
Series: Misc
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0380973839
Pages: 272 pages
Publisher: Avon Books
Price: 16
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 16
The Martian Chronicles by Ray BradburyDescription: Before the advent of space flight, Ray Bradbury had humankind cultivating planets. In The Martian Chronicles, humanity discovers an ancient civilization on the verge of ruin. This classic work presents tales of human interaction with one another and with the Martians.
Synopsis & Commentary:
The Martian Chronicles describes the first attempts of Earth people to conquer and colonize Mars, the constant thwarting of their efforts by the gentle, telepathic Martians, the eventual colonization, and finally the effect on the Martian settlers of a massive nuclear war on Earth. As much a work of social criticism as of science fiction, The Martian Chronicles is an allegory for the tragic moral blindness of mankind and also reflects some of the prevailing anxieties of America in the early atomic age of the 1950's: the fear of nuclear war, the longing for a simpler life, reactions against racism and censorship, and fear of foreign political powers.
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