Home Emily Rodda The Maze Of The Beast

The Maze Of The Beast (Deltora Quest)
Series: Deltora Quest
Volume: 6
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0439253284
Pages: 129 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
Price: $4.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 4
The Maze Of The Beast by Emily Rodda

Description: the next missing gem from the magical Belt of Deltora lies hidden in the underwater lair of the hideous and ferocious Glus. Lief, Barda, and Jasmine must summon all their strength and courage to make it through the Maze of the Beast.

Also in this series are The Forest of Silence, The Lake of Tears, City of the Rats, The Shifting Sands, Dread Mountain, The Valley of the Lost, Return to Del Return to the Emily Rodda page.

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