
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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713 "s" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with S
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Sadar's Keep Snyder, Midori103
 Silence of the Lambs Harris, Thomas103
 Sins of the Fathers Kidd, Rob103
 Star Wars-Episode III-Revenge of the Sith Wrede, Patricia C.103
 Safe House Cabot, Meg102
 Shadows of Doom McKiernan, Dennis L.102
 Sirens Van Lustbader, Eric102
 Slawter Shan, Darren102
 Space Cadet Heinlein, Robert A.102
 Swamp Thing Moore, Alan102
 Saber Tiger Hoshino, Yukinobu101
 Sabrina the teenage witch: Reality Check Gallagher, Diana101
 Sacred Fire Pierson, Chris101
 Saving Private Ryan Collins, Max Allan101
 school of wizardy Doyle, Debra & Macdonald, james d.101
 Sea of Sorrows West, Michelle101
 Search for the Lost Jedi Windham, Ryder101
 Searchable Whereabouts Johnson, Tinisha101
 Secret of the Spiritkeeper Forbeck, Matt101
 Secret of the Unicorn Queen Sherman, Josepha & Hanson, Gwen101
 Secret Vampire Smith, L.J.101
 Seeing Redd Beddor, Frank101
 Serpent of Senergad Sampson, Fay101
 Serpents Among the Ruins George III, David R.101
 Seventh Heaven Cabot, Meg101
 Shadow Duncan, Dave101
 Shadow Gate Elliot, Kate101
 Shadow Kiss Richelle, Mead101
 Shadows Bend: A Novel of the Fantastic & Unspeakable Barbour, David & Raleigh, Richard101
 Shadow's End Tepper, Sheri S.101
 Shadows Over Baker Street Reaves, Michael & Pelan, John101
 Shadowstorm Kemp, Paul101
 Shambleau Moore, C.L.101
 sheepdog in the snow baglio, ben101
 sherlock's home dale, jenny101
 Shift Dolley, Chris101
 Ship of Ishtar Merritt, Abraham101
 Shroud of Shadow Baudino, Gael101
 Siege of Mt. Nevermind Ryan, Fergus101
 Siege of Tarr-Hostigos Carr, John101
 Silverhair the Wanderer Paxson, Diana101
 Silverlock Myers, John Myers101
 Sime Gen: The Unity Trilogy Lichtenberg, Jacqueline & Lorrah, Jean101
 Sister Of The South Rodda, Emily101
 Sisters of the Raven Hambly, Barbara101
 Skirmish: The Great Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak Simak, Clifford D.101
 Sleep State Interrupt Weber, Ted101
 Smiler's Bones Lerangis, Peter101
 Sneak Force - Mission 1 The Legend Thomas, Lynne N.101
 Snow Jordan, Robert101
 So It Begins McPhail, Mike101
 Sobekkare's Revenge Dorsey, Angela101
 Soldiers Dalmas, John101
 Son of a Witch : A Novel Maguire, Gregory101
 Son of Darkness Sherman, Josepha101
 Song of Scarabaeus Creasy, Sara101
 Song of the Wanderer Coville, Bruce101
 Sons Of Entropy Golden, Christopher & Holder, Nancy101
 Sons of the Oak Farland, David101
 SOUL BORN Breaux, Kevin James101
 South by South East Horowitz, Anthony101
 Spectre of the Black Rose Lowder, James & Whitney-Robinson, Voronica101
 Speeding Bullet Shusterman, Neal101
 Spider-Man David, Peter101
 Spires of Spirit Baudino, Gael101
 Spirit Gate Elliot, Kate101
 Split Heirs Watt-Evans, Lawrence101
 Spring of the Poacher's Moon Dorsey, Angela101
 Stalking the Unicorn Resnick, Mike101
 Stand on Zanzibar Brunner, John101
 Star Guard Norton, Andre101
 Star Lord Lawrence, Louise101
 Star of the Morning Kurland, Lynn101
 Star Soldiers Norton, Andre101
 Star Wars- Episode I-The Phantom Menace Wrede, Patricia C.101
 Star Wars-Episode IV-A New Hope Windham, Ryder101
 Star Wars-Episode VI-Return of the Jedi Windham, Ryder101
 Star Wars-Episode V-The Empire Strikes Back Windham, Ryder101
 Starborne Silverberg, Robert101
 Starfighters of Adumar Allston, Aaron101
 Starfinder: Book One of the Skylords Marco, John101
 Storm Born Richelle, Mead101
 Storm of Iron McNeill, Graham101
 Storm of the Century King, Stephen101
 Strands of Sunlight Baudino, Gael101
 Stranger at the Wedding Hambly, Barbara101
 Stranger Souls Koke, Jak101
 Stravaganza: City of Flowers Hoffman, Mary101
 Sun Sword West, Michelle101
 Sunderlies Seeking Greeno, Gayle101
 Sunlight and Shadow Dokey, Cameron101
 Survivors Lorrah, Jean101
 Swift Current Dorsey, Angela101
 Sword at Sunset Sutcliff, Rosemary101
 Sword of the Rightful King Yolen, Jane101
 Swords Against Death Leiber, Fritz101
 Swords Against Lankhmar Leiber, Fritz101
 Swords Against Wizardry Leiber, Fritz101
 Swords and Ice Magic Leiber, Fritz101
 Swords in the Mist Leiber, Fritz101
 SZMONHFU Chimera, Hertzan101
 Sunset Hunter, Erin10287
 Starlight Hunter, Erin9266
 Sabriel Nix, Garth999
 Sunrise Hunter, Erin1079
 Sandry's Book (Magic in the Weaving) Pierce, Tamora961
 Shatterglass Pierce, Tamora955
 Superior Saturday Nix, Garth951
 Street Magic Pierce, Tamora950
 Sovereign Rule Stanek, Robert949
 SkyClan's Destiny Hunter, Erin1047
 Sir Thursday Nix, Garth943
 Sorcerer in the North Flanagan, John942
 Shade's Children Nix, Garth937
 Seekers #4: The Last Wilderness Hunter, Erin1033
 Shattered Peace Hunter, Erin1032
 Seekers #6: Spirits in the Stars Hunter, Erin1025
 Second Foundation Asimov, Isaac922
 Seekers #5: Fire in the Sky Hunter, Erin1020
 Snowcrash Stephenson, Neal919
 Sailing to Sarantium Kay, Guy Gavriel918
 Son of the Shadows Marillier, Juliet917
 Serpent Mage Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy914
 Sandkings Martin, George R.R.913
 Sheepfarmer's Daughter Moon, Elizabeth913
 Silver Wolf, Black Falcon McKiernan, Dennis L.913
 snake stone, jeff913
 Shards of Honor Bujold, Lois McMaster912
 Star Wars, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Stover, Matthew Woodring912
 Soulforge Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy911
 Spellsinger Foster, Alan Dean911
 Sunwing Oppel, Kenneth911
 Sentenced to Prism Foster, Alan Dean910
 Seventh Son Card, Orson Scott99
 Shadowmarch Williams, Tad99
 Shards Of A Dragons Tooth Brown, Euan & Taylor, Daniel99
 Searching for Dragons Wrede, Patricia C.98
 Shadows and Light Bishop, Anne98
 Siege of Darkness Salvatore, R.A.98
 Something from the Nightside Green, Simon R.98
 Shadowheart Barclay, James97
 Shan Van Lustbader, Eric107
 Siege of Mithila Banker, Ashok K.97
 Sign of the Unicorn Zelazny, Roger97
 Snow Lynn, Tracy97
 Song of Susannah King, Stephen97
 Stalking Darkness Flewelling, Lynn97
 Starless Night Salvatore, R.A.97
 Sauron Defeated Tolkien, J.R.R. & Tolkien, Christopher96
 Seeker's Mask Hodgell, P.C.96
 Song Quest Roberts, Katherine106
 Sign of the Moon Hunter, Erin95
 Silverhand Llywelyn, Morgan & Scott, Michael95
 Skybreaker Oppel, Kenneth95
 Spacewolf King, William95
 Spares Smith, Michael Marshall95
 Stronghold Rising Norman, Lisanne95
 Summer Knight Butcher, Jim95
 Sargasso of Space Norton, Andre94
 Shadow of the Storm Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.94
 Shadowgate Rodda, Emily94
 Shiva 3000 Jensen, Jan Lars104
 SKELLIG Almond, David94
 Strands of Starlight Baudino, Gael104
 Scarecrow Reilly, Matthew93
 Shadowplay Findley, Nigel93
 Shatterpoint Stover, Matthew Woodring93
 Sisters of the Night Hambly, Barbara & Greenberg, Martin H.93
 Slaves of the Mastery Nicholson, William93
 Slayer: Stigmata Koehler, Karen93
 Somewhere South of Midnight Laws, Stephen93
 Song for the Basilisk McKillip, Patricia A.93
 Stonehenge: 2000BC Cornwell, Bernard93
 Summer of Night Simmons, Dan93
 Summon the Keeper Huff, Tanya93
 Sunrunner's Fire Rawn, Melanie93
 Sacrament Barker, Clive92
 Scales of Justice Hood, Daniel92
 Scent of Magic Norton, Andre92
 Sea Without a Shore Russell, Sean102
 Seeker Nicholson, William92
 Settling Accounts: Return Engagement Turtledove, Harry92
 Shadow of the Seer Scott Rohan, Michael92
 Silent Strength of Stone Hoffman, Nina Kiriki92
 Skirmish Michaels, Melisa92
 So Yesterday Westerfeld, Scott92
 Soldier of 'Tween Ellis, A. C.92
 Soldier, Ask Not! Dickson, Gordon R.92
 Spec Ops Squad: Sucker Punch Shelley, Rick92
 Spectre Shatner, William & Reeves-Stevens, Judith and Garfield92
 Sporting Chance Moon, Elizabeth102
 Starpilot's Grave Doyle, Debra & Macdonald, James D.92
 Strangers From The Sky Bonanno, Margaret Wander92
 Survivor Butler, Octavia Estelle92
 Swords and Deviltry Leiber, Fritz102
 Scout's Progress Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve91
 Seeing is Deceiving Gilmore, H.B. & Reisfeld, Randi91
 Seer's Blood Durgin, Doranna91
 Sex, Lies, and Vampires MacAlister, Katie91
 Shadow Sisters Marley, Stephen91
 Shadowland Wilson, Colin91
 Shadow's Edge Weeks, Brent91
 Shadows of War Gressman, Thomas S.91
 Shallows of Night Van Lustbader, Eric91
 Ship Breaker Bacigalupi, Paolo91
 Side Jobs: Stories From the Dresden Files Butcher, Jim91
 Silver Conference Merriweather, Kimberly91
 Singers of Strange Songs Aniolowski, Scott David91
 Sins of the Blood, The Rusch, Kristine Kathryn91
 Sins Of The Father Golden, Christopher91
 Sir Stalwart Duncan, Dave91
 Skin Game Butcher, Jim91
 Slave Ship Jeter, K. W.91
 Sleeping with the Fishes Davidson, Mary Janice91
 Snuff Fiction Rankin, Robert91
 Sole Survivor Koontz, Dean91
 Song in the Silence Kerner, Elizabeth91
 Song of the Sparrow Sandell, Lisa Ann91
 Songs of the Dancing Gods Chalker, Jack L.91
 Spaceland Rucker, Rudy91
 Spindrift Steele, Allen M.91
 Springwar Deitz, Tom91
 Sprout Mask Replica Rankin, Robert91
 Staked Lewis, J. F.91
 star paws dale, jenny91
 Star Trek: Nemesis Dillard, J.M.91
 Stargazer Carman, Patrick91
 Stolen Faces Bishop, Michael91
 Stormbringer Moorcock, Michael91
 Strange Relations Jakubowski, Stefan91
 Stranger in the Mirror Bennett, Cherie & Gottesfeld, Jeff91
 straydog Koja, Kathe91
 Strength and Honor Meluch, R. M.91
 Snakecharm Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia8129
 Seekers #1: The Quest Begins Hunter, Erin8126
 Starship Troopers Heinlein, Robert A.960
 Squire Pierce, Tamora952
 Stone of Tears Goodkind, Terry839
 Stone of Farewell Williams, Tad938
 Silverwing Oppel, Kenneth836
 Ship of Magic Hobb, Robin835
 So You Want to be a Wizard Duane, Diane932
 Seekers #2: Great Bear Lake Hunter, Erin925
 Servant of the Empire Feist, Raymond E. & Wurts, Janny825
 Ship of Destiny Hobb, Robin925
 Stranger in a Strange Land Heinlein, Robert A.825
 Seeress of Kell Eddings, David823
 Shadows Linger Cook, Glen923
 Sorceress of Darshiva Eddings, David923
 Speaker for the Dead Card, Orson Scott921
 Scorpia Horowitz, Anthony819
 Stolen Armstrong, Kelley919
 Servant of the Shard Salvatore, R.A.918
 Stormbreaker Horowitz, Anthony918
 Sea of Silver Light Williams, Tad916
 Small Gods Pratchett, Terry916
 Smith of Wooton Major Tolkien, J.R.R.815
 So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Adams, Douglas814
 Shadow of the Hegemon Card, Orson Scott913
 Storm Front Butcher, Jim913
 Stranger with my Face Duncan, Lois913
 Shards of a Broken Crown Feist, Raymond E.812
 Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut, Kurt912
 Star Wars - Episode II: Attack of the Clones Salvatore, R.A.912
 Summer of Fear Duncan, Lois912
 Sword in the Storm Gemmell, David812
 Sojourn Salvatore, R.A.811
 Soldiers Live Cook, Glen911
 Sweet Silver Blues Cook, Glen911
 Shadow Puppets Card, Orson Scott810
 Soul Eater Paver, Michelle910
 Starclimber Oppel, Kenneth910
 Storm Warning Lackey, Mercedes810
 Stravaganza City of Masks Hoffman, Mary910
 Seekers #3: Smoke Mountain Hunter, Erin99
 Shadowfane Wurts, Janny89
 She Is the Darkness Cook, Glen89
 Something Wicked This Way Comes Bradbury, Ray89
 Sourcery Pratchett, Terry89
 Special Edition: And The Two Shall Meet Kaye, Marilyn89
 Specter of the Past Zahn, Timothy89
 Split Infinity Anthony, Piers99
 Stardoc Viehl, S. L.89
 Stormwarden Wurts, Janny89
 Sunshine McKinley, Robin89
 School's Out - Forever Patterson, James88
 Sea of Swords Salvatore, R.A.88
 Shadows Fall Green, Simon R.88
 Ships of Merior: Warhosts of Vastmark Wurts, Janny88
 Sign of Chaos Zelazny, Roger88
 Silver is for Secrets Stolarz, Laurie Faria88
 Song of the Unicorns Roberts, Rachel98
 Streams of Silver Salvatore, R.A.98
 Sea of Death Gygax, Gary87
 Semper Mars Douglas, Ian97
 Shadowdale Awlinson, Richard97
 Ships of Merior: Ships of Merior Wurts, Janny87
 Sinner Douglass, Sara87
 Soldier of the Mists Wolfe, Gene87
 Sorcery and Cecilia Stevermer, Caroline & Wrede, Patricia C.87
 Spellfall Roberts, Katherine87
 Spindle Taylor, Ian97
 Sten Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris97
 Stone Roberts, Adam87
 Stormrider Gemmell, David87
 Sapphire of the Fairies Tuttle, Richard S.96
 Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports Patterson, James86
 Scarabus Koehler, Karen86
 Scion of Cyador Modesitt Jnr., L.E.96
 Secret of the Sixth Magic Hardy, Lyndon86
 Seduced by Moonlight Hamilton, Laurell K.86
 Servant of the Dragon Drake, David & Hartwell, David G.86
 Shadowmarch Williams, Tad96
 Signal to Noise Nylund, Eric S.96
 Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Tolkien, J.R.R.86
 Skaters, Trekkies and Cool Dudes Lawrence, Derek86
 Snakehead Horowitz, Anthony86
 Spacehounds of IPC Smith, E.E. 'Doc'86
 Spindle's End McKinley, Robin86
 Spirit Walker Paver, Michelle86
 Startide Rising Brin, David96
 Stormblade Berberick, Nancy Varian86
 Strangers Koontz, Dean86
 Summers at Castle Auburn Shinn, Sharon96
 Syren Sage, Angie86
 Salt Roberts, Adam85
 Shadow Steed Knaak, Richard A.85
 Shadow's Witness Kemp, Paul85
 Ships from the West Kearney, Paul85
 SkavenSlayer King, William95
 slayer Koehler, Karen95
 Slayer: Black Miracles Koehler, Karen85
 Star Corps Douglas, Ian95
 Star Maker Stapledon, Olaf85
 Star of Sakova Tuttle, Richard S.85
 Stardust Gaiman, Neil95
 Straken Brooks, Terry95
 Sun Diver Brin, David95
 Salems Lot King, Stephen84
 Sanctuary Lackey, Mercedes84
 Sassinak McCaffrey, Anne & Moon, Elizabeth94
 Scatterlings Carmody, Isobelle94
 Scepters Modesitt Jnr., L.E.94
 Seeds of Betrayal Coe, David B.94
 Shadow Souls Smith, L.J.94
 Shadowkeep Foster, Alan Dean84
 Shadowland Straub, Peter84
 Silver on the Tree Cooper, Susan84
 Slapstick Vonnegut, Kurt94
 Soldier of Arete Wolfe, Gene94
 Soldier of Sidon Wolfe, Gene94
 Sorcerers of the Frozen Isles Lorrah, Jean84
 Star by Star Denning, Troy84
 Storm Force Bunch, Chris84
 Stronghold Rawn, Melanie94
 Subspace Explorers Smith, E.E. 'Doc'84
 Survival Czerneda, Julie84
 Swords of the Legion Turtledove, Harry84
 Santa Olivia Carey, Jacqueline83
 Scion’s Lady Bradley, Rebecca83
 Scrutator (other title for Alchymist) Irvine, Ian83
 Second Variety Dick, Philip K.83
 Seize the Night Koontz, Dean93
 Selected Books Lewis, C.S.83
 Shadow of the Giant Card, Orson Scott83
 Shadows of Amber Betancourt, John Gregory83
 Shifter Reeves-Stevens, Judith & Reeves-Stevens, Garfield83
 Silver Shadows Cunningham, Elaine83
 Sinai Tapestry Whittemore, Edward83
 Skeleton Crew King, Stephen83
 Small Favor Butcher, Jim83
 Solaris Lem, Stanislaw83
 Son of Spellsinger Foster, Alan Dean83
 Song of the Beast Berg, Carol83
 Souls in the Great Machine McMullen, Sean83
 Specials Westerfeld, Scott93
 Spike and Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row Golden, Christopher93
 Star Wars Secrets Of The Jedi Watson, Jude93
 Stormqueen Bradley, Marion Zimmer93
 Strange Wine Ellison, Harlan83
 Stravaganza: City of Secrets Hoffman, Mary93
 Stravaganza: City of Stars Hoffman, Mary83
 Stray Vincent, Rachel93
 Strength of Stones Bear, Greg83
 Survivor's Quest Zahn, Timothy93
 Swords of Haven Green, Simon R.83
 Sahara Cussler, Clive82
 Saturn Bova, Ben82
 Scorpion Shards Shusterman, Neal82
 Seaward Cooper, Susan82
 Shadow Magic Wrede, Patricia C.82
 Shadowlight Jefferies, Mike82
 Shadowplay Williams, Tad82
 Shapers of Darkness Coe, David B.82
 Sirena Napoli, Donna Jo82
 Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord. Stapledon, Olaf82
 Sky Coyote Baker, Kage82
 Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fictions and Illusions Gaiman, Neil82
 Son of Avonar Berg, Carol82
 Songs of Distant Earth Clarke, Arthur C.82
 Sorcerers of the Nightwing Huntington, Geoffrey82
 Special Deliverance Simak, Clifford D.82
 Spherical Harmonic Asaro, Catherine82
 star struck de'villers, julia82
 Sunshaker's War Deitz, Tom82
 Sword-Dancer Roberson, Jennifer82
 Saint Camber Kurtz, Katherine81
 Sands of the Soul Whitney-Robinson, Voronica81
 Saturn's Race Niven, Larry & Barnes, Steven81
 Savage City Earl, Robert81
 Scar Night Campbell, Alan81
 School of Fire Sherman, David & Cragg, Dan81
 Science Fiction Discoveries Pohl, Frederik & Pohl, Carol81
 Serpent Catch Wolverton, Dave81
 Shades of Grey Fforde, Jasper81
 Shadows of the Empire Golden, Christopher81
 Shadowsinger Modesitt Jnr., L.E.81
 Shattered Earth Ball, Cliff81
 Shattered Souls Lee, Robert81
 Siren Song Scott, Holly & Duncan, Jaimie81
 Sister Light, Sister Dark Yolen, Jane81
 Sky of Swords Duncan, Dave81
 Skyripper Drake, David81
 Snare Kerr, Katharine81
 Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town Doctorow, Cory81
 Soulsmith Deitz, Tom81
 Southern Fire McKenna, Juliet E.81
 Spell of Apocalypse Brenner, Mayer Alan81
 Spiritwalk de Lint, Charles81
 Star Ascendant Cooper, Louise81
 Star Commandos 02 Colony in Peril Griffin, P. M.81
 Starfarers Anderson, Poul81
 Starfishers Cook, Glen81
 Starplex Sawyer, Robert J.81
 Statesman Anthony, Piers81
 Steel Gauntlet Sherman, David & Cragg, Dan81
 Stiger''s Tigers Edelheit, Marc81
 Stone and Sea Edwards, Graham81
 Storm Season Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn81
 Strange Invaders Nicholls, Stan81
 Streets of Blood Sargent, Carl & Gascoigne, Marc81
 Striking the Balance Turtledove, Harry81
 Suffer The Children Saul, John81
 Sun In Glory Lackey, Mercedes81
 Supernova Allen, Roger MacBride & Kotani, Eric81
 Swords of Shahrazar Howard, Robert E.81
 Sword-Sworn Roberson, Jennifer81
 Sympathy For The Devil Lisle, Holly81
 Shattered Mirror Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia899
 Salamadastron Jacques, Brian835
 Silverthorn Feist, Raymond E.829
 Stormjammers Stanek, Robert716
 Shardik Adams, Richard813
 Soul Music Pratchett, Terry713
 Shadow Games Cook, Glen812
 Skeleton Key Horowitz, anthony812
 Starman Douglass, Sara811
 Starship Titanic Adams, Douglas79
 Shadow Parker, K. J.88
 Speed of Darkness Hickman, Tracy78
 Storm of Wings Bunch, Chris88
 Secret Clique Kaye, Marilyn77
 Shaman's Crossing Hobb, Robin77
 Sir Apropos of Nothing David, Peter77
 Sixth Column Heinlein, Robert A.87
 Songs of Earth and Power Bear, Greg87
 Storm Breaking Lackey, Mercedes87
 Swell Foop Anthony, Piers77
 Song of Kali Simmons, Dan86
 Songsmith Norton, Andre & Crispin, A.C.86
 Soul Catcher Herbert, Frank86
 Skybowl Rawn, Melanie75
 Sons of Destiny Shan, Darren85
 Space Baxter, Stephen75
 Spock's World Duane, Diane75
 Storm Rising Lackey, Mercedes85
 Strata Pratchett, Terry75
 Surrender None Moon, Elizabeth85
 Savage Empire Lorrah, Jean84
 Seven- Day Magic Eager, Edward84
 Shadow of Ararat Harlan, Thomas84
 Shadowline Cook, Glen84
 Shadowmancer Taylor, G P84
 Shadows of the Empire Perry, Steve84
 Silver Kidd, Rob74
 Sister Alice Reed, Robert74
 Sorcerer's Legacy Wurts, Janny74
 Special Edition: In Search of Andy Kaye, Marilyn74
 Star's End Cook, Glen84
 Summer of the Monkeys Rawls, Wilson74
 Santiago Resnick, Mike73
 Sea Dragon Heir Constantine, Storm83
 Seance for a Vampire Saberhagen, Fred83
 Second Book of Lost Swords: Sightblinders Story Saberhagen, Fred83
 Secret Sacrament Jordon, Sherryl73
 Servant of the Bones Rice, Anne73
 Sethra Lavode Brust, Steven73
 Shadowkings Cobley, Michael83
 Shakespeare's Planet Simak, Clifford D.73
 Shapechanger's Song Roberson, Jennifer83
 Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth Green, Simon R.73
 Silence in Solitude Scott, Melissa83
 Silverheart Moorcock, Michael & Constantine, Storm73
 Sister Of The Dead Hendee, JC & Hendee, Barb73
 Sister to the Rain Michaels, Melisa73
 Skeleton Creek Carman, Patrick83
 Skylark Three SMITH, E.E. 'DOC'73
 Solar Lottery Dick, Philip K.73
 Solitaire Eskridge, Kelley83
 Something Rotten Fforde, Jasper73
 Spire City Smith, Derek73
 Star Split Lasky, Kathryn73
 Strange Eons Bloch, Robert73
 Stranger Things Happen Link, Kelly73
 Summoned to Tourney Lackey, Mercedes & Guon, Ellen73
 Savage Tales of Soloman Kane Howard, Robert E.82
 Scourge King, J. Robert82
 Serpent's Silver Anthony, Piers72
 Sex and Drugs and Sausage Rolls Rankin, Robert72
 Shadow Academy Anderson, Kevin J. & Moesta, Rebecca72
 Shadow Fall Clemens, James82
 Shadow Fires Koontz, Dean72
 Shadow Maze WYLIE, JONATHAN72
 Shadows in the Water Lasky, Kathryn82
 Shatterday Ellison, Harlan82
 Shattered Koontz, Dean72
 Silverlight Llywelyn, Morgan & Scott, Michael82
 Singularity Sky Stross, Charles82
 Sisterhood of the Blue Storm Arden, Tom82
 Slan Van Vogt, A. E.82
 Sliding Scales Foster, Alan Dean82
 Slow Lightning McDevitt, Jack82
 Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves Foster, Alan Dean & Greenberg, Martin H.72
 Someplace To Be Flying de Lint, Charles82
 Sorcery Rising Fisher, Jude72
 Soul Harvest LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B.82
 Sparrow's Flight Craddock, Curtis82
 Star Begotten Wells, H. G.72
 Star Wars Foster, Alan Dean82
 Strange Dreams Donaldson, Stephen82
 Summoning Light Cavelos, Jeanne82
 Surak's Soul Dillard, J.M.82
 Swordspoint - A Melodrama of Manners Kushner, Ellen82
 Sacred Ground Lackey, Mercedes71
 Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman Miller, Walter M.71
 Santitos At Large Carey, Jacqueline71
 Savage Pellucidar Burroughs, Edgar Rice71
 Search The Sky Pohl, Frederik & Kornbluth, Cyril M.71
 Season of the Sandstorms Osborne, Mary Pope71
 Secret Life of a Vampire Sparks, Kerrelyn71
 Seeker McDevitt, Jack71
 Selling Out Robson, Justina71
 Shadow Climber Reichert, Mickey Zucker71
 Shadow Lord Yep, Laurence71
 Shadow Man Scott, Melissa71
 Shadow of the Xel'Naga Mesta, Gabriel71
 Shadowbridge Frost, Gregory71
 Shadows of Doom Greenwood, Ed71
 Shadowspawn Offutt, Andrew J71
 Sherwood Godwin, Parke71
 Shock Wave Cussler, Clive71
 Singer Thesman, Jean71
 Six Moon Dance Tepper, Sheri S.71
 Skin Game Collins, Max Allan71
 Skyfall Asaro, Catherine71
 Somewhere in Time Matheson, Richard71
 Song of the Saurials Novak, Kate & Grubb, Jeff71
 Spectre Laws, Stephen71
 Spirit Mirror Marley, Stephen71
 Spirit of the Wind Pierson, Chris71
 Spirits in the Wires de Lint, Charles71
 Spore Whitman, John71
 Stamping Butterflies Grimwood, Jon Courtenay71
 Star Commandos Griffin, P. M.71
 Star Commandos: Death Planet Griffin, P. M.71
 Star Hatchling Bechard, Margaret71
 Star Wartz Tilley, Patrick71
 Starswarm Pournelle, Jerry71
 State of Change Bulis, Christopher71
 Steal the Dragon Briggs, Patricia71
 Stealing the Elf-King's Roses Duane, Diane71
 Stone and Sky Edwards, Graham71
 Stoneskin's Revenge Deitz, Tom71
 Stowaway to Mars Wyndham, John71
 Sunfall Cherryh, C.J.71
 Sunstorm Clarke, Arthur C. & Baxter, Stephen71
 Surface Action Drake, David71
 Surrender to the Will of the Night Cook, Glen71
 Sword-Born Roberson, Jennifer71
 Swords of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice71
 Spellsinger Roberts, Rachel611
 Shadowland/Love You To Death Cabot, Meg & Carroll, Jenny68
 Schild's Ladder Egan, Greg76
 Shockball Viehl, S. L.66
 Slant Bear, Greg66
 Star Wars Lucas, George66
 Supertoys Last All Summer Long Aldiss, Brian66
 Spirits White as Lightning Lackey, Mercedes & Edghill, Rosemary75
 Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers Harrison, Harry65
 Sultan of the Moon and Stars Arden, Tom75
 Songs of Power Bell, Hilari74
 Settling Accounts Trilogy: Drive to the East Turtledove, Harry73
 Shadow Realm Alexander, Marc63
 Sharra's Exile Bradley, Marion Zimmer73
 Sideshow Tepper, Sheri S.73
 Singer from the Sea Tepper, Sheri S.63
 SOPHIA: A Woman's Search for Troy Joaquim, Nancy73
 Spellfire Greenwood, Ed73
 Sphere Crichton, Michael73
 St. Patrick's Gargoyle Kurtz, Katherine73
 Starfleet Year One Friedman, Michael Jan73
 Stars and Stripes Forever Harrison, Harry73
 Stormchaser Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris73
 Sunrise on Mercury Silverberg, Robert73
 Sword-Breaker Roberson, Jennifer63
 Serpent's Reach Cherryh, C.J.62
 Sideshow Resnick, Mike62
 snow dog dale, jenny62
 Spawn of the Winds Lumley, Brian62
 Sword-Maker Roberson, Jennifer62
 Sword-Singer Roberson, Jennifer62
 Shadow's Realm Reichert, Mickey Zucker61
 Slipt Foster, Alan Dean61
 Soul of the City Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn61
 Spell of Fate Brenner, Mayer Alan61
 Spell of Intrigue Brenner, Mayer Alan61
 Spinneret Zahn, Timothy61
 Starman Jones Heinlein, Robert A.61
 Starworld HARRISON, HARRY61
 Steelheart Dietz, William C.61
 Super Human Carroll, Michael61
 Sword And Sorceress XIX Bradley, Marion Zimmer61
 Splinter of the Minds Eye Foster, Alan Dean66
 Shapechangers Roberson, Jennifer64
 Star Risk, Ltd. Bunch, Chris64
 STITCH IN SNOW McCaffrey, Anne64
 summer of the swans Byars, Betsy64
 Silver Screen Robson, Justina53
 Spirit of the Stone Furey, Maggie63
 Star Trek Logs 1-10 Foster, Alan Dean63
 Starman Foster, Alan Dean63
 Super-Cannes Ballard, J. G.53
 Sailing to Byzantium Silverberg, Robert52
 Shadow Magic Jones, Jaida & Bennett, Danielle62
 Shadows of Sanctuary Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn52
 Single White Vampire Sands, Lynsay62
 Sovereign Brown, Simon62
 Spiral Remic, Andy62
 Spring-heeled Jack Pullman, Philip62
 Stalker David, Peter62
 Starliner Drake, David62
 Stars & Stripes in Peril Harrison, Harry52
 Stars and Stripes Triumphant Harrison, Harry52
 Steppe Anthony, Piers52
 Storeys from the Old Hotel Wolfe, Gene62
 Strange Travelers Wolfe, Gene62
 Strike Zone David, Peter52
 Surrounded Koontz, Dean62
 seven strange & ghostly tales Jacques, Brian51
 Shadow of the Seventh Moon Berberick, Nancy Varian51
 Skryling's Blade Estes, Rose51
 Sky Trillium Bradley, Marion Zimmer51
 Sky Trillium May, Julian51
 Skylock Kozerski, Paul51
 Space Wasters Garnett, David51
 Star Trek: The Motion Picture Roddenberry, Gene51
 Starship Traveller JACKSON, STEVE51
 Strange Highways Koontz, Dean51
 Swordbird Fan, Nancy Yi & Zug, Mark51
 Sentry Peak Turtledove, Harry42
 Short Circuit Wedgelock, Colin42
 Storm from the Shadows Weber, David42
 sam and delilah dale, jenny41
 Season of Sacrifice Klasky, Mindy L.41
 Shadowheart Williams, Tad41
 Shrine of Stars Mcauley, Paul J.41
 Side Show Shelley, Rick41
 Storms of Victory Pournelle, Jerry41
 Svaha de Lint, Charles41
 Swordquest Fan, Nancy Yi & Rioux, Jo-Anne41
 Silverhair Baxter, Stephen42
 Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon Goldstein, Lisa42
 Scream of Stone Athans, Philip31
 Shadow Blade Glass, Seressia31
 Shield of Lies Kub-McDowell, Michael31
 Shining Steel Watt-Evans, Lawrence31
 Storm Glass Snyder, Maria V.31
 Sulphira & Lucyphur Macedo, António de31
 Sylvie and Bruno Concluded Carroll, Lewis31
 Silverfall: Seven Stories of Seven Sisters Greenwood, Ed22
 Sci-Venture Anthology Franklin, Richard & Neale, Richard21
 squires honor Telep, Peter21
 Strange Candy Hamilton, Laurell K.21
 Secret of the Cats Dickson, Sarah11
 Sentinels Weis, Margaret11
 Shadow Dance, Green Daughter, Firewalk, Water Dance Anne, Logston11
 Superscience White, Michael11
 Sword And Sorceress XV Bradley, Marion Zimmer11

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