Home Marion Zimmer Bradley Two To Conquer

Two To Conquer (Darkover)
Series: Darkover
Volume: 4
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0099290405
Publisher: Arrow Books
Price: £1.75
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 1
Two To Conquer by Marion Zimmer Bradley

Description: It was the final, flaming days of the Ages of Chaos. Beneath its Bloody Sun, Darkover was divided into a hundred warring kingdoms, and civilisation teetered on the brink of oblivion. This is the story of Bard di Asturien, the ambitious soldier-outlaw they called the Wolf of the Kilghard Hills; of Varzil, whom history was to dub The Good - and of the alien from distant Terra who was the exact double of Varzil's enemy.

Also in this series are Heritage and Exile, The Ages of Chaos, The Forbidden Circle, The Saga of the Renunciates, Darkover Landfall, Stormqueen, Hawkmistress, The Heirs of Hammerfell, The Shattered Chain, The Spell Sword, The Forbidden Tower, Thendara House, City of Sorcery, The Winds of Darkover, The Bloody Sun, The Heritage of Hastur, Sharra's Exile, The World Wreckers, Exile's Song, The Shadow Matrix, Traitor's Sun Return to the Marion Zimmer Bradley page.

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