 Home  Authors Ray Bradbury

About Author
He lived in Illinois until about 1933-34, when his family headed out to live in Los Angeles, but first lived very shortly in Tucson, Arizona. He graduated from Los Angeles High School in 1938, then spent most of his time at the library, where (according to Ray) he graduated from the library at the age of 28.

Ray is a winner of the Nebula, Prometheus, O.Henry Memorial, Balrog, Bram Stoker, Benjamin Franklin, Aviation-Space Writers and World Fantasy (Lifetime Achievement) Awards. It's surely redundant to say he's a SFWA Grand Master. He has won the Gandalf Award for Lifetime Contribution to Fantasy (in 1980), and published his first story in 1941. A writer for TV, radio, theater and film, his credits including a script for the film Moby Dick.

Died on July 5th 2012 in Loas Angeles, California after a lengthy illness.

This author has been recommended by 164 other readers.

Books (Sort by Title)[36 books listed]
 Misc VolumeYearRating
 The Martian Chroniclesn/a19508/10
 The Illustrated Mann/a19517/10
 Fahrenheit 451n/a19538/10
 Dandelion Winen/a19567/10
 Something Wicked This Way Comesn/a19628/10
 The Halloween Treen/a19728/10
 Death is a Lonely Businessn/a19857/10
 A Graveyard for Lunaticsn/a19908/10
 Zen in the Art of Writing: Releasing the Creative Genius Within Youn/a1992n/a
 From the Dust Returned : A Family Remembrancen/a20018/10
 the monkeys pawn/a200410/10

 Plays VolumeYearRating
 The Anthem Sprinters and Other Anticsn/a1963n/a
 The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit & Other Playsn/a197210/10
 Pillar of Fire and Other Playsn/a19755/10

 Poetry VolumeYearRating
 Old Ahab's Friend, and Friend to Noah, Speaks His Piecen/a1971n/a
 When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomedn/a1973n/a
 Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run 'Round in Robot Townsn/a1977n/a
 The Haunted Computer and the Android Popen/a19819/10
 The Complete Poems of Ray Bradburyn/a198210/10
 Death Has Lost Its Charm for Men/a1987n/a

 Short Story Collections VolumeYearRating
 Dark Carnivaln/a1947n/a
 The Golden Apples of the Sunn/a19536/10
 The October Countryn/a19558/10
 A Medicine for Melancholyn/a1959n/a
 The Day it Rained Forevern/a1959n/a
 'R' Is For Rocketn/a19628/10
 The Machineries of Joyn/a19647/10
 'S' Is For Spacen/a19667/10
 I Sing the Body Electricn/a19696/10
 Long After Midnightn/a19767/10
 A Memory of Mudern/a19843/10
 The Toynbee Convectorn/a1988n/a
 Quicker than the Eyen/a19968/10
 Driving Blindn/a19974/10
 One More for the Roadn/a20028/10
 The Cat's Pajamasn/a20044/10
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