Home Marilyn Kaye The Best of the Best

The Best of the Best (Replica)
Series: Replica
Volume: 7
Genre: Other
ISBN: 055348687X
Publisher: Skylark
Price: 3.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 4
The Best of the Best by Marilyn Kaye

Description: Don't be fooled by what you see...
After lots of attention from the media - and from other students - everyone pretty much ignores Adrain, the eight-year-old genius in the ninth grade. He whines, he's snotty, and he's got a lousy attitude. When he runs away, Amy wonders what's up.
Is Adrain too smart to be real?
Is he a victim - or the one pulling the strings?
The more Amy digs for answers, the more she unearths a pit of deceit and corruption.

Also in this series are Amy on Her Own, Virtual Amy, Amy, Number Seven, Pursuing Amy, Another Amy, Perfect Girls, Secret Clique, Special Edition: And The Two Shall Meet, Mystery Mother, The Fever, Ice Cold, Lucky Number Thirteen, Special Edition: In Search of Andy, The Substitute, The Beginning, Transformation, Happy Birthday, Dear Amy, Missing Pieces, Return of the Perfect Girls, Dreamcrusher, War of the Clones Return to the Marilyn Kaye page.

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