Home Andre Norton, Rosemary Edghill Leopard in Exile

Leopard in Exile (Carolus Rex)
Series: Carolus Rex
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0312864280
Pages: 352 pages
Publisher: Saint Martin's Press
Price: $24.95
Reader Rating: Not rated
Leopard in Exile by Andre Norton & Rosemary Edghill

Description: In a world similar to our own, but where there is no United States, conflicts between nations are sparked by politics, religion, and magic. Napoleon's march across Europe is aided by the Marquis de Sade, a black magician. Defending the rightful king and queen of France are the Duke and Duchess of Wessex, spies, magicians, and romantics bound to each other by ancient pledges and modern love.

Also in this series are The Shadow of Albion Return to the Andre Norton page, Rosemary Edghill page.

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