Katharine & Kreighbaum, Mark96
 Partners in Necessity Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve86
 Pebble In the Sky Asimov, Isaac86
 Peeps Westerfeld, Scott86
 Phantom Goodkind, Terry86
 Plane Hell Morabito, Paul86
 Princess Academy Hale, Shannon96
 Passage Willis, Connie95
 Pavane Roberts, Keith95
 Pilgrim Douglass, Sara85
 Plan B Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve85
 Path to Truth Watson, Jude84
 Pigs Don't Fly Brown, Mary84
 Pool of Radiance Ward, James M. & Hong, Jane Cooper84
 Precursor Cherryh, C.J.94
 Prosperos Children Siegel, Jan84
 Parable of the Sower Butler, Octavia E.93
 Parable of the Talents Butler, Octavia Estelle83
 Paths of the Parambulator Foster, Alan Dean83
 Pattern Recognition Gibson, William83
 Patternmaster Butler, Octavia Estelle83
 Pet Sematary King, Stephen93
 Pilgrimage to Earth Sheckley, Robert83
 Pirate Prince Michaels, Melisa83
 Private Peaceful Morphurgo, Micheal83
 Probability Moon Kress, Nancy83
 Promise of the Witch-King Salvatore, R.A.93
 Pacific Vortex Cussler, Clive82
 Partnership McCaffrey, Anne & Ball, Margaret82
 Phule Me Twice Asprin, Robert & Heck, Peter J.82
 Phylogenesis Foster, Alan Dean82
 Pollen Noon, Jeff82
 Princeps' Fury Butcher, Jim82
 Princess of Wands Ringo, John82
 Prowlers Golden, Christopher82
 puppys in the pantry baglio, ben82
 Pushing Ice Reynolds, Alastair82
 Paths Not Taken Green, Simon R.81
 Permanence Schroeder, Karl81
 Prince of Sunset White, Steve81
 Princess Alyss of Wonderland Beddor, Frank81
 Princess on the brink Cabot, Meg81
 Prisoner of Time Cooney, Caroline B.81
 Pyromancer Callander, Don81
 Prince of the Blood Feist, Raymond E.815
 Petals on the Wind Andrews, Virginia Cleo810
 Pyramids Pratchett, Terry710
 Pandora Rice, Anne89
 Petty Pewter Gods Cook, Glen89
 Psion Vinge, Joan D.88
 Past Imperative Duncan, Dave77
 Phaze Doubt Anthony, Piers77
 Priestess of Avalon Bradley, Marion Zimmer & Paxon, Diana87
 Passage at Arms Cook, Glen86
 Peace Wolfe, Gene86
 Paths of Darkness Collector's Edition Salvatore, R.A.75
 Podkayne of Mars Heinlein, Robert A.75
 Powers That Be McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann85
 Preludes and Nocturnes Gaiman, Neil85
 Priestess of the White Canavan, Trudi75
 Promethea Moore, Alan85
 Phantoms Koontz, Dean84
 Pie Magic Forward, Toby74
 Prentice Alvin Card, Orson Scott74
 Proven Guilty Butcher, Jim84
 Perfect Girls Kaye, Marilyn83
 Perseus Spur May, Julian73
 Praying Mantis stone, jeff73
 Prince of Skulls Barker, M. A. R.73
 Pacific Edge Robinson, Kim Stanley72
 Path of Glory Funk, Bret M.72
 Power Lines McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann82
 Power Play McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann82
 Pretender Cherryh, C.J.82
 Princess in Love Cabot, Meg72
 Profiles of the Future Clarke, Arthur C.82
 Promised Land Willis, Connie & Felice, Cynthia82
 Psychoshop Bester, Alfred & Zelazny, Roger82
 Pump Six and Other Stories Bacigalupi, Paolo82
 Patrimony Foster, Alan Dean71
 Pay the Piper: A Rock and Roll Fairy Tale Yolen, Jane & Stemple, Adam71
 Pride of Lions Llywelyn, Morgan71
 Privateers Bova, Ben71
 Prophets of the Darkside Davids, Paul & Davids, Hollace71
 Proteus Unbound Sheffield, Charles71
 Path of Glory Bills, Randall N.66
 Pendragon Lawhead, Stephen66
 Protector Niven, Larry76
 Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep Carson Levine, Gail75
 Poseidon's Peak Kidd, Rob64
 Prom Nights From Hell Meyer, Stephenie74
 Path of Destruction: A Novel of the Old Republic Karpyshyn, Drew63
 Perilous Seas Duncan, Dave73
 Phoenix and Ashes Lackey, Mercedes63
 Piratica Lee, Tanith73
 Princess in Waiting Cabot, Meg63
 Prison of Souls Lackey, Mercedes & Shepherd, Mark63
 Patriots Drake, David62
 Psychic Warrior Doherty, Robert62
 Polaris McDevitt, Jack61
 Pools of Darkness Ward, James M. & Brown, Anne K.61
 Ports of Call Vance, Jack61
 Practical Demonkeeping Moore, Christopher61
 Parsifal's Page Morris, Gerald614
 Pillar of Fire and Other Plays Bradbury, Ray53
 Planet of the Apes Boulle, Pierre53
 Parallelities Foster, Alan Dean51
 Planet of Twilight Hambly, Barbara51
 Pop Goes the Weasel Patterson, James51
 Project Pope Simak, Clifford D.51
 Psychosphere Lumley, Brian51
 Paying the Piper Drake, David42
 Prince Ivan Morwood, Peter41
 Patterns of Force Reaves, Michael31
 Pirates of the Universe Bisson, Terry31
 Phthor Anthony, Piers22
 Palace of the Red Sun Bulis, Christopher21
 Paleo Navarro, Yvonne21
 Pantheon of the Dead Rosenberg, Jon21
 Playing For Pizza: A Novel Grisham, John21
 Promised Land Dann, Jack21
 Planet of Exile Le Guin, Ursula K.11
 Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates Wolverton, Dave11

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