
Series: Short Story Collections
Genre: SF
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 5
'S' Is For Space by Ray BradburyDescription: The companion book to 'R is for Rocket', again the originals far out-shine those that have 'borrowed' ideas from one of the World's master short story authors. Share and enjoy!
S Is For Space contains the following stories:
Pillar of Fire
Zero Hour
The Man
Time in Thy Flight
The Pedestrian
Hail and Farewell
Invisible Boy
Come into My Cellar
The Million-Year Picnic
The Screaming Woman
The Smile
Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed
The Trolley
The Flying Machine
Icarus Montgolfier Wright
Also in this series are A Medicine for Melancholy, A Memory of Muder, Dark Carnival, Driving Blind, I Sing the Body Electric, Long After Midnight, One More for the Road, Quicker than the Eye, 'R' Is For Rocket, The Cat's Pajamas, The Day it Rained Forever, The Golden Apples of the Sun, The Machineries of Joy, The October Country, The Toynbee Convector
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