Home Allan Cole, Chris Bunch Fleet of the Damned

Fleet of the Damned (Sten)
Series: Sten
Volume: 4
Genre: SF
ISBN: 1841490105
Publisher: Little, Brown & Company (UK)
Price: £5.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 4
Fleet of the Damned by Allan Cole & Chris Bunch

Description: Sten's luck seems to have deserted him. He had barely scraped through Imperial flight school when he was assigned a tacdivision in the Fringe Worlds. The enemy couldn't have picked a better time or place to launch their long-planned attack against the Empire. But Sten won't give up without a fight.

Also in this series are Sten, Wolf Worlds, Court of a Thousand Suns, Revenge of the Damned, Return of the Emperor, Vortex, Empire's End Return to the Allan Cole page, Chris Bunch page.

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