 Home  Authors Tad Williams

About Author
Tad Williams is a New York Times and London Sunday Times bestselling author of fantasy and science fiction, with novels published in twenty languages and a global readership. He hosted a syndicated radio show for over a decade, co-created the first completely interactive televison program, and has worked in many forms of media, including film-making, theatre, televison, and singing for several years in a rock n roll band. He lives quietly with his wife, children and cats in the redwood mountains above Silicon Valley. He writes at least one novel a year: his form is the epic, and Tad writes long, multi-book series. Also, he always has a number of other projects in development.

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Books (Sort by Title)[21 books listed]
 Bobby Dollar VolumeYearRating
 The Dirty Streets of Heaven12012n/a

 Last King of Osten Ard VolumeYearRating
 The Witchwood Crownn/a2017n/a

 Memory, Sorrow and Thorn VolumeYearRating
 The Dragonbone Chair120059/10
 Stone of Farewell219909/10
 To Green Angel Tower319939/10

 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Child of an Ancient City with Nina Kiriki Hoffmann/an/a8/10
 Tailchaser's Songn/a19869/10
 Calibans Hourn/a19948/10
 The War of the Flowersn/a20039/10
 The Dragons of Ordinary Farm with Deborah Bealen/a2009n/a
 A Stark and Wormy Knightn/a2012n/a

 Otherland VolumeYearRating
 City Of Golden Shadow119979/10
 River of Blue Fire219989/10
 Mountain of Black Glass319999/10
 Sea of Silver Light420019/10

 Shadowmarch VolumeYearRating
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