Home J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien The Book of Lost Tales, Part One

The Book of Lost Tales, Part One (The History of Middle Earth)
Series: The History of Middle Earth
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0395354390
Pages: 297 pages
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Price: $30.00
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 18
The Book of Lost Tales, Part One by J.R.R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien

Description: Continuing the Tolkien renaissance begun with the film The Fellowship of the Ring and before the next installment The Two Towers in Fall 2002, here is a gem within the Tolkien library: a volume of short stories, essays, poetry, background information that forms the basis of The Silmarillion.

Also in this series are The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two, The Lays of Beleriand, The Shaping of Middle-Earth, The Lost Road and Other Writings, The Return of the Shadow, Treason of Isengard, The War of the Ring, Sauron Defeated, The Morgoth's Ring, The War of the Jewels, The Peoples of Middle-Earth Return to the J.R.R. Tolkien page, Christopher Tolkien page.

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