 Home  Authors Fiona McIntosh

About Author
Originally from Sussex - a once rather grand Victorian seeside town where the well heeled would take their summer holidays.

Childhood was carefree. Between 3 and 8 her family began commuting between England and Africa, where her father was working. Had a pretty easy time of it at the Hove County Grammer School for Girls - capable at sport and a happy average at studies. Never did anything particularly extraordinary.

Joined a terrific little PR firm in London but the travel bug had already bitten her in those formulative years and by 19 she had accepted a job in Paris and a year later journeyed to Australia and never really left again. Forged a fun career in travel and 17 years ago her husband and she set up her own travel magazine and is still heavilly involved in the travel industry. She is progressively dedicating more and more daytime to her writing.

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Books (Sort by Title)[12 books listed]
 The Percheron Saga VolumeYearRating

 The Quickening VolumeYearRating
 Myrren's Gift120047/10
 Blood and Memory220047/10
 Bridge of Souls320059/10

 The Valisar Trilogy VolumeYearRating
 Royal Exile12009n/a
 Tyrant's Blood22010n/a
 King's Wrath320101/10

 Trinity VolumeYearRating
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