
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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317 "w" books to be listed.

Sorted by Votes.
Books with Titles Starting with W
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Wall Around A Star Pohl, Frederik & Williamson, Jack103
 Whispering Woods Emery, Clayton102
 Wind of Justice Wulf, Rich102
 World War Z - Oral History Of The Zombie War Brooks, Max102
 Wandering Stars Dann, Jack101
 War Baby Ransom, Bill101
 Warlock Games Byers, Richard Lee101
 Warrior Woman Bradley, Marion Zimmer101
 Wasteland Block, Francesca Lia101
 Water #1 Ascension Dalkey, Kara101
 Water of Life Mor, Caiseal101
 Wayside School is Falling Down Sachar, Louis101
 Welcome to the Monkey House Vonnegut, Kurt101
 Well of Souls Bick, Ilsa J.101
 West and East Turtledove, Harry101
 What Mad Universe Brown, Fredric101
 Wheel of the Infinite Wells, Martha101
 When Lightning Strikes Cabot, Meg101
 When the Bough Breaks Lackey, Mercedes & Lisle, Holly101
 When We Were Real Barton, William101
 White Apples Carroll, Jonathan101
 White Ninja Van Lustbader, Eric101
 White Star Vaughan, Elizabeth101
 Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch Maguire, Gregory101
 Wildfire at Midnight Stewart, Mary101
 Wildwood Dancing Marillier, Juliet101
 Windwalker Cunningham, Elaine101
 Winter Marsden, John101
 Winter of the Crystal Dances Dorsey, Angela101
 Winterdance Paulsen, Gary101
 Wintermind Kaye, Marvin & Godwin, Parke101
 Wintersmith Pratchett, Terry101
 Wisdom of the Fox Turtledove, Harry101
 Wishbone Smith, Kate101
 Wizardology Merlin, The Wizard101
 Wolf's Song Deguardia, Kacey101
 Wolves of the Gods Cole, Allan101
 Working for the Devil Saintcrow, Lilith101
 Would-be Witch Boucher, Rita101
 Wrath of a Mad God Feist, Raymond E.101
 wtf Lerangis, Peter101
 Warriors Super Edition: Firestar's Quest Hunter, Erin10297
 Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans Hunter, Erin9173
 Warriors: Cats of the Clans Hunter, Erin10147
 Warrior's Refuge Hunter, Erin9102
 Wild Magic Pierce, Tamora974
 Warriors: The Rise of Scourge Hunter, Erin965
 Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy Hunter, Erin964
 Warriors: Code of the Clans Hunter, Erin959
 Wolf-Speaker Pierce, Tamora949
 Warrior's Return Hunter, Erin945
 Warriors: Battles of the Clans Hunter, Erin921
 White Gold Wielder Donaldson, Stephen918
 Wardragon Collins, Paul916
 Warchild Lowachee, Karin914
 Wolf Brother Paver, Michelle913
 Watchers Koontz, Dean911
 With a Tangled Skein Anthony, Piers911
 Watchmen Moore, Alan99
 With a Single Spell Watt-Evans, Lawrence98
 When Gravity Fails Effinger, George Alec97
 When Dragons Rage Stackpole, Michael A.96
 Wizard's Holiday Duane, Diane96
 Wolfblade King, William95
 When Blood Runs Cold Wingate, Christian104
 Winter Rose McKillip, Patricia A.94
 Way of the Clans Thurston, Robert93
 Well of Shiun Cherryh, C.J.103
 Where The Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson103
 Whispering Nickel Idols Cook, Glen93
 Wit'ch Star Clemens, James93
 Witchlight Bradley, Marion Zimmer & Edghill, Rosemary93
 Wizard of the Winds Cole, Allan93
 Worlds of Honor Weber, David93
 Worlds Without End Spector, Caroline93
 Warprize Vaughan, Elizabeth92
 Warriors of Ultramar McNeill, Graham92
 We Open on Venus Stasheff, Christopher92
 Werewolf Smackdown Acevedo, Mario102
 White Jenna Yolen, Jane92
 Wind off the Small Isle Stewart, Mary92
 Winter Moon Koontz, Dean92
 Wizard's Heir Hood, Daniel102
 Waking the Demons Merriweather, Kimberly91
 Warlords and Balmorra Windham, Ryder91
 We The Living Rand, Ayn91
 Wellspring of Chaos Modesitt Jnr., L.E.91
 Westlin Wind de Lint, Charles91
 When the King Comes Home Stevermer, Caroline91
 When the Wind Blows Patterson, James91
 Where i'd like to be o'roark, Frances91
 Why the Whales Came Morphurgo, Micheal91
 Wicked Bronze Ambition Cook, Glen91
 Widowmaker Morwood, Peter91
 Wildlife Kelly, James Patrick91
 wings Baker, E.D.91
 Winterlong Hand, Elizabeth91
 World Fall Niles, Douglas91
 World Without End Russell, Sean91
 Worlds That Weren't Turtledove, Harry & Stirling, S. M.91
 Wizard's First Rule Goodkind, Terry872
 Watership Down Adams, Richard933
 War of the Twins Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy919
 Wolf Tower Lee, Tanith819
 Wizardborn Farland, David915
 Wamphyri Lumley, Brian814
 Waylander Gemmell, David914
 Well of Darkness Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy914
 War of Honor Weber, David913
 Wolf Star Lee, Tanith812
 When True Night Falls Friedman, C. S.911
 Witch Week Jones, Diana Wynne811
 Wolf Captured Lindskold, Jane811
 Wolf Queen Lee, Tanith811
 Water Sleeps Cook, Glen810
 White Plague Herbert, Frank810
 White Wolf Gemmell, David910
 Who Killed My Daughter? Duncan, Lois910
 Winter Warriors Gemmell, David810
 Wizard and Glass King, Stephen810
 War Lerangis, Peter99
 We All Died At Breakaway Station Meredith, Richard99
 Wizard of the Pigeons Hobb, Robin & Lindholm, Megan99
 Whipping Star Herbert, Frank98
 Whit Banks, Iain M.88
 Wit'ch War Clemens, James88
 Wren to the Rescue Smith, Sherwood98
 Way Station Simak, Clifford D.87
 Wedge's Gamble Stackpole, Michael A.87
 Wit'Ch Gate Clemens, James87
 Wit'ch Storm Clemens, James87
 Weasel's Luck Williams, Michael86
 When Darkness Falls Lackey, Mercedes86
 With Black & White Comes The Grey Lagana, Giovanna86
 Wolf Wing Lee, Tanith96
 Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart Lindskold, Jane86
 War for the Oaks Bull, Emma85
 War of the Clones Kaye, Marilyn85
 Warriors of the Tempest Nicholls, Stan95
 Way of the Wolf Knight, E. E.95
 Weaveworld Barker, Clive95
 What you make it Smith, Michael Marshall85
 Wicked Lovely Marr, Melissa85
 Windhaven Martin, George R.R. & Tuttle, Lisa95
 Windmaster's Bane Deitz, Tom85
 Witches' Brew Brooks, Terry95
 Wizard World Zelazny, Roger95
 Wolf Hunting Lindskold, Jane95
 Wolfskin Marillier, Juliet85
 World of Ptaavs Niven, Larry85
 Waywalkers Webb, Catherine94
 West of Eden Harrison, Harry94
 When the Devil Dances Ringo, John84
 Where They Are Hid Powers, Tim84
 White is for Magic Stolarz, Laurie Faria84
 White Moon, Red Dragon Wingrove, David84
 White Night Butcher, Jim84
 Wildclown HARD-BOILED Taylor, G. Wells84
 With Mercy Toward None Cook, Glen84
 World's End Vinge, Joan D.84
 Wren's Quest Smith, Sherwood84
 Waylander II: In the Realm of the Wolf Gemmell, David83
 Weaver's Web Ballantine, Philippa83
 Web of Angels Ford, John M.83
 What Daddy Did Shusterman, Neal83
 When Graveyards Yawn Taylor, G. Wells83
 While I Live Marsden, John83
 Why God Has Gray Hair Zufa, Sophia83
 Wicked Willow: The Darkening Navarro, Yvonne83
 Wind Singer Nicholson, William93
 Wizard of Bones Charrette, Robert N.83
 Wizards at War Duane, Diane83
 Wolf and Raven Stackpole, Michael A.93
 Wolfhelm Knaak, Richard A.83
 Woman In Black Darling, John83
 Wonders 1st Race campbell, Joanna83
 World's End Chadbourn, Mark93
 Wrapt in Crystal Shinn, Sharon83
 Wulfston's Odyssey Lorrah, Jean & Howlett, Winston A83
 Warrior: En Garde Stackpole, Michael A.82
 Warrior: Riposte Stackpole, Michael A.82
 Warriors of Alavna Browne, N.M.82
 Water Witch Willis, Connie & Felice, Cynthia82
 Waterdeep Awlinson, Richard82
 Weapons of Choice Birmingham, John82
 Winged Warrior Tuttle, Richard S.82
 Witch's Honour Siegel, Jan82
 Wolf in the Fold Green, Simon R.82
 Warbreaker Sanderson, Brandon81
 Warsworn Vaughan, Elizabeth81
 WarTorn Asprin, Robert & Del Carlo, Eric81
 Web of the Witch World Norton, Andre81
 Westmark Alexander, Lloyd81
 Wet Grave Hambly, Barbara81
 What Lay Beyond David, Peter & Carey, Diane81
 Where's My Cow? Pratchett, Terry81
 Whispers Under Ground Aaronovitch, Ben81
 White Crow Gentle, Mary81
 Wild Kingdoms Earl, Robert81
 Wild Swans Stewart, Mary81
 Windchaser Ciencin, Scott81
 Winning Colors Moon, Elizabeth81
 Witch World Norton, Andre81
 Wolverine's Daughter Durgin, Doranna81
 Woodsong Paulsen, Gary81
 Wordwright Deitz, Tom81
 Worf's First Adventure David, Peter81
 Worlds of Exile and Illusion Le Guin, Ursula K.81
 Winter's Heart Jordan, Robert760
 Witches Abroad Pratchett, Terry714
 Wit'ch Fire Clemens, James812
 Wolf in Shadow Gemmell, David810
 Wolves of the Calla King, Stephen89
 Winds of Fury Lackey, Mercedes78
 Wizard at Large Brooks, Terry88
 Wyrd Sisters Pratchett, Terry78
 Where the Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson77
 Wielding a Red Sword Anthony, Piers87
 We Can Build You Dick, Philip K.86
 Wild Cards Martin, George R.R. & Bryant, Edward86
 Winds of Change Lackey, Mercedes86
 Winds of Fate Lackey, Mercedes86
 Web of Deceit Tuttle, Richard S.75
 When Voiha Wakes Chant, Joy75
 Witch Hill Bradley, Marion Zimmer85
 Wolves on the Border Charrette, Robert N.85
 Warlord Vaughan, Elizabeth84
 Wasteland of Flint Harlan, Thomas84
 What Nightmares Are Made Of Tharp, Melissa84
 Wise Child Furlong, Monica84
 Wispers Koontz, Dean84
 Wren's War Smith, Sherwood74
 Walk in Hell Turtledove, Harry83
 War of Powers Part 1 Vardeman, Robert E.73
 War of Powers Part 2 - Istu awakens Vardeman, Robert E.73
 Warriors of Blood and Dream Zelazny, Roger83
 Waterdeep Denning, Troy73
 When Santa Fell To Earth Funke, Cornelia73
 Who Goes There? Campbell, John W.73
 Wildclown Hijacked Taylor, G. Wells73
 Wind Rider's Oath Weber, David73
 With Friends Like These... Foster, Alan Dean83
 Wizard Varley, John73
 Wizard's Funeral Hunter, Kim73
 Worldmaker Ellis, A. C.73
 Wormwood Taylor, G P83
 Warriors of Camlann Browne, N.M.82
 Warriors Super Edition: Tallstar''s Revenge Hunter, Erin72
 Werecats: Moonlight Tomoko-Rollins, Tibby & Tomoko-Rollins, Tabitha82
 Whistler Taylor, Roger82
 White as Snow Lee, Tanith82
 White Light Rucker, Rudy82
 Whodunnit Smith, Dean Wesley72
 Wings Pratchett, Terry82
 Winner Takes All Green, Simon R.82
 With the Lightnings Drake, David82
 Worlds without Ends Simak, Clifford D.72
 Waiting for Godalming Rankin, Robert71
 Warautumn Deitz, Tom71
 Watchers in the Night Black, Jenna71
 Watchtower Lynn, Elizabeth A.71
 Web Site Story Rankin, Robert71
 West of January Duncan, Dave71
 Wheels of Fire Lackey, Mercedes & Shepherd, Mark71
 Where Late The Sweet Birds Sang Wilhelm, Kate71
 white knight black swan Gemmell, David71
 Wizard and the War Machine Watt-Evans, Lawrence71
 Wolf and Iron Dickson, Gordon R.71
 Would It Kill You to Smile? Bishop, Michael & Di Filippo, Paul71
 Wraith Squadron Allston, Aaron71
 Wolfcry Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia736
 Walking on Glass Banks, Iain M.79
 Wyvernhail Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia78
 Which Witch? Ibbotson, Eva74
 Wolf Worlds Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris64
 Warlock Cook, Glen73
 Watch on the Rhine Ringo, John & Kratman, Tom73
 We Can Remember it for You Wholesale Dick, Philip K.63
 We Few Weber, David & Ringo, John73
 Wheel of Fortune Zelazny, Roger73
 Wicked Willow: Broken Sunrise Navarro, Yvonne73
 Wicked Willow: Shattered Twilight Navarro, Yvonne73
 Wolf Moon de Lint, Charles73
 Wraith Tide Cladingboel, Neil Charles73
 Waking the Moon Hand, Elizabeth62
 Werenight Turtledove, Harry62
 Wild Seed Butler, Octavia Estelle62
 Way of the Pilgrim Dickson, Gordon R.61
 Wheelworld HARRISON, HARRY61
 Wizard of the Rue Morgue Hawke, Simon61
 Warrior: Coupe Stackpole, Michael A.54
 Who's afraid of Beowulf? Holt, Tom62
 Waldo & Magic Inc. Heinlein, Robert A.51
 Warp Speed Taylor, Travis S.51
 Web of the Romulans Murdock, M.S.51
 Web of Truth DuBoff, Amy51
 When Pussywillows Last in the Catyard Bloomed and Other Poems Zelazny, Roger51
 Where the Ships Die Dietz, William C.51
 Wings of Omen Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn51
 Winter Moon Lackey, Mercedes & Lee, Tanith51
 Wizards' Conclave Niles, Douglas51
 Witch's Business Jones, Diana Wynne42
 Without Warning Birmingham, John42
 Wyrms Card, Orson Scott42
 Warlock of the Witch World Norton, Andre41
 Wild Rain Feehan, Christine41
 Wolf's Story Forward, Toby41
 Who's Who Windham, Ryder31
 Whos Who in Star Trek Townley, John31
 War World Dietz, William C.11
 Warlock and Son Stasheff, Christopher11
 Weapon Mason, Robert11
 Who He? Bester, Alfred11
 Wilkins' Tooth Jones, Diana Wynne11
 Witch Wraith Brooks, Terry11
 Wyrldmaker Bisson, Terry11

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