Home Dan Simmons Carrion Comfort

Carrion Comfort (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: Horror
ISBN: 0312567073
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Price: $19.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 5
Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons

Description: THE PAST. Caught behind the lines of Hitler's Final Solution, Saul Laski is one of the multitudes destined to die in the notorious Chelmno extermination camp. But he will soon fall into the clutches of an evil far older and greater than the Nazis themselves. THE PRESENT. A rare few individuals have the Ability - the psychic power to influence the minds of others. Each year they meet to discuss their ongoing campaign of debauchery and slaughter. But this year things are not going according to plan...The story that follows spans decades and continents and penetrates the darkest recesses of the 20th century, as one man seeks to justify his belief that a secret society of powerful beings is behind many of the world's most horrific catastrophes. As well as ranking among the greatest reinventions of the vampire legend, Carrion Comfort explores humanity's attraction to violence and what it means for our future. Revised and with a brand new introduction by the author for the 20th anniversary of its publication.
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