Home Stephen Lawhead The Iron Lance

The Iron Lance (Celtic Crusades)
Series: Celtic Crusades
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0061051098
Pages: 656 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, Incorporated
Price: 6.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 3
The Iron Lance by Stephen Lawhead

Description: In visions of an ancient past, a Scottish lawyer beholds the journey of an ancestor whose fight for his family's home sets him in the thick of the Crusades. Steeped in heroism, treachery, and the clamor of battle, The Iron Lance begins a generational epic.

In book one of the Celtic Crusades series, a Scottish boy travels to Jerusalem to try to regain his family's stolen lands, and ends up saving the relic Iron Lance that pierced Christ's side as well as and entire kingdom. The first in award-winning author Stephen Lawhead’s exciting new Celtic Crusades trilogy, The Iron Lance traces the adventures of a young man in the days of the Crusades, and his discovery of a priceless religious relic.

Also in this series are The Black Rood, The Mystic Rose Return to the Stephen Lawhead page.

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