Home Stephen Lawhead The Warlords of Nin

The Warlords of Nin (The Dragon King Trilogy)
Series: The Dragon King Trilogy
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0310205034
Publisher: Zondervan
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 2
The Warlords of Nin by Stephen Lawhead

Description: In Mensandor's evening sky, the Wolf Star fiercely gleams, a baleful eye beholding the end of the age. Across the southern lands sweep the armies of a grim and terrible foe: Nin the Destroyer, merciless, invincible. Summoned from his studies in the ancient city of Dekra, Quentin sets forth on a perilous journey to open the prophetic path for a coming deliverer - the Priest-King who will wield the blazing sword Zhaligkeer and usher in the heralded age of light.

Also in this series are The Dragon King Saga, In the Hall of the Dragon King, The Sword and the Flame Return to the Stephen Lawhead page.

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