
Series: The Bard's Tale
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0671721259
Pages: 320 pages
Publisher: Baen Books
Price: $5.99
Reader Rating: 5 out of 10
Votes: 4
Castle of Deception by Mercedes Lackey & Josepha ShermanDescription: A great new novel by two fantasy stars of the first magnitude. A young bard faces a web of lies and deception in a world where nothing is as it seems - and everything is a trap for the unwary. Set in the same literary universe as the bestselling computer adventure, The Bard's Tale IV. Mercedes Lackey is the acclaimed author of Bardic Voices and Born to Run. Consumer contest.
Also in this series are The Chaos Gate, Fortress of Frost and Fire, Prison of Souls
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page, Josepha Sherman page.