Home M. I. McAllister The Heir of Mistmantle

The Heir of Mistmantle (The Mistmantle Chronicles)
Series: The Mistmantle Chronicles
Volume: 3
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 9780747575153
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 6
The Heir of Mistmantle by M. I. McAllister

Description: A brilliant island adventure full of intrigue and excitement

Triumphant heroes and brilliantly wicked villains do pitched battle both morally and physically in this
heart-stopping adventure story.

When the heir of Mistmantle is kidnapped, every corner of the island is searched. But then news starts
spreading about sightings of the infamous Captain Husk, who everyone believed was dead. The
inhabitants of Mistmantle begin to worry that these events are connected and that Husk’s reign of evil
is about to return.

Can Urchin and his trusty friend Juniper recover Catkin before her life is in serious danger?

Also in this series are Urchin of the Riding Stars, Urchin and the Heartstone Return to the M. I. McAllister page.

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