
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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427 "c" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with C
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Children of the Dust Lawrence, Louise102
 Code Name Cassandra Cabot, Meg102
 Currant Events Anthony, Piers102
 Cagebird Lowachee, Karin101
 Call Me Francis Tucket Paulsen, Gary101
 Call to arms Griffin, P. M.101
 Callahan's Key Robinson, Spider101
 Cally's War Ringo, John & Cochrane, Julie101
 Camelot's Shadow Zettel, Sarah101
 captian underpants #3 pilky, dav101
 Carnosaur Brosnan, John & Kettle, Leroy101
 Case #2: CHOCOLATE LOVER Rabb, M. E.101
 Castle Storm Kilworth, Garry101
 Cat & Mouse Patterson, James101
 Cat Pay The Devil Murphy, Shirley Rosseau101
 Celestial Matters Garfinkle, Richard101
 Chalice and the Blade McReynolds, Glenna101
 Champion's Trial McGough, Scott101
 Changer of Days (The Oracle) Hromic, Alma101
 Channel's Destiny LORRAH, JEAN & Lichtenberg, Jacqueline101
 Checkers Marsden, John101
 Checkmate Blackman, Malorie101
 Chestnut Soldier Nimmo, Jenny101
 Child of the Holy Grail Miles, Rosalind101
 Children of the Lion Roberson, Jennifer101
 Chimerascope Smith, Douglas101
 Cinatis Donaghe, Ronald101
 Circle of the Moon Hambly, Barbara101
 Citizen in Space Sheckley, Robert101
 City of Bones Clare, Cassandra101
 City of Fallen Angels Clare, Cassandra101
 City of Saints and Madmen (Deluxe) VanderMeer, Jeff101
 City of the Dead Lieberman, Herbert101
 Clans of the Alphane Moon Dick, Philip K.101
 Clockwork Asylum Koke, Jak101
 Cloudstreet Winton, Tim101
 Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke Clarke, Arthur C.101
 Collector's Book of Science Fiction Wells, H. G.101
 Colman Furlong, Monica101
 Conan The Defender Jordan, Robert101
 Conan the Valiant Green, Roland101
 Conan: The Road of Kings Wagner, Karl Edward101
 Conan: The Sword of Skelos Offutt, Andrew J101
 Confessor Goodkind, Terry101
 Coyote Rising Steele, Allen M.101
 Criminal Enterprise Perry, S. D.101
 Crossfire Bisson, Terry & Hand, Elizabeth101
 Crown of Slaves Weber, David & Flint, Eric101
 Crystal Soldier Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve101
 cub in the cupboard baglio, ben101
 Curse of The Bane Delany, Joseph101
 Curse the Dawn Chance, Karen101
 Cycle of Hatred Decandido, Keith101
 Cryptonomicon Stephenson, Neal924
 Child of Flame Elliot, Kate921
 Cybernetica Cavallaro, Michael J.920
 Crimson Kiss Baker, Trisha919
 Castle Nix, Garth917
 Cirque Du Freak Shan, Darren917
 Cry of the Wolf Roberts, Rachel915
 Citizen of the Galaxy Heinlein, Robert A.914
 Creatures of Light and Darkness Zelazny, Roger914
 Changing Vision Czerneda, Julie913
 City of the Dead Perry, S. D.913
 Cordelia's Honor Bujold, Lois McMaster913
 Crimson Shadows Baker, Trisha912
 Children of Amarid Coe, David B.911
 Contact Sagan, Carl911
 Circus of the Damned Hamilton, Laurell K.910
 Court Duel Smith, Sherwood910
 Crown Duel Smith, Sherwood910
 Children of the Star Engdahl, Sylvia99
 Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen Nix, Garth99
 Complete History of Middle-Earth Tolkien, Christopher99
 Chainfire Goodkind, Terry98
 Charmed Life Jones, Diana Wynne98
 Cold Copper Tears Cook, Glen98
 Cowl Asher, Neal L.98
 crane stone, jeff98
 Crown of Shadows Friedman, C. S.98
 Cuckoo's Egg Cherryh, C.J.98
 Colours In The Steel Parker, K. J.97
 Calculating God Sawyer, Robert J.96
 Choice of the Cat Knight, E. E.96
 Crank Hopkins, Ellen96
 Chosen Cast, P. C.95
 Club Dead Harris, Charlaine95
 Collins Learn To Draw Fantasy Art Jefferies, Mike95
 Colours of Chaos Modesitt Jnr., L.E.95
 Compass Reach Tiedemann, Mark W.95
 Cyteen Cherryh, C.J.95
 Challenger's Hope Feintuch, David94
 Child of Thunder Reichert, Mickey Zucker94
 Claimed By Shadow Chance, Karen94
 Cold Streets Elrod, P. N.94
 Congo Crichton, Michael94
 Coraline Gaiman, Neil94
 Cube Route Anthony, Piers104
 Call of Duty Pardoe, Blaine Lee93
 City of Fire Lain, T. H.93
 City of the Beasts Allende, Isabel93
 Compelling Reason Lewis, C.S.93
 Conan the Wanderer Howard, Robert E. & de Camp, Sprague93
 Conrad's Fate Jones, Diana Wynne93
 Count Geiger's Blues Bishop, Michael93
 Cursor's Fury Butcher, Jim93
 Cat Spitting Mad Murphy, Shirley Rosseau92
 Catch the Lightning Asaro, Catherine92
 Caught In Crystal Wrede, Patricia C.92
 Changing of the Guard Watson, Jude92
 Chanur's Homecoming Cherryh, C.J.92
 Cobra Bargain Zahn, Timothy102
 Cobra Strike Zahn, Timothy92
 Cronan the Librarian Westcott, Steve92
 Cruel Zinc Melodies Cook, Glen92
 Callahan's Con Robinson, Spider91
 Callahan's Legacy Robinson, Spider91
 Captain Shelley, Rick91
 Carpe Diem Schafer, William91
 Cast In Courtlight Sagara, Michelle91
 Cast In Shadow Sagara, Michelle91
 Casting Shadows Cavelos, Jeanne91
 Castle of Days Wolfe, Gene91
 Cat Fear No Evil Murphy, Shirley Rosseau91
 Cat Raise the Dead Murphy, Shirley Rosseau91
 Cat Seeing Double Murphy, Shirley Rosseau91
 Cat to the Dogs Murphy, Shirley Rosseau91
 Cat Under Fire Murphy, Shirley Rosseau91
 Caves of Ice Mitchell, Sandy91
 Cell : A Novel King, Stephen91
 Cemetery Dance Preston, Douglas & Child, Lincoln91
 Changes Butcher, Jim91
 Changeweaver Ball, Margaret91
 Chaos Bleeds Moore, James A.91
 Chasing the dream Baglio, Ben91
 Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys Block, Francesca Lia91
 Chrome Circle Lackey, Mercedes & Dixon, Larry91
 City of Pearl Traviss, Karen91
 City of Thieves LIVINGSTONE, IAN91
 Clan Novel: Setite Ryan, Kathleen91
 Cold Days Butcher, Jim91
 Cold War Archer, Nathan91
 Concrete Jungle Archer, Nathan91
 Contest Reilly, Matthew91
 Costume Not Included Hughes, Matthew91
 Counting the Cost Drake, David91
 Covenant of Justice Gerrold, David91
 Crawlspace Lieberman, Herbert91
 Crooked Little Vein Ellis, Warren91
 Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy Carter, Ally91
 Cry Republic Mitchell, Kirk91
 Castle of Wizardry Eddings, David939
 Cold Fire Pierce, Tamora936
 Chapterhouse: Dune Herbert, Frank925
 City Of Golden Shadow Williams, Tad925
 Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Jacques, Brian924
 Children of Dune Herbert, Frank822
 Circles in the Stream Roberts, Rachel922
 Cerulean Sins Hamilton, Laurell K.821
 Consider Phlebas Banks, Iain M.920
 Chasm City Reynolds, Alastair818
 Crimson Night Baker, Trisha914
 Catspaw Vinge, Joan D.913
 Child of the Prophecy Marillier, Juliet913
 Code Veronica Perry, S. D.913
 Cetaganda Bujold, Lois McMaster912
 Carpe Jugulum Pratchett, Terry911
 Clockwork Pullman, Philip911
 CRYSTAL LINE McCaffrey, Anne811
 Carthage Ascendant Gentle, Mary910
 Cats Cradle Vonnegut, Kurt810
 City Simak, Clifford D.810
 Complicity Banks, Iain M.910
 Caves of Steel Asimov, Isaac99
 Children of the Mind Card, Orson Scott89
 Caliban Cove Perry, S. D.98
 Calling on Dragons Wrede, Patricia C.98
 Catching Fire Collins, Suzanne98
 Charlie Bone and the Time Twister Nimmo, Jenny88
 Castle in the Air Jones, Diana Wynne96
 Charlie Bone And The Hidden King Nimmo, Jenny96
 Childhood's End Clarke, Arthur C.86
 Chimera Tiedemann, Mark W.86
 Code of Conduct Smith, Kristine86
 Conan the Unconquered Jordan, Robert86
 Crewel Lye Anthony, Piers96
 Carrie King, Stephen85
 Carrion Comfort Simmons, Dan85
 Chase the Morning Scott Rohan, Michael85
 Conan Chronicles Howard, Robert E.95
 Conquerors' Heritage Zahn, Timothy85
 Conquerors' Legacy Zahn, Timothy95
 Conrad's Quest for Rubber Frankowski, Leo85
 Corum: The Coming of Chaos Moorcock, Michael95
 Cosmonaut Keep MacLeod, Ken85
 Callahan's Crosstime Saloon Robinson, Spider84
 Canticle Salvatore, R.A.94
 Cart and Cwidder Jones, Diana Wynne84
 Changeling Zelazny, Roger84
 Chaos and Amber Betancourt, John Gregory84
 Chaos Mode Anthony, Piers84
 Chicks in Chainmail, editor Friesner, Esther84
 Cidade da Carne Silva, Luís Filipe84
 City of Gold Kidd, Rob84
 City of Saints and Madmen: The Book of Ambergris VanderMeer, Jeff94
 Cloud's Rider Cherryh, C.J.94
 Conquistador Stirling, S. M.84
 Courage of Falcons Lisle, Holly84
 Court of a Thousand Suns Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris94
 Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille Brust, Steven84
 Coyote Steele, Allen M.84
 Crookedstar's Promise Hunter, Erin94
 Cabal Barker, Clive83
 Camp Concentration Disch, Thomas M.83
 Captain's Fury Butcher, Jim93
 Carolan's Concerto Mor, Caiseal83
 Cat In A Crypt baglio, ben83
 Catacomb Years Bishop, Michael93
 Caviar Sturgeon, Theodore83
 Celtika Holdstock, Robert83
 Changeling Kubasik, Christopher83
 Changer of Worlds Weber, David & , Eric Flint83
 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald93
 Children of God Russell, Mary93
 City of Illusions Le Guin, Ursula K.83
 City of Sorcery Bradley, Marion Zimmer83
 City of the Rats Rodda, Emily93
 Cloak of Deception Luceno, James83
 Cobra Zahn, Timothy93
 Cold Iron Michaels, Melisa83
 Corsair Bunch, Chris93
 Cross Patterson, James93
 Crusade Weber, David & White, Steve83
 Caddoran Taylor, Roger82
 Calibans Hour Williams, Tad82
 Carpe Diem Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve82
 Case #1: THE ROSE QUEEN Rabb, M. E.82
 Changer Lindskold, Jane82
 Child of the Dark Star Caldecott, Moyra82
 Child of the Grove Huff, Tanya82
 Children of Hope Feintuch, David82
 Children of the Drake Knaak, Richard A.82
 Circus of the Darned Maxwell, Katie82
 Clan Novel: Assamite Fleming, Gherbod82
 Clan Novel: Tzimisce Griffin, Eric82
 Clarke County, Space Steele, Allen M.82
 Cloud Warrior Tilley, Patrick82
 Coast of Doom Tailler, Peter82
 Companions of the Night Vande Velde, Vivian82
 Conan the Adventurer Howard, Robert E. & de Camp, Sprague82
 Conan the Conqueror Howard, Robert E. & de Camp, Sprague82
 Conan the Freebooter Howard, Robert E. & de Camp, Sprague82
 Conan the Usurper Howard, Robert E. & de Camp, Sprague82
 Council of War Tuttle, Richard S.82
 Cyclops Cussler, Clive82
 Callahan's Lady Robinson, Spider81
 Callisto Carter, Lin81
 Camber the Heretic Kurtz, Katherine81
 captain's command myers, anna81
 Carson of Venus Burroughs, Edgar Rice81
 Cat Breaking Free Murphy, Shirley Rosseau81
 Cat Cross Their Graves Murphy, Shirley Rosseau81
 Cat in the Dark Murphy, Shirley Rosseau81
 Cat Laughing Last Murphy, Shirley Rosseau81
 Cat-A-Lyst Foster, Alan Dean81
 Chaosbound Farland, David81
 Child of the River Mcauley, Paul J.81
 Children of the Plains Thompson, Paul B. & Cook, Tonya C.81
 Chill Factor Caine, Rachel81
 China Mountain Zhang McHugh, Maureen F.81
 Chronospace : A Novel Steele, Allen M.81
 City of the Lost Herbert, Mary H.81
 Clan Novel: Brujah Fleming, Gherbod81
 Close Encounters with the Deity Bishop, Michael81
 Cluster Command Dietz, William C. & , David Drake81
 Coalescent Baxter, Stephen81
 Cold Wars David, Peter81
 Conan and the Amazon Roberts, John Maddox81
 Conspiracies Wilson, F. Paul81
 Conundrum Crook, Jeff81
 Cormac Mac Art Howard, Robert E.81
 Crashlander Niven, Larry81
 Cross the Stars Drake, David81
 Crossfire Kress, Nancy81
 Crossover: A Cassandra Kresnov Novel Shepherd, Joel81
 Crown of Fire Greenwood, Ed81
 Crown of Stars Elliot, Kate81
 Crystal Doors Moesta, Rebecca & Anderson, Kevin81
 Cthulhu's Reign Schweitzer, Darrell81
 Childhood's End Clarke, Arthur C.718
 Clan of the Cave Bear Auel, Jean M.715
 CRYSTAL SINGER McCaffrey, Anne813
 Castle Roogna Anthony, Piers89
 Centaur Aisle Anthony, Piers89
 City of Hawks Gygax, Gary88
 Count Zero Gibson, William88
 Crusader Douglass, Sara88
 Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?, and Other Stories Sheckley, Robert86
 Conan the Destroyer Jordan, Robert76
 Conan the Invincible Jordan, Robert86
 Conquerors' Pride Zahn, Timothy86
 Conrad's Time Machine Frankowski, Leo76
 Calde of the Long Sun Wolfe, Gene85
 Century Rain Reynolds, Alastair85
 Chanur's Legacy Cherryh, C.J.85
 Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf Nimmo, Jenny75
 Chindi McDevitt, Jack75
 Cry to Heaven Rice, Anne75
 Captive Universe Harrison, Harry84
 Cast in Secret Sagara, Michelle74
 Cast Two Shadows Rinaldi, Ann84
 Chainer's Torment McGough, Scott84
 Change Of Command Moon, Elizabeth74
 Child of an Ancient City Williams, Tad & Hoffman, Nina Kiriki84
 Come Endless Darkness Gygax, Gary74
 Conan the Triumphant Jordan, Robert74
 Conflict of Honors Miller, Steve & Lee, Sharon84
 Conspiracy of Calaspia Guptara, Jyoti & Guptara, Suresh74
 Courageous Campbell, Jack & Hemry, John G.84
 Crisis on Doona McCaffrey, Anne & Nye, Jody Lynne74
 Castle of Mirrors Nimmo, Jenny73
 Changer of Days Hromic, Alma A.83
 Charlie Bone And The Invisible Boy Nimmo, Jenny83
 Chasm Laws, Stephen73
 Children of the Night Simmons, Dan83
 Chobits Clamp, -73
 Ciara's Song Norton, Andre & McConchie, Lyn83
 City of Bones Wells, Martha73
 Colony Grant, Rob73
 Conan of Cimmeria Howard, Robert E. & de Camp, Sprague73
 Conan the Magnificent Jordan, Robert73
 Crimson Skies Nylund, Eric S.83
 Cursed and Consulted Cook, Rick83
 Captive to Evil Watson, Jude72
 Carnacki the Ghost Finder Hodgson, William Hope82
 Catfantastic Norton, Andre82
 Catland Izzo, David Garrett82
 Centauri Dawn Ely, Michael & Simpson, Robert82
 Ceremony Cook, Glen82
 Changing Planes - Armchair travel for the mind Le Guin, Ursula K.72
 Chi Besher, Alexander72
 Chimaera's Copper Anthony, Piers72
 Clash of the Sky Galleons Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris82
 Codgerspace Foster, Alan Dean72
 Coils Zelazny, Roger & Saberhagen, Fred82
 Cold Fire Koontz, Dean72
 Colony Bova, Ben82
 Commitment Hour Gardner, James Alan82
 Counting Up, Counting Down Turtledove, Harry82
 Cradle Clarke, Arthur C. & Lee, Gentry72
 Crown of Stars Tiptree, James72
 Call of Madness Smith, Julie Dean71
 Camber of Culdi Kurtz, Katherine71
 Catastrophe's Spell Brenner, Mayer Alan71
 Celestial Debris Watt-Evans, Lawrence71
 Cemetery World Simak, Clifford D.71
 charlies choice dale, jenny71
 Chosen of the Gods Pierson, Chris71
 Circle at Center Niles, Douglas71
 City on Fire Williams, Walter Jon71
 Clan Novel: Ravnos Ryan, Kathleen71
 Colonization: Down to Earth Turtledove, Harry71
 Conan of Aquilonia de Camp, Sprague & Carter, Lin71
 Cosmic Engineers Simak, Clifford D.71
 Counterfeit Kings Connell, Adam71
 Crystal Rain Buckell, Tobias S.71
 Crossroads of Twilight Jordan, Robert756
 Chimaera Irvine, Ian614
 Cachalot Foster, Alan Dean67
 Canal Dreams Banks, Iain M.67
 Cinderellis and the Glass Hill Carson Levine, Gail77
 Colonization: Aftershocks Turtledove, Harry67
 Children of the Night Lackey, Mercedes65
 Crusade Audley, Anselm75
 Children of the Shaman Rydill, Jessica64
 Conan of Venarium Turtledove, Harry64
 Cat on the Edge Murphy, Shirley Rosseau73
 Catilina's Riddle Saylor, Steven63
 Christine King, Stephen73
 Clay's Ark Butler, Octavia Estelle73
 Convergent Series (collection) Niven, Larry73
 Curse of the Azure Bonds Novak, Kate & Grubb, Jeff73
 Cursed Odom, Mel73
 Caught in the Crossfire Drake, David62
 Cezanne Pinto-A Memoir Stolz, Mary62
 Charlotte's Web White, E. B.62
 Chase Koontz, Dean62
 Christian Reflections Lewis, C.S.62
 Coldheart Canyon Barker, Clive62
 Conqueror's Moon May, Julian62
 Count Karlstein Pullman, Philip62
 Cradle of Saturn Hogan, James P.62
 Crypt of the Shadowking Anthony, Mark62
 Cavalcade Sinclair, Alison61
 Cavern Of Fear Rodda, Emily61
 Chain of Attack DeWeese, Gene61
 Clan Novel: Gangrel Fleming, Gherbod61
 Condemnation Baker, Richard61
 Crack Babies on Parade Lozon, Scott65
 Castle of Deception Lackey, Mercedes & Sherman, Josepha54
 Chthon Anthony, Piers63
 Cyteen: The Rebirth Cherryh, C.J.52
 Calenture Constantine, Storm51
 Changelings McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann51
 Children of the Rune Weinlein Cook, Sue51
 Cinnoman Andrews, Virginia Cleo51
 City of Ravens Baker, Richard51
 Clan Novel: Ventrue Fleming, Gherbod51
 Clan of the Warlord Boyer, Elizabeth H.51
 Cloven Hooves Hobb, Robin & Lindholm, Megan51
 Colors of Magic Lebow, Jess51
 Come Armageddon Perry, Anne51
 Convergent Series Sheffield, Charles51
 Clan Novel: Toreador Wieck, Stewart42
 Cyber Way Foster, Alan Dean42
 Champions of the Force Anderson, Kevin J.41
 Creep, Shadow, Creep! Merritt, Abraham41
 Crusader Gold Gibbins, David41
 Cheyenne Raiders Jordan, Robert43
 Change Agent Suarez, Daniel22
 Conqueror (Novels 3, 4 & 5) Drake, David & Stirling, S. M.21
 Castle Dreams DeChancie, John11
 Cloud Cuckoo Land Sivell, Steven11
 Cosmic Tales: Adventures in Sol System Weisskopf, T. K. F.11

427 books listed. Display Top 10 Most Commented novels. ^top