Home Stephen Lawhead In the Hall of the Dragon King

In the Hall of the Dragon King (The Dragon King Trilogy)
Series: The Dragon King Trilogy
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0310205026
Pages: 352 pages
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: 24.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 7
In the Hall of the Dragon King by Stephen Lawhead

Description: A dying knight’s urgent plea propels a disenchanted young acolyte into a deadly mission. On the shoulders of the unsuspecting Quentin rests the course of a kingdom; and ahead of him, a quest that will lead him out of the darkness of the old gods . . . and into undreamed-of spheres of conflict, magic, and light.

Also in this series are The Dragon King Saga, The Warlords of Nin, The Sword and the Flame Return to the Stephen Lawhead page.

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