Home Sharon Lee, Steve Miller Partners in Necessity

Partners in Necessity (Liaden Universe)
Series: Liaden Universe
Genre: SF
Pages: 800 pages
Publisher: Meisha Merlin Publishing
Price: 20.00
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 6
Partners in Necessity by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller

Description: this Omnibus book contains the previously out of print series:
Conflict of Honors
Carpe Diem
agents of change.
These are about the relationships between various races in galaxy: Terrans,Liadens-a humanoid race concern with honor and trading and the
militaristic Yxtrang and giant alien turtles.The authors are masters of world-building and their series skillfully combine
military sf, romance, espionage, witty dialogue.

Also in this series are Agent of Change, Balance of Trade, Liaden Universe ® Companion (Volume One), Local Custom, Pilot's Choice, Scout's Progress, Two Tales of Korval, Conflict of Honors, Carpe Diem, Plan B, I Dare, Quiet Knives, With Stars Underfoot, Necessary Evils Return to the Sharon Lee page, Steve Miller page.

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