Home Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynne Nye Crisis on Doona

Crisis on Doona (The Doona Series)
Series: The Doona Series
Volume: 2
Genre: SF
ISBN: 1857231295
Publisher: Ace Books
Price: £5.99
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 4
Crisis on Doona by Anne McCaffrey & Jody Lynne Nye

Description: The first humans to arrive on the beautiful, unspoiled planet of Doona drew up an intricate cohabitation contract with the alien, cat-like Hrrubans, who had settled there first. Now, after 25 years, the contract is due for renewal. Anne McCaffrey is a past winner of both the Hugo and Nebula awards.

Over twenty-five years ago, the first humans came to the beautiful, unspoiled planet called Doona. Their initial survey had ignored one important fact: They were not alone. The alien, catlike Hrrubans had settled there first. This conflict led to the Decision at Doona - a 25 year experiment in cohabitation . . . Now the contract is up for renewal. The wild planet they tamed, the home they fought for, and the delicate alliance they share could all be destroyed forever .

Also in this series are Decision at Doona, Treaty at Doona (originally Treaty Planet) Return to the Anne McCaffrey page, Jody Lynne Nye page.

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