Home David Eddings, Leigh Eddings Belgarath the Sorcerer

Belgarath the Sorcerer (The Preludes)
Series: The Preludes
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0586213155
Publisher: Delrey
Price: 7.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 41
Belgarath the Sorcerer by David Eddings & Leigh Eddings

Description: This is a prequel to the Belgariad and Malloreon series.

This volume tells the story of Belgarath, the great sorcerer learned in the Will and the Word, on whom the fate of the world depends. This is his own account of the struggle that went before "The Belgariad" and "The Malloreon". Only one man could tell of those near-forgotten times. That man is known as the Old Wolf.

Also in this series are Polgara the Sorceress Return to the David Eddings page, Leigh Eddings page.

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