Home Ursula K. Le Guin Gifts

Gifts (Annals of the Western Shore)
Series: Annals of the Western Shore
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0152051236
Publisher: Harcourt
Price: 17.00
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 2
Gifts by Ursula K. Le Guin

Description: The Uplands are a cruel land. They consist of small and in some cases large chunks of land which are ruled by the Brantor, the one with the greatest gift out of all of the family. In the Uplands many gifts can be found from family to family, Flame-Throwin, The calling, The whithering. But all of the gifts come with a price. But when one boy blinds himself for fear of both his gift and the price he must pay to use it and a girl rejects her gift alltogether a story like no other unfolds.

Also in this series are Powers, Voices Return to the Ursula K. Le Guin page.

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