 Home  Authors Robin Hobb

About Author
Writes fantasy novels. Majored in Communications at Denver University, Colorado. Robin Hobb has also been writing books under the pseudonym Megan Lindholm.

Real Name is Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden.

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Books (Sort by Title)[28 books listed]
 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Wizard of the Pigeons with Megan Lindholmn/a19869/10
 The Reindeer People with Megan Lindholmn/a19887/10
 Wolfs Brother with Megan Lindholmn/a1988n/a
 Cloven Hooves with Megan Lindholmn/a19915/10
 Alien Earth with Megan Lindholmn/a1992n/a
 The Gypsy with Steven Brustn/a19927/10
 Silver Lady and the Fourtyish Man with Megan Lindholmn/a1994n/a
 The Inheritancen/a2011n/a

 The Farseer Trilogy VolumeYearRating
 Assassins Apprentice119968/10
 Royal Assassin2n/a8/10
 Assasins Quest3n/a8/10

 The Liveship Traders VolumeYearRating
 Ship of Magic119998/10
 The Mad Ship219998/10
 Ship of Destiny320009/10

 The Rain Wild Chronicles VolumeYearRating
 Dragon Keeper12010n/a
 Dragon Haven22010n/a
 City of Dragons32012n/a
 Blood of Dragons42013n/a

 The Romni Series VolumeYearRating
 Harpys Flight with Megan Lindholmn/a19836/10
 The Limbreth Gate with Megan Lindholmn/a19846/10
 The Windsingers with Megan Lindholmn/a19847/10
 Luck of the Wheels with Megan Lindholmn/a1989n/a

 The Soldier Son Trilogy VolumeYearRating
 Shaman's Crossing120057/10
 Forest Mage220066/10
 Renegade's Magic32007n/a

 The Tawny Man Trilogy VolumeYearRating
 Fool's Errand120019/10
 Golden Fool220029/10
 Fool's Fate320039/10
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