Home Tamora Pierce The Realm of the Gods

The Realm of the Gods (The Immortals)
Series: The Immortals
Volume: 4
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 067988291X
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Price: $4.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 80
The Realm of the Gods by Tamora Pierce

Description: Daine and Numair are suddenly swept into the otherworldly home of the gods after facing certain death on earth. But they cannot remain there for long, because they are both needed to help fight the desparate battle raging in Tortall. And so they undertake the dangerous journey back to earth...a journey that will teach them a great deal about life and about each other, a journey that will lead to the startling culmination of the conflicts, both mortal and immortal, that have long plagued Tortall.

Also in this series are Wild Magic, Wolf-Speaker, Emperor Mage Return to the Tamora Pierce page.

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