 Home  Authors Spider Robinson

About Author
Since he began writing professionally in 1972, Spider Robinson has won 3 Hugos, a Nebula, the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and numerous other awards. Twenty-five of his 33 books are still in print, in 10 languages. His short work has appeared in magazines from OMNI and Analog to Xhurnal Izobretatel i Rationalizator (Moscow), and in numerous anthologies. His most recent books are VERY BAD DEATHS [Baen Books], and THE CRAZY YEARS [BenBella].

He was chosen by the Heinlein Prize Trust to write VARIABLE STAR, a novel based on a 7-page outline created in 1955 by First Grandmaster Robert A. Heinlein; it will be a Tor hardcover in September 2006. The Usenet newsgroup alt.callahans and its many internet offshoots, inspired by Spider's Callahan's Place series, are said to constitute the largest non-porn network in cyberspace.

Spider was born in the Bronx, New York on 3 successive days (they had to handle him in sections) in 1948, and holds a Bachelors degree in English from the State University of New York. He was book reviewer for Galaxy, Analog and New Destinies magazines for nearly a decade, and his op-ed column "Future Tense" has appeared in The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper, since 1996. In 2001 he released Belaboring the Obvious, a CD featuring original music accompanied by guitar legend Amos Garrett.

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Books (Sort by Title)[20 books listed]
 Misc VolumeYearRating

 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Night of Powern/a1985n/a
 Off the Wall at Callahan'sn/a19947/10
 The Callahan Touchn/a1996n/a
 Callahan's Legacyn/a19979/10
 The Callahan Chronicalsn/a19978/10
 The Star Dancers with Jeanne Robinsonn/a1997n/a
 User Friendlyn/a199810/10
 Callahan's Crosstime Saloonn/a19998/10
 Callahan's Keyn/a200010/10
 By Any Other Namen/a2001n/a
 Callahan's Ladyn/a20018/10
 The Free Lunchn/a20017/10
 God Is an Iron and Other Storiesn/a2002n/a
 Lady Slings the Boozen/a200210/10
 Callahan's Conn/a20039/10
 Variable Star with Robert A. Heinleinn/a2006n/a
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