 Home  Authors Andre Norton

About Author
Andre Norton has enthralled generations of readers with her work, beginnning with her first novel in 1952. She has received the Grand Master award from the Science Fiction Writers of America and the Lifetime Achievement Award of the World Fantasy Convention.

She died on the 17th Mach 2005, in her home in Tennessee.

This author has been recommended by 160 other readers.

Books (Sort by Title)[58 books listed]
 Beastmaster VolumeYearRating
 The Beast Mastern/a1959n/a
 Beast Master's Ark with Lyn McConchien/a2003n/a
 Beastmaster's Circus with Lynn McConchien/a200410/10
 Beast Master's Quest with Lyn McConchien/a2007n/a
 Beast Master's Planetn/a2010n/a

 Book of the Oak VolumeYearRating
 To the King a Daughter with Sasha Miller120008/10
 Knight or Knave with Sasha Miller220015/10

 Carolus Rex VolumeYearRating
 The Shadow of Albion with Rosemary Edghill11999n/a
 Leopard in Exile with Rosemary Edghill22001n/a

 Free Traders VolumeYearRating
 Flight in Yiktor319867/10

 Halfblood Chronicles VolumeYearRating
 The Elvenbane with Mercedes Lackey119939/10
 Elvenblood with Mercedes Lackey220008/10
 Elvenborn with Mercedes Lackey320028/10
 Elvenbred with Mercedes Lackey4n/a10/10

 Janus VolumeYearRating

 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Mirror of Destinyn/an/an/a
 The Last Planetn/a195310/10
 Star Guardn/a195510/10
 Garan the Eternaln/a19738/10
 Zarsthor's banen/a19782/10
 Huon of the Hornn/a1980n/a
 Scent of Magicn/a19989/10
 Star Soldiersn/a200110/10
 Darkness and Dawnn/a2004n/a
 Gods and Androidsn/a2004n/a
 Dark Companionn/a2005n/a
 Masks of the Outcastsn/a2005n/a
 Three Hands for Scorpion/a2005n/a

 Simon Tregarth VolumeYearRating
 Witch World119638/10
 Web of the Witch World219648/10

 Solar Queen VolumeYearRating
 Sargasso of Space119559/10
 Plage Ship21956n/a
 Voodoo Planet3195910/10

 The Children of Simon Tregarth VolumeYearRating
 Three Against the Witch World1n/an/a
 Warlock of the Witch World219674/10
 Sorceress of the Witch World3n/an/a

 Time Traders VolumeYearRating
 The Defiant Agents/Key Out of Time-12001n/a
 Echoes in Time with Sherwood Smithn/a20008/10
 The Time Traders119588/10
 Galactic Derelict220006/10

 Trillium Series VolumeYearRating
 Blood Trillium with Marion Zimmer Bradley219929/10
 Golden Trillium with Marion Zimmer Bradley31993n/a

 Witch World VolumeYearRating
 Ciara's Song with Lyn McConchien/an/a8/10
 Gryphon in Gloryn/an/an/a
 The Key of the Keplian with Lyn McConchien/an/a9/10
 The Magestone with Mary H. Schaubn/an/an/a
 The Warding of Witch Worldn/an/an/a
 Year of the Unicornn/an/an/a
 The Jargoon Pardn/a1974n/a
 Lore of the Witch Worldn/a1980n/a
 'Ware Hawkn/a1983n/a
 Songsmith with A.C. Crispinn/a19938/10
 The Crystal Gryphonn/a19967/10
 Trey of Swords71977n/a

 Witch World : The Turning VolumeYearRating
 Flight of Vengeance21994n/a
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