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213 "i" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with I
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Inuyasha, Volume 24 Takashi, Rumiko103
 Inuyasha, Volume 25 Takashi, Rumiko103
 Isle of the Dead Rodda, Emily103
 I Am Number Four Lore, Pittacus101
 I Am Rembrandt's Daughter Cullen, Lynn101
 I, Vampire Romkey, Michael101
 Ice Song Kasai, Kirsten Imani101
 Icebound Koontz, Dean101
 Icy Nager Alton, Andrea101
 If Whispers Call Bassingthwaite, Don101
 If Wishes Were Horses McCaffrey, Anne101
 Imminent Crisis Bills, Randall N.101
 Impossible Odds Duncan, Dave101
 In The Earth Abides The Flame Kirkpatrick, Russell101
 In the Name of Honor Ward, Dayton101
 In The Ocean Of The Night Benford, Gregory101
 In Viriconium Harrison, M. John101
 Inception Harbinson, W. A.101
 Inheritance Brown, Simon101
 Instead of Three Wishes Turner, Megan Whalen101
 Into a Dangerous Mind Gerow, Tina101
 Into the Looking Glass Ringo, John101
 Inuyasha, Volume 17 Takashi, Rumiko101
 Inuyasha, Volume 32 Takashi, Rumiko101
 Iron Angel Campbell, Alan101
 Iron Kissed Briggs, Patricia101
 Iron Throne Hawke, Simon101
 Ironside: A modern Faery's Tale Black, Holly101
 It Came from the Cafeteria Lerangis, Peter101
 Iterations Sawyer, Robert J.101
 Its a Dog-Eat-Dog World Balban, Bob101
 It's A Magical World Watterson, Bill101
 Into the Wild Hunter, Erin9474
 In the Service of Dragons Stanek, Robert996
 In the Service of Dragons II Stanek, Robert972
 Idlewild Sagan, Nick959
 Inkheart Funke, Cornelia942
 Inkdeath Funke, Cornelia940
 Into the Woods Hunter, Erin926
 Into Battle Nix, Garth914
 Icerigger Foster, Alan Dean912
 Icefire D'lacey, Chris910
 In Legend Born Resnick, Laura910
 In The Heart of Darkness Flint, Eric & Drake, David910
 In the Service of Dragons IV Stanek, Robert910
 Illusion Volsky, Paula99
 Inheritance Paolini, Christopher99
 Into the Fire McKiernan, Dennis L.99
 Island Lerangis, Peter99
 I.D. Lerangis, Peter98
 Industrial Magic Armstrong, Kelley97
 Island in the Sea of Time Stirling, S. M.97
 Into the Out of Foster, Alan Dean96
 In Conquest Born Friedman, C. S.95
 Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott95
 I Am Mordred: A Tale of Camelot Springer, Nancy94
 Insomnia King, Stephen94
 Impulse Hopkins, Ellen93
 In the Country of the Blind Flynn, Michael93
 In the Garden of Iden Baker, Kage93
 Into a Dark Realm Feist, Raymond E.93
 Isle of the Dead Zelazny, Roger93
 Iced on Aran Lumley, Brian92
 Icehenge Robinson, Kim Stanley102
 Imaginary Friends Marco, John & Greenberg, Martin H.92
 In the Forests of Serre McKillip, Patricia A.92
 Infoquake Edelman, David Louis92
 Intensity Koontz, Dean102
 Invader Cherryh, C.J.92
 Iron Master Tilley, Patrick92
 Iceberg Cussler, Clive91
 Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruin Mist Stanek, Robert91
 In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories Bisson, Terry91
 Incredible Animal Adventures George, Jean Craighead91
 Incurable Marsden, John91
 Infernal Desire Machines of Dr Hoffman Carter, Angela91
 Ink Exchange Marr, Melissa91
 Invasion America Golden, Christie91
 In the Hand of the Goddess Pierce, Tamora8111
 Interview with the Vampire Rice, Anne930
 Inkspell Funke, Cornelia926
 Issola Brust, Steven818
 Into the Forge McKiernan, Dennis L.915
 I, Robot Asimov, Isaac814
 In the Service of Dragons III Stanek, Robert913
 I, Jedi Stackpole, Michael A.912
 Into the Cold Fire Ewing, Lynne912
 Interesting Times Pratchett, Terry911
 Intervention May, Julian910
 Into the Labyrinth Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy910
 In Death Ground Weber, David & White, Steve99
 In Enemy Hands Weber, David99
 It King, Stephen89
 In Green's Jungles Wolfe, Gene88
 I am Morgan le Fay Springer, Nancy97
 Imzadi David, Peter87
 In Sylvan Shadows Salvatore, R.A.87
 In the Hall of the Dragon King Lawhead, Stephen87
 Isard's Revenge Stackpole, Michael A.87
 Ilium Simmons, Dan86
 Iron Council Mieville, China86
 I Am the Messenger Zusak, Markus85
 In the Balance Turtledove, Harry85
 Inuyasha, Volume 1 Takashi, Rumiko85
 I Dare Miller, Steve & Lee, Sharon94
 I, Strahd Elrod, P. N.84
 Ice Mage Gray, Julia84
 If at Faust You Don't Succeed Zelazny, Roger & Sheckley, Robert84
 Infinity's Shore Brin, David84
 Inherit the Stars Hogan, James P.94
 Invasion King, J. Robert84
 Islandia Wright, Austin Tappan84
 I Am Legend Matheson, Richard83
 Illegal Alien Sawyer, Robert J.93
 Immortalis Salvatore, R.A.83
 Immortality Inc. Sheckley, Robert93
 Impossible Things Willis, Connie83
 In Winter's Shadow Bradshaw, Gillian83
 Inheritor Cherryh, C.J.83
 Insurrection Weber, David & White, Steve93
 Into the Darkness Turtledove, Harry83
 Inuyasha, Volume 14 Takashi, Rumiko83
 i-o Logan, Simon93
 Isle of the Dead Rodda, Emily83
 I Am a Droid Cerasini, Marc82
 Identical Hopkins, Ellen82
 Igniting the Reaches Drake, David82
 Ill Wind Caine, Rachel82
 Imperial Earth Clarke, Arthur C.82
 In For A Penny Blaylock, James P.82
 In the Empire of Shadow Watt-Evans, Lawrence82
 Into the Shadows Authors, Various82
 Island of Darkness Tuttle, Richard S.82
 Isle of the Dead Gray, Julia82
 Its a dogs life Balban, Bob82
 I See By My Outfit Beagle, Peter S.81
 I Was a Teenage Fairy Block, Francesca Lia81
 Icefalcon's Quest Hambly, Barbara81
 I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You Carter, Ally81
 Immortal Golden, Christopher & Holder, Nancy81
 Impossible Places Foster, Alan Dean81
 Inda Smith, Sherwood81
 Influx Suarez, Daniel81
 Into the Green de Lint, Charles81
 Inuyasha, Volume 2 Takashi, Rumiko81
 Ira Foxglove McMahon, Thomas81
 Ishmael Hambly, Barbara81
 In the Forests of the Night Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia8114
 Ilse Witch Brooks, Terry819
 I Know What You Did Last Summer Duncan, Lois713
 Inversions Banks, Iain M.89
 Inquisition Audley, Anselm78
 Ice Dragon Knaak, Richard A.87
 Ithanalin's Restoration Watt-Evans, Lawrence76
 Ice Cold Kaye, Marilyn75
 Into the Stone Land Stanek, Robert85
 Isle of View Anthony, Piers85
 I Was a Rat! Pullman, Philip74
 Idoru Gibson, William84
 In the Company of Others Czerneda, Julie84
 Inferno Cooper, Louise84
 Ice Station Reilly, Matthew73
 Incompetence Grant, Rob73
 Into Narsindal Taylor, Roger83
 Invaders Lumley, Brian73
 Ibryen Taylor, Roger72
 Ice Trap Graf, L. A.82
 Imajica: The Fifth Dominion Barker, Clive82
 In the Night Room Straub, Peter72
 Inca Gold Cussler, Clive72
 Initiation of War Charrette, Robert N.72
 Iron Dawn Stover, Matthew Woodring82
 Ideal War Kubasik, Christopher71
 Imperial Jailbreak Wolverton, Dave71
 Imposter Freireich, Valerie J.71
 In the Rift Lisle, Holly & Bradley, Marion Zimmer71
 In the Time of Dinosaurs Applegate, K.A.71
 Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth McCoy, Max71
 Inferno Brown, Dan71
 Infiltrator Thompson, W. R.71
 Ingo Dunmore, Helen71
 Into the blue Baglio, Ben71
 Isle of Woman Anthony, Piers71
 Island of the Aunts Ibbotson, Eva67
 I Will Fear No Evil Heinlein, Robert A.66
 In the Ruins Elliot, Kate76
 Islands Of Space Campbell, John W.64
 I Sing the Body Electric Bradbury, Ray63
 Imzadi II : Triangle David, Peter63
 In the Presence of Mine Enemies Turtledove, Harry63
 Infanta Cooper, Louise73
 Immortal Game Niles, Douglas62
 Infinity Beach McDevitt, Jack62
 Interlopers Foster, Alan Dean62
 Ironhand's Daughter Gemmell, David62
 I, Q De Lancie, John & David, Peter61
 Image Odom, Mel61
 In Our Hands the Stars Harrison, Harry61
 In the Beginning...was the Command Line Stephenson, Neal61
 Incubus Dreams Hamilton, Laurell K.67
 If I Pay Thee Not In Gold Lackey, Mercedes & Anthony, Piers62
 In the Moons of Borea Lumley, Brian62
 I am A Barbarian Burroughs, Edgar Rice51
 Immortality Machine Kieniewicz, Paul51
 Into the Void Findley, Nigel51
 Inner Space Elliott, Nathan41
 In Fire Forged Weber, David31
 Into the Maelstrom Drake, David & Lambshead, John31
 Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead Perry, Steve11
 Insanity, Illinois Sumner, Mark11
 Iris Barton, William & Copobianco, Michael11

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