 Home  Authors Sharon Lee

About Author
Sharon Lee was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1952. Graduated high school in 1970, attended
University of Maryland Baltimore County as a mild-mannered night student while cutting a
fearsome swath through the secretarial field by day. Her career peak was reached in 1976 upon
achieving the post of administrative aide to the Dean of the School of Social Work, University of
Maryland Professional Schools. In 1978, she decided life was too tame and predictable, left her plush job and opened a bookstore with the money from her retirement fund.

After Book Castle went bankrupt, she worked a series of odd and odder jobs, the most memorable
of which was delivering tractor trailers, though selling cider at the Baltimore City Sunday Farmer's
Market was fun, too. On the odder side, she worked as an advertising copy writer, both in-house
and freelance.

In 1980, she and partner Steve Miller married their fortunes, books, records and cats together.

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Books (Sort by Title)[22 books listed]
 Beneath Strange Skies VolumeYearRating
 Sword of Orion with Steve Millern/a2005n/a

 Liaden Universe VolumeYearRating
 Two Tales of Korval with Steve Millern/a1995n/a
 Partners in Necessity with Steve Millern/a20008/10
 Pilot's Choice with Steve Millern/a20019/10
 Agent of Change with Steve Millern/a20029/10
 Local Custom with Steve Millern/a200210/10
 Scout's Progress with Steve Millern/a20029/10
 Balance of Trade with Steve Millern/a2004n/a
 Liaden Universe ® Companion (Volume One) with Steve Millern/a2005n/a
 Conflict of Honors with Steve Miller119888/10
 Carpe Diem with Steve Miller320038/10
 Plan B with Steve Miller620028/10
 I Dare with Steve Miller720029/10
 Quiet Knives with Steve Miller92003n/a
 With Stars Underfoot with Steve Miller102004n/a
 Necessary Evils with Steve Miller112005n/a

 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Tomorrow Log with Steve Millern/a20035/10
 Web Of The Trident with Steve Millern/a2007n/a
 Duainfey with Steve Millern/a2008n/a

 Short Stories Collection VolumeYearRating
 Low Port with Steve Millern/a2003n/a

 The Great Migration Duology VolumeYearRating
 Crystal Soldier with Steve Miller1200510/10
 Crystal Dragon with Steve Miller22006n/a
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