Home David Eddings, Leigh Eddings Polgara the Sorceress

Polgara the Sorceress (The Preludes)
Series: The Preludes
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0345422554
Publisher: Del Rey
Price: $7.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 29
Polgara the Sorceress by David Eddings & Leigh Eddings

Description: Prequel the the Belgariad and Malloreon series.

This volume tells the life story of Polgara. From a young girl growing up with a group of sorcerers to when she comes into her own power and goes out in the world to help the god Aldur.

Sharply observed and an excellent companion volume to Belgarath the Sorcerer.
It builds upon and improves the world created by David and Leigh Eddings. Their characterisation means that a reader cannot help but be drawn in by the people in the novel and provides some real tear-jerking moments.

Also in this series are Belgarath the Sorcerer Return to the David Eddings page, Leigh Eddings page.

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