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97 "k" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with K
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Killers of the Dawn Shan, Darren105
 Keepers of Light Cooper, Louise102
 Kaisho Van Lustbader, Eric101
 Kallik's Adventure Hunter, Erin101
 Keeper Martin's Guide to the Fantastical Beasts Stanek, Robert101
 Key of Light Roberts, Nora101
 Kildar Ringo, John101
 Kingdom's Fury Sherman, David & Cragg, Dan101
 Kingdoms of Sorcery Carter, Lin101
 Kingdoms of the Night Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris101
 Kiss the Girls Patterson, James101
 Kittens in the kitchen Daniels, Lucy101
 Knights Gambit Lackey, Mercedes101
 Knights of the Black and White Whyte, Jack101
 Kushiel's Justice Carey, Jacqueline101
 Kushiel's Scion Carey, Jacqueline101
 Keeper Martin's Tale Stanek, Robert9537
 Kingdom Alliance Stanek, Robert9294
 Kushiel's Dart Carey, Jacqueline937
 Kushiel's Avatar Carey, Jacqueline928
 Kushiel's Chosen Carey, Jacqueline924
 Kiss of Shadows Hamilton, Laurell K.916
 Kissed By An Angel Chandler, Elizabeth107
 King’s Cure Hood, Daniel94
 Kingdom of Summer Bradshaw, Gillian93
 King's Sacrifice Weis, Margaret93
 Keepers of Edanvant Douglas, Carole Nelson92
 Kitty and the Midnight Hour Vaughn, Carrie92
 Knight Life David, Peter92
 Kenobi's Blade Moesta, Rebecca91
 Killing Floor Child, Lee91
 Kiteworld Roberts, Keith91
 Kittens in the Kitchen Baglio, Ben91
 Kitty Goes to Washington Vaughn, Carrie91
 Kitty Takes a Holiday Vaughn, Carrie91
 K-PAX II: On a Beam of Light Brewer, Gene91
 Knife of Dreams Jordan, Robert933
 King of the Murgos Eddings, David931
 King's Dragon Elliot, Kate927
 King of Foxes Feist, Raymond E.822
 King of the Middle March Crossley-Holland, Kevin817
 King Rat Mieville, China817
 Komarr Bujold, Lois McMaster917
 Killing Mr. Griffin Duncan, Lois916
 KILLASHANDRA McCaffrey, Anne814
 Knights of Dark Renown Gemmell, David910
 Krondor: The Assasins Feist, Raymond E.810
 Krondor: The Betrayal Feist, Raymond E.910
 Keeper of the Keys Wurts, Janny86
 Kaz the Minotaur Knaak, Richard A.85
 Khai Of Ancient Khem Lumley, Brian95
 Knife Edge Blackman, Malorie95
 Kissing Coffins Schreiber, Ellen94
 Knight of Shadows Zelazny, Roger94
 Krispos Rising Turtledove, Harry84
 King's Test Weis, Margaret93
 Kiss of the Night Kenyon, Sherrilyn83
 kitten in the cold baglio, ben83
 Knights of Alcea Tuttle, Richard S.83
 Kaspar's Box Chalker, Jack L.82
 King's Son, Magic's Son Sherman, Josepha82
 Kinsman Bova, Ben82
 Knight of the Demon Queen Hambly, Barbara82
 Kid Heroes Shusterman, Neal81
 Kilesha and the A R B 2: Error in Judgment Holley, Charlotte81
 Kill Decision Suarez, Daniel81
 Kindred Spirits Gilmore, H.B. & Reisfeld, Randi81
 King's Man & Thief Golden, Christie81
 Knighthood of the Dragon Bunch, Chris81
 K-Pax Brewer, Gene81
 Kiln People Brin, David78
 Krondor: Tear of the Gods Feist, Raymond E.88
 Knight's Dawn Hunter, Kim77
 Knight of Ghosts and Shadows Lackey, Mercedes & Guon, Ellen86
 Kender, Gully Dwarves and Gnomes Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy84
 Kingdoms of Light Foster, Alan Dean84
 Knight Of The Black Rose Lowder, James74
 Kendermore Kirchoff, Mary83
 King Kull Howard, Robert E. & Carter, Lin73
 KIT'S WILDERNESS Almond, David73
 Kalvan Kingmaker Carr, John82
 King Kelson's Bride Kurtz, Katherine72
 Kingdom of Cages Zettel, Sarah82
 Krispos of Videssos Turtledove, Harry82
 Krispos the Emperor Turtledove, Harry82
 Keepers Of The Flame Owens, Robin D.71
 Killer Drake, David & Wagner, Karl Edward64
 Kiss My Left Behind Lee, Earl73
 Kilesha And The Atlantis Rock Band Holley, Charlotte61
 King Javan's Year Kurtz, Katherine61
 King of Shadows Cooper, Susan53
 Keeping It Real Robson, Justina62
 Knight or Knave Norton, Andre & Miller, Sasha51
 Kingdom of the Grail Tarr, Judith42
 King of the North Turtledove, Harry21
 King's Wrath McIntosh, Fiona11
 Knight Fantastic Greenberg, Martin H. & Helfers, John11

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