Home Mercedes Lackey, Mark Shepherd Prison of Souls

Prison of Souls (The Bard's Tale)
Series: The Bard's Tale
Volume: 3
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0671721933
Pages: 368 pages
Publisher: Baen Books
Price: $5.99
Reader Rating: 6 out of 10
Votes: 3
Prison of Souls by Mercedes Lackey & Mark Shepherd

Description: A new novel based on the phenomenally popular role-playing computer game The Bard's Tale. The Dark Elf Naitachal, the hero of Fortress of Frost and Fire, is still going strong and training new apprentices. But his latest, the King's own son, Alaire, isn't ready for their new mission.

Also in this series are Castle of Deception, Fortress of Frost and Fire Return to the Mercedes Lackey page, Mark Shepherd page.

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