Home Anselm Audley Inquisition

Inquisition (Aquasilva Trilogy)
Series: Aquasilva Trilogy
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0743209656
Pages: 400 pages
Publisher: Earthlight
Price: £10.00
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 8
Inquisition by Anselm Audley

Description: The second volume in the Aquasilva trilogy, where - after the battle that restored Lepidor to freedom - Cathan sets off on his travels again. He is searching for an answer to the storm-magic he used so successfully to save his clan, but he soon discovers a new secret that changes his life forever.

Also in this series are Heresy, Crusade Return to the Anselm Audley page.

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