Home David Clement-Davies The Alchemists of Barbal

The Alchemists of Barbal (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0330410083
Publisher: Macmillan Children''s Books
Price: $11.93
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 3
The Alchemists of Barbal by David Clement-Davies

Description: Magic and murder, tyranny and treason all feature in this bold new fantasy from the best-selling author of THE SIGHT and FIRE BRINGER. The high stone walls of Barbal encircle a deep rift. At the heart of the city the Lord Alchemist, Mardak the Dark, reigns supreme. His pursuit of power has led the tyrannical ruler to treacherous deeds: seizing the opposing alchemist, Ogog, and holding him hostage in the Ziggurat. However, help is at hand in the shape of a young boy called Silas. Under the guidance of his charismatic mentor, Sultan Ash, Silas sets off for Barbal to free Ogog, armed with nothing more than sheer determinationand a pure white pebble in his pocket. Unbeknown to Silas, the pebble is a Turnstone, a talisman bestowed with magical powers. In Barbal, Mardaks wild obsession has culminated in the construction of the Entropoth, a deadly time machine powered by human souls displaying events happening in the past and future. Mardak may know Silas is on his waybut will he be a match for the Turnstone?
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