Home Michael A. Stackpole Grave Covenant

Grave Covenant (Battletech: The Twilight of the Clans)
Series: Battletech: The Twilight of the Clans
Volume: 2
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0451456130
Pages: 288 pages
Publisher: New American Library
Price: 5.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 1
Grave Covenant by Michael A. Stackpole

Description: The second book in the Twilight of the Clans series pits the Inner Sphere Successor States against their nemesis, the Clans, as they attempt a foray into Clan territory under the command of Victor Steiner-Davion.

As the Truce of Tukayyid nears its end, the lords of the Successor States embark on a radical scheme to stave off galactic war - creating a new Star League Defense Force to destroy a powerful invading Clan. But intrigues and power plays threaten the Inner Sphere's surface unity - and may extinguish its last hope for its survival.

Also in this series are Prince of Havoc Return to the Michael A. Stackpole page.

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