Home Allan Cole, Chris Bunch Court of a Thousand Suns

Court of a Thousand Suns (Sten)
Series: Sten
Volume: 3
Genre: SF
ISBN: 1841490091
Publisher: Little, Brown & Company (UK)
Price: £5.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 4
Court of a Thousand Suns by Allan Cole & Chris Bunch

Description: Having fought his way from slave labour on a factory world to commander of the Eternal Emperor's bodyguard, the most dangerous weapons Sten has encountered in Prime World are the lies of Court politicians. When a bomb goes off however, he discovers the danger and corruption behind Court intrigue.

Also in this series are Sten, Wolf Worlds, Fleet of the Damned, Revenge of the Damned, Return of the Emperor, Vortex, Empire's End Return to the Allan Cole page, Chris Bunch page.

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