Series: Conan
Volume: 9
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0441114660
Pages: 222 pages
Publisher: Ace Fantasy
Price: 2.75
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 2
Conan the Conqueror by Robert E. Howard & Sprague de CampDescription: Someone has called up the dreaded Xaltotum from the dead, and armed with the Heart of Ahriman, he seeks to depose and destroy Conan, King of Aquilonia.
Also in this series are Sagas of Conan, The Bloody Crown of Conan, The Conan Chronicles Vol 2: The Hour of the Dragon, The Essential Conan, Conan Chronicles, Conan of Cimmeria, Conan the Freebooter, Conan the Wanderer, Conan and the Spider God, Conan the Adventurer, Conan the Buccaneer, Conan the Usurper, Conan the Avenger, Conan of Aquilonia, Conan of the Isles, Conan the Swordsman
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