Home Rachel Roberts Cry of the Wolf

Cry of the Wolf (Avalon: Web of Magic)
Series: Avalon: Web of Magic
Volume: 3
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0439221684
Pages: 189 pages
Publisher: Scholastic
Price: 4.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 15
Cry of the Wolf by Rachel Roberts

Description: Can Adriane save Stormbringer?

What comes between a girl and the magical animal she's bonded with? When the girl is Adriane, fearless and fierce, and the creature is her best friend, the wolf, Stormbringer, no danger is too great. So when Stormbringer is lured back into the magical world, Adriane secretly follows - right through the portal!

There, Adriane faces powerful magical creatures when she tries to save her fried - and experiences a different kind of magic when she meets a strange boy with dangerous secrets.

Also in this series are Circles in the Stream, All That Glitters, The Secret of the Unicorn, Spellsinger, Trial by Fire Return to the Rachel Roberts page.

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